FW Fish Profiles

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Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Bleeding Heart Tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma)

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma
Common Name: Bleeding Heart Tetra
Care Level: easy
Size: 2.5 inches
pH Range: 6.5-7.0
Temperature Range: 22-25 degrees Celsius (72-77° F)
Origin: Paraguay and Guapore river basins
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates: Community setups.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 30g for a group of 6.
The Bleeding Heart tetra is a small, schooling Characin. The body is fairly elongated and pink. A small red spot is present on the center of the fish's body, hence its common name of "Bleeding Heart." The fish has a red dorsal fin with broad, black stripes edged in white.

These tetras are active and hardy, making a great addition to the community tank. Provide a good amount of swimming space. A school of at least five is recommended per tank. The aquarium should be well lit and decorated with plants for shelter.

The diet for the Bleeding Heart tetra should consist of vegetable matter. Live foods are appreciated.

Bleeding Heart Tetras should be provided with clean, well-filtered water. The pH value should be between 6.0-7.2 with a dGH up to 12. A general temperature range from 72-82 degrees F will suffice.

Females are bigger than males, but males have a more pointed, elongated and larger dorsal fin. Breeding information is limited.

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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Blind Cave Tetra (Astyanax mexicanus)

Astyanax mexicanus
Common Name: Blind Cave Tetra
Care Level: easy
Size: 4 inches
pH Range: 6.5-7.0
Temperature Range: 22-25 degrees Celsius (72-77° F)
Origin: Widespread from Mexico to Panama and Texas
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates: Community setups.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 30g for a group of 4-5.
This is definitely an odd fish that will capture the attention of most anyone not expecting to see a fish a pink body and no eyes. They aren't too particular about water conditions, and are a good fit in the community aquarium.
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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Black Pacu (Colossoma macropomum)

Colossoma macropomum
Common name: Black Pacu
Care Level: easy
Size: 24 inches
pH Range: 5.8-7.5
Temperature Range: 22-27 degrees Celsius (72-82° F)
Origin: Amazon basin
Temperament: moderately aggressive
Compatible Tankmates:
A large setup of over 500 gallons is required due to their powerful swimming movements. Tankmates should not be small enough to be eaten.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 500g.
Black Pacus are very big Characins. This species requires the same care as its cousin the Redbelly Pacu, except that these fish get twice as large or more. Closely related to the Piranha, they generally lack the aggressive quality of their relatives. The body is dark grey with tiny scales; the belly and anal fin being dark grey, black, or slightly orange in juveniles. The fish may fade in color with age. Pacus are deep-bodied fish that are too large for most home aquariums and so are often seen in public aquaria. C. macropomum is the largest Pacu, reaching a length of 2 feet under the right conditions. Their bodies are more elongate than those of the Redbellies.

Large aquariums of 500 gallons or more are required to hold such a monster of a fish, and even then an adult will eventually grow too large. Provide them with plants and lots of shelter in which to hide. When Pacus get frightened, they dart away from danger using their powerful speed. In the home aquarium, this can leave gallons of water on the floor, heaters broken, and tank decorations destroyed. It is advised that you plan ahead and don't buy a Pacu unless you have at least a five foot long, two feet wide tank tank. Single species are often kept, but they do like the company of their own kind, especially when young.

In nature, Pacus enjoy eating the fruit that falls off of the trees of the Amazon. In the aquarium, they will eat a large variety of foods including grapes, peas, cichlid pellets, live foods, meaty foods, cherry tomatoes, and vegetable matter. If it looks edible, the Pacu is sure to give it a try.

They can handle a large variation of water conditions such as a pH from 5.8-7.5. However, slightly acidic pH is recommended.

Little is known about breeding these creatures.


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Bloodfin Tetra (Aphyocharax anisitsi)

Aphyocharax anisitsi
Common name: Bloodfin Tetra
Care Level: easy
Size: 2.5 inches
pH Range: 6.5-7.0
Temperature Range: 22-26 degrees Celsius (74-80° F)
Origin: Parana River, Argentina
Temperament: moderately peaceful
Compatible Tankmates:
Bloodfin tetras are moderately peaceful and can be kept in a community setup however care must be taken in selecting their tankmates as they are liable to harass long-finned specimens.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 30g.
This small, peaceful species is very hardy and can live in a wide variety of aquarium conditions. They should be kept in schools of six or more in a heavily planted aquarium.


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Cardinal Tetra (Cheirodon axelrodi)

Cheirodon axelrodi
Common Name: Cardinal Tetra
Care Level: moderately easy
Size: 1.5 inch
pH Range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature Range: 24-30 degrees Celsius (76-86° F)
Origin: Widespread from Brazil to Eastern Colombia
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates:
Cardinal tetras make a great addition to the community aquarium. It is highly recommended to keep these fish in schools of six or more. The aquarium should be dimly lit with floating plants and driftwood if available. These fish are only to be kept with other smaller fishes such as other tetra species and corydoras.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 15g for a group of 10.
The Cardinal tetra is an old aquarium favorite. Often confused with the smaller Neon tetra, these Characins display striking colors of blue and red usually only seen with Marine fish. Their bodies are slender; the upper half being blue and the lower half being red. All fins are transparent.

Cardinal tetras make a great addition to the community aquarium. It is highly recommended to keep these fish in schools of six or more. The aquarium should be dimly lit with floating plants and driftwood if available. These fish are only to be kept with other smaller fishes such as other tetra species and corydoras.

