african and s/a cics

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Hello my fintime gal...
Nov 18, 2010
Eugene, OR
Real Name
I have an electric blue hap...a chocolate cichlid..a demasoni..a yellow hap...a pleco..a albino zebra cichlid...a bloodparrot...and a jewel cich...a fusco cic and a banded lep..a venustus and a silver dollar an orange compriceps and gold head compricep and black calvus!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Wow, you've got quite a few very large, very aggressive fish. Nearly any of them could have been responsible for the GT.

Considering their eventual size and territory requirements, I definitely wouldn't add anything else to the tank. If you were to add angelfish or rams, or any other less aggressive species to that mix, they would likely end up disappearing just like your GT. Getting aggressive fish into a longer tank, and adding rocks & decor generally helps cut down on aggression by giving them greater distances between territory and breaking up sight lines, but with that many large territorial fish, 90g, whether it's cube or otherwise, doesn't give enough space for territories and won't keep you from having the occasional disappearing fish.

If you really want a "peaceful" tank, you're looking at removing several fish, and coming up with a mostly new stocking plan.


Fish Wrangler
Oct 16, 2008
Wonderful Windy Wyoming
Real Name
Do you already have the 90 long ya mentioned? If so, I'd divide the stock ya have between the two tanks and then add accordingly. Basically, I'd put the electric blue hap, the demasoni, the yellow lab, the kenyi, the albino zebra cichlid, the blood parrot and the jewel cichlid in the 90 long with plenty of rocks, pots and PVC tubes, and then add a few Lake Malawi mbuna for aggression management. Leave the chocolate cichlid (Hypselecara temporalis or H. corphaenoides I assume), the fusco cichlid, the venustus, the three compressiceps, the banded leporinus, the silver dollar and the pleco in the 93 cube, and don't add any fish to that tank. Ya need to rehome the scat. It's adult size is too large for either tank and eventually it will need high end brackish or marine water to retain it's health, as jpappy already pointed out.

Not an ideal stocking situation by any means, but IMO it would reduce the stress on the fish ya have and somewhat takes into account eventual growth and aggression levels.
