UV Sterilizer?

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Discus Addict
Dec 11, 2005
Gulf Coast Texas
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Here is a better pic of them all. A few people on another post said angels and Oscar's should never be kept together or should they be kept with African Cichlids either.....but so far everything is going great. They have been together about a week and a half now and anytime the Oscar sees me step closer to the tank he swims from one end of it to the other (only does this when I'm nearby) so I enjoy watching him. There have not been any signs of aggression AT ALL (even with the africans) but I believe the reason why is because they each seem to have their own claimed territory.

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Whoa big fella! LOL Looks like you stocked that tank pretty quick. Has your cycle completed? If it has it barely is and has to grow gradually as you add livestock. You may wind up back in a cycle.

Ok, livestock. you really don't have a good mix for that tank. The silver dollars and the Oscar are gonna get big...and quickly. The angels may get picked on by the Africans, time and temperament will tell. Not sure which Africans you have but look like you may have some mbuna. Their diet should be high in algae and vegetable foods and lower in protein. The angels and Oscars want a higher percentage of protein in their diet. The high protein food can cause bloats in vegetarian fish but the mbuna will eat the food meant for the others along with what's meant for him.

Stocking compatability can be subjective. You want the fish to not only get along, but be as physically healthy as possible, as well.



AC Members
Apr 24, 2016
Well I actually have less fish in numbers compared to what was previously in the tank.....before I had 5 Angel's, 2 guppies, 5 silver dollars, 2 mollies, 3 black skirt tetras, 1 Pleco, 1 rainbow shark, 1 Bala shark, and 1 columbian shark.....then realized that was too many(or so I though anyway and also wanted more color in the tank) so I went and bought another 30gal and put 2 Angel's, 2 mollies, 2 guppies, and 3 black skirts in it. (The bala shark, columbian shark, 1 silver dollar, and 1 pleco died during the cycle so I no longer have those) and replace all those fish in the 55gal with 3 Angel's, 6 Africans, 4 silver dollars, 1 oscar, and 1 pleco. So far both tanks seem to be more at peace than before. Hopefully things stay that way.


"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
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They're at peace because the fish are juveniles. When the Africans start breeding they will demolish everything. It's less fish yes, but it's fish with more mass that produce more waste. Things may seem fine now, but that's because everyone is still new and young. All I can do is warn you. Good luck.


AC Members
Apr 24, 2016
So I took you're advise and gave my 2 mollies and 3 black skirts to my neighbour to make a little more room in my 29gal which now houses the Angel's and 2 guppies. In the 55gal I have 1 oscar, 6 African cichlids(not really sure which lake), 4 silver dollars, and a rainbow shark. I noticed the Africans and the Oscar were chasing the Angel's all over the place and kept pecking at them so I needed to do something and this was the best solution I could do right now. I know the Angel's will need a bigger tank but I just wanted them out of the 55gal so they'd stop getting picked on so I'll take care of that situation asap(this was just a temp fix) and on a side note......I know you guys said the Oscar and Africans shouldn't be together but I've never seen them do anything aggressive to each other yet(oscar pretty much rules the tank. All the others move anytime he comes around) so hopefully this time things really are okay now lol



AC Members
Apr 24, 2016
So I decided to buy the UV Sterilizer and filter to give it a try and I love it. This is the clearest the water has been since I first set it up. It's still not crystal clear but the uv sterilizer has only been in the tank roughly 8 hours or so and it's already cleared it tremendously and it has also removed all the bubbles that were collecting on top of the water as well! I'm very glad I decided to get it........the top pic is the tank before the sterilizer and the 2nd is 8ish hrs after sterilizer was plugged in.