Being small fish, Cardinal tetras need small foods such as flakes and small aquatic invertebrates, live or frozen. They are omnivorous fish.

Cardinals need an acidic pH with soft water. A temperature between 72-79 degrees F is appreciated.

Sexing is possible; males are generally slimmer than females. Spawning happens during the evening on brushy plants such as Java Moss. The females lays around 500 eggs. For more information see the breeding habits of the Neon tetra.
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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Cochu's Blue Tetra (Boehlkea fredcochui)

Boehlkea fredcochui
Common name: Cochu's Blue Tetra
Care Level: moderately easy
Size: 2 inches
pH Range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature Range: 22-26 degrees Celsius (72-79° F)
Origin: Widespread from Brazil to Eastern Colombia
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates:
They make a great addition to the community aquarium. It is highly recommended to keep these fish in schools of six or more. The aquarium should be dimly lit with floating plants and driftwood if available. These fish are only to be kept with other smaller fishes such as other tetra species and corydoras.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 15g for a group of 6.
Keep these little guys in soft, slightly acidic water with plenty of hiding areas through the use of plants and driftwood. They prefer the company of their own kind, and thus should be kept in groups of five or more. Their coloring may be faded in unsuitable water conditions.


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Lesser Bleeding Heart Tetra (Hyphessobrycon socolofi)

Hyphessobrycon socolofi
Common Name: Lesser Bleeding Heart Tetra
Care Level: moderately easy
Size: 2 inches
pH Range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature Range: 22-25 degrees Celsius (72-77° F)
Origin: Northwest Brazil
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates:
They make a great addition to the community aquarium. It is highly recommended to keep these fish in schools of six or more. The aquarium should be dimly lit with floating plants and driftwood if available. These fish are only to be kept with other smaller fishes such as other tetra species and corydoras.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 15g for a group of 6.
This schooling Characin is sometimes also known as the Spotfin Tetra. These fish should be kept in groups of at least six in a community aquarium. Decorate the tank with plants and driftwood. They are sensitive to poor water conditions, so weekly water changes are recommended.


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)

Paracheirodon innesi
Common Name: Neon Tetra
Care Level: easy
Size: 1.5 inch
pH Range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature Range: 22-26 degrees Celsius (72-78° F)
Origin: Peru, Colombia and Brazil
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates:
They make a great addition to the community aquarium. It is highly recommended to keep these fish in schools of six or more. The aquarium should be dimly lit with floating plants and driftwood if available. These fish are only to be kept with other smaller fishes such as other tetra species and corydoras.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 10g for a group of 8.

The Neon tetra is one of the most popular aquarium fishes. These are small characins that are similar to the Cardinal tetra, except the Neon has a white pectoral area and the Cardinal has a red pectoral area. The back of the Neon is blue and the anal and caudal areas are also blue.

Neons are perfect for any comunity tank. A large school for six or more neons is always pleasing to the eye, providing a brilliant show of colors. These fish come from the Peruvian Amazon where they live in shaded jungle waters. Neons should therefore be housed in a semi-dark aquarium with the bottom and sides in dark colors. Black tissue can be taped to the sides of the aquarium to sumulate the natural environment. Light the tank dimly from above and, if needed, use floating plants to reduce the light.

In the Neon's jungle habitat, the water is replenished frequently by soft, fresh rain. To provide comparable conditions in the aquarium, frequent water changes should be made. These fish are shoalers, the schools swimming in the middle to lower strata. They are peaceful towards other fish of similar size. Neons are susceptible to the Neon tetra disease.

Viewed from above, a ripe female Neon is broader than the male. The female lays up to 130 eggs on the substrate, and should then be removed along with the male. The fry hatch after 24 hours.


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Pepper Tetra (Axelrodia stigmatias)

Axelrodia stigmatias
Common Name: Pepper Tetra
Care Level: moderately easy
Size: 1 inch
pH Range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature Range: 22-27 degrees Celsius (72-79° F)
Origin: Amazon basin
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates:
They make a great addition to the community aquarium. It is highly recommended to keep these fish in schools of six or more. The aquarium should be dimly lit with floating plants and driftwood if available. These fish are only to be kept with other smaller fishes such as other tetra species and corydoras.
Diet: Carnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 10g for a group of 15.
Despite being small and harmless, this fish likes a diet based mainly on meaty foods and relishes small live foods. Should be kept in soft, acidic water with a gentle flow and plenty of plants and other hiding places. Keep in groups of five or more.


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Rummy-Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri)

Hemigrammus bleheri
Common Name: Rummy-Nose Tetra
Care Level: moderately difficult
Size: 2 inches
pH Range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature Range: 26-30 degrees Celsius (78-86° F)
Origin: River systems of Colombia and Brazil
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates:
They make a great addition to the community aquarium. It is highly recommended to keep these fish in schools of six or more. The aquarium should be dimly lit with floating plants and driftwood if available. These fish are only to be kept with other smaller fishes such as other tetra species and corydoras.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 15g for a group of 8.
This small species gets its common name from its color patter, although its whole head is a red color, not just its nose. The fish has a silver-blue elongated body and a spotted caudal fin. It's not a particularly hardy species, and can be difficult to keep healthy in the aquarium. They should be kept in groups and in soft, slightly acidic water. They are particularly sensitive to high nitrate levels, so frequent water changes and good filtration are required.