FW Fish Profiles

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Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Normal
Place your FW Fish profiles in this thread, as individual posts. Use the scientific name as the post title.

Through Post #77.....

Banded Tiger Loach Syncrossus helodes
Clown Loach Chromobotia macracanthus

Hillstream Loach Beaufortia kweichowensis

Kuhli Loach Pangio kuhlii

Orange-Finned Loach Yasuhikotakia modesta

Skunk Loach Yasuhikotakia morleti

Yoyo Loach Botia almorhae

Gold Severum Heros severus

Striped Raphael Catfish Platydoras costatus

Licorice Gourami Parosphromenus deissneri

Samurai Gourami Sphaerichthys vaillanti

Sparkling Gourami Trichopsis pumila

Bucktoothed Tetra Exodon paradoxus

Pink-Tailed Chalceus Chalceus macrolepidota

Adonis Tetra Lepidarchus Adonis

Striped Anostomus Anostomus anostomus

Benny Tetra Creagrutus beni

Black Diamond Gold Piranha Serrasalmus spilopleura

Black Skirt Tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Bleeding Heart Tetra Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma

Blind Cave Tetra Astyanax mexicanus

Black Pacu Colossoma macropomum

Bloodfin Tetra Aphyocharax anisitsi

Cardinal Tetra Cheirodon axelrodi

Cochu's Blue Tetra Boehlkea fredcochui

Lesser Bleeding Heart Tetra Hyphessobrycon socolofi

Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi

Pepper Tetra Axelrodia stigmatias

Rummy-Nose Tetra Hemigrammus bleheri

Rummy-Nose Tetra Hemigrammus rhodostomus

Rummy-Nose Tetra Petitella georgiae

Serpae Tetra Hyphessobrycon serape

Silver-tipped Tetra Hasemania nana

Socolof's Tetra Gymnocorymbus socolofi

Redtailed Barracuda Acestrorhynchus falcatus

Congo Tetra Phenacogrammus interruptus

Black Neon Tetra Hemigrammus herbertaxelrodi

Columbian Tetra Hyphessobrycon columbianus

Buenos Aires Tetra Hyphessobrycon caudovittatus

Black Phantom Tetra Megalamphodus megalopterus

Emperor Tetra Nematobrycon palmeri

Dwarf Redfin Rasbora Boraras brigittae

Dwarf Spotted Rasbora Boraras maculates

Australian Arowana Scleropages jardinii

Black Darter Tetra Poecilocharax weitzmani

Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare

Deep Angelfish Pterophyllum altum

Longnosed Angelfish Pterophyllum leopoldi

Discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Blue Ram Microgeophagus ramirezi

Bolivian Ram Microgeophagus altispinosa

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid Apistogramma cacatuiodes

Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid Apistogramma agassizi

Borell's Dwarf Cichlid Apistogramma Borelli

Bumblebee Oscar Astronotus orbicularis

Oscar Astronotus ocellatus

Leichardt's Arowana Scleropages leichardti

Asian Arowana Scleropages formosus

Jaguar Cichlid Parachromis managuense

Gulper Catfish Asterophysus batrachus

Starry Woodcat Trachelyopterus galeatus

Oto Catfish Otocinclus affinis

Whiptail Catfish Rineloricaria parva

Royal Whiptail Sturisoma panamense

Farlowella gracilis Farlowella gracilis

Black Banded Leporinus Leporinus fasciatus

Apollo Shark Luciosoma pellegrini

Golden Shark Leptobarbus hoevenii

Diamond Tetra Moenkhausia pittieri

Glowlight Tetra Hemigrammus erythrozona

Siamese Fighting Fish Betta splendens

Giant Gourami Osphronemus gorami

Pearl Gourami Trichogaster leeri

Dwarf Gourami Colisa lalia

Honey Gourami Colisa chuna

Moonlight Gourami Trichogaster microlepis

Cherry Barb Puntius titteya
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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Banded Tiger Loach (Syncrossus helodes)

