How do I reduce water pump vibration in my house?

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Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I had a fish friend that worked in the wine industry. She studied & passed som 1 & 2 (we helped with quizzing & tasting, lol). Also a distributor friend that hosted private parties. We did a small blind tasting party once, it was fun! 1 guy was an Ozzie wino who could name the exact valley 1 was from...we were severely outclassed!

Keep us up on how you deal with your sound issues. I don't have them now but maybe next house or tank. I think I'm too old & maybe chubby for the crawl space commando 50 ft. wiggle.

Oh, & I now I'm inviting myself over for tank & plant viewing & maybe a sip or 2 of wine. 2 of my favorite hobbies!


AC Members
Nov 16, 2004
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I had a fish friend that worked in the wine industry. She studied & passed som 1 & 2 (we helped with quizzing & tasting, lol). Also a distributor friend that hosted private parties. We did a small blind tasting party once, it was fun! 1 guy was an Ozzie wino who could name the exact valley 1 was from...we were severely outclassed!

Keep us up on how you deal with your sound issues. I don't have them now but maybe next house or tank. I think I'm too old & maybe chubby for the crawl space commando 50 ft. wiggle.

Oh, & I now I'm inviting myself over for tank & plant viewing & maybe a sip or 2 of wine. 2 of my favorite hobbies!
If you're keeping that kind of company you know more than I do. You're certainly invited to come consult on tanks and taste wine. I'm not sure it's possible to not have a great time doing those things.
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AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
I'm not sure i understand the question but jebao DCP pumps are really quiet and cheap. There are of course more expensive DC pumps but the jebao is like $50 and I rather than $50 than $500 or even $2000.


AC Members
Nov 16, 2004
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I'm not sure i understand the question but jebao DCP pumps are really quiet and cheap. There are of course more expensive DC pumps but the jebao is like $50 and I rather than $50 than $500 or even $2000.
That's good to know. I've used their heaters but never any other products. Do they have something in the neighborhood of 800-1,000 gph? How does it compare to other brands you've tried?


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
That's good to know. I've used their heaters but never any other products. Do they have something in the neighborhood of 800-1,000 gph? How does it compare to other brands you've tried?
The dcp 2500 is 660 gph and the 3000 is 840; the 3500 is 925; .... they go up to the dcp-20000 which is 5230 gph. They are variable speed - you set a % of max. They were a lot quieter than the silent sicca (an ac pump) of similar size. Don't let the stop button confuse you - it is a feed button and after a certain amount of time the pump will restart - if you want it 'off' you gotta unplug it or similar.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Wow, jake sounds like he's got the good & inexpensive answer! Although "quiet" can be relative, next to my bed is different than next to my computer between my tv & tanks.


AC Members
Nov 16, 2004
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The dcp 2500 is 660 gph and the 3000 is 840; the 3500 is 925; .... they go up to the dcp-20000 which is 5230 gph. They are variable speed - you set a % of max. They were a lot quieter than the silent sicca (an ac pump) of similar size. Don't let the stop button confuse you - it is a feed button and after a certain amount of time the pump will restart - if you want it 'off' you gotta unplug it or similar.
I read up after your recommendation. This pump looks amazing. Does all this mean I could get an even bigger pump and run it at partial power to have total control of the flow rate? There have been times where I thought I was moving too much or too little water with my existing pump. Also, I have my current pump plugged through a smart plug to shut off for 15 minutes every night at 4:00 AM to flush the system. I have a bit of mesh in place to hold bio media in the 4"x 7' vertical pipe. If I don't flush it every day, tiny gunk builds up on the mesh and it clogs completely in a few days. Does this pump remember settings after power outages? I also really love that it's able to detect when it starts to run dry. I intentionally keep the intake as near the surface as possible just in case something happens. I'd rather pump 20 gallons all over the floor than 250. I always figured the pump would die when it ran dry but that was a price I was willing to pay. Besides, I figured if it did ever run dry, the terrible noise it would make would call me from anywhere in my house to come check on it.


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
I read up after your recommendation. This pump looks amazing. Does all this mean I could get an even bigger pump and run it at partial power to have total control of the flow rate? There have been times where I thought I was moving too much or too little water with my existing pump. Also, I have my current pump plugged through a smart plug to shut off for 15 minutes every night at 4:00 AM to flush the system. I have a bit of mesh in place to hold bio media in the 4"x 7' vertical pipe. If I don't flush it every day, tiny gunk builds up on the mesh and it clogs completely in a few days. Does this pump remember settings after power outages? I also really love that it's able to detect when it starts to run dry. I intentionally keep the intake as near the surface as possible just in case something happens. I'd rather pump 20 gallons all over the floor than 250. I always figured the pump would die when it ran dry but that was a price I was willing to pay. Besides, I figured if it did ever run dry, the terrible noise it would make would call me from anywhere in my house to come check on it.
You can but i'm not sure how low does it go - i've gone as low as 50% (I have 2500,3500 and 5000); i think ti remembers the setting on power outage but i can test that later if you want. I'm not sure how long it will remember but i could test for an hour or two by unplugging one. Never tested it running dry but i know it makes a lot of noise if the sump gets too low. They are pretty cheap in usa - not sure where you are but i think i found someone who sold me a bunch of pumps (I needed 15 or 16) for around $40 a pump. They DO NOT have good warranties but people have used them for years in reef tanks with good success. The typical warranty is 6 month for these - more expensive pumps can have warranty from 1 year to 20 years depending on model and price in case that matter.


AC Members
Nov 16, 2004
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Thank you. No need to test the power outage bit. I read it supports remembering. I'm not worried. I'm really grateful you suggested this to me. I wouldn't have known about these without you.


AC Members
Nov 16, 2004
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Update: It's so quiet now! It turns out probably 90% of the noise was pump noise reverberating through the walls. I've had this setup for the last 6 years and this setup is quieter than the one before so I didn't give it more thought. I now have a gentle water flow noise and nothing else! I can't hear the pump at all.

I have not yet upgraded to the Jebao DCP which would allow me to fine tune the flow even more. I made do with what was on hand plus $30 from the hardware store.

I took the pump out of the water completely to use inline instead of submerged. I now have 12.5' intake with 1" ID. The return is also 12.5' 1" ID. I had a 25' sump pump hose I cut in half. I hadn't seen one of these before. They're vinyl tubes just like most of us use but they have a metal spiral embedded in them which prevents them from squishing from the vacuum of the intake. Before, I used as little tubing as possible to try to hide the pump in the tank. This time, I have several extra feet on both ends. The pump is currently resting in a plant pot but that will change. No vibrations transfer up or down the lines at all. The vibrations are completely absorbed by the plant and the hoses. Nothing is transferred to the house. I had no idea it was as loud as it was until experiencing the quiet of the last hour.

Thank you all for your suggestions. This was a win. I've attached some crummy pictures. It's late at night but I'm too excited not to post. I hooked the whole thing up to test the concept before bothering with pretty plumbing and hiding hoses.


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