Syncrossus helodes
Common name: Tiger Loach, Green Tiger Loach, Banded Tiger Loach
Care Level: easy
Size: 12 inches
pH range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature range: 24-28 degrees Celsius (76-82 degrees Fahrenheit)
Origin: Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia
Temperament: extremely aggressive
Compatible Tankmates: Available in this link. Usually feisty tankmates that can handle their aggression are recommended as tankmates with this fish such as tiger barbs, arulius barbs and garras.
Diet: Meaty foods such as bloodworms, earthworms, snails, mussels and shrimps are appreciated greatly.
Tank Size for Adult: Due to their slow growth rate, a 75g can handle 6-8 of these fish. An upgrade in tank size will be needed once they reach six inches in length as they tend to cover large areas as they clash to settle territorial disputes.
Syncrossus helodes is one of the loaches of the Syncrossus genus that is available from time to time although not as popular as the others like the Yasuhikotakia morleti. They are the largest in their genus growing to 12 inches looking more bulky in appearance as they mature. Their color fades away slightly as they mature. Just a few hints, they can be distinguished from Syncrossus hymenophysa by counting the number of stripes which is 10-11 vertical stripes whereas the latter has more than that. The stripes of Syncrossus helodes from the head to dorsal fin are slanted towards the tail whereas it is otherwise in the case of the Syncrossus hymenophysa.

These fish tend to burrow crevices under boulders so make sure the rock placement is stable otherwise you will know what disastrous consequences will be if you do not follow the precautions stated above.
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Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus)

Chromobotia macracanthus

Common name: Clown Loach
Care Level: easy
Size: 16 inches
pH range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature range: 26-30 degrees Celsius (78-86 degrees Fahrenheit)
Origin: Indonesia
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates: Available in this link. Recommended tankmates usually include large species of danios, barbs and peaceful cichlids as long as they can handle the powerful currents the clown loaches require. They should not also be mixed with extremely aggressive cichlids as they cannot take brutal beatings easily.

Angelfish and discus may not be suitable tankmates at all as clown loaches are rather inquisitive fish and their actions may simply stress the cichlids and even possibly nip their fins.

Diet: Meaty foods such as bloodworms, earthworms, snails, mussels and shrimps are appreciated greatly.
Tank Size for Adult: Due to their slow growth rate, a 75g can handle 6-8 of these fish. An upgrade in tank size will be needed once they reach six inches in length.

Clown loach is considered to be the most gregarious of all well-known loaches. It has been the most popular member in the loach family yet a lot of people fail to realize how large this fish actually grows and very few aquaria can readily accommodate their requirements. Allow a bare minimum of 75 gallons when keeping a small group of clown loaches. They require very powerful and efficient filtration systems, strong currents provided by the powerheads, frequent water changes and more attention to the cleanliness of their environment.

Tank should have subdued lighting, soft substrate and numerous hiding places. Plants should also be strong enough not to be easily uprooted. Do not expect most of your plants to survive. Clown loaches (including all other botiine loaches) have a habit for punching holes on the foliage thus damaging the plants. Plants with soft foliage are more vulnerable to such damage in comparison to tougher ones. Java ferns and vallisneria species are almost always guaranteed to survive the loaches' nasty habit along with anubias species.

Clown loaches have little or no scales at all so they fall under the category of scaleless fish where all scaleless fish will succumb easily to various medications if use at heavy doses. It is always advisable to treat with only half of the recommended dosage so as not to further endanger the health of the fish. Do not use salt if you intend to treat the loaches. The same thing applies to almost all bottom dwellers as salt can burn their skin.

When buying clown loaches, please be very observant with their behavior and body structure. You are advised to avoid at all costs clown loaches that appear to have chronic skinny disease. Symptoms will include their obvious skinny appearance where the skull and spinal column are almost visible and concaved stomach. Recommended treatment for this is Levamisole hydrochloride. Ask your local fish store for their sources. This should be applicable to all loaches and more particularly, those that are caught directly from the wild.

Sexual dimorphism is not apparent until spawning season wherein females are often perceived to be taller in body shape comparative to the males if well-fed. Clown loaches do not reach sexual maturity until several years.

Breeding: There has been a few breeding records however a lot of this were not properly documented or successful.
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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Hillstream Loach (Beaufortia kweichowensis)

Beaufortia kweichowensis

Common name: Hillstream loach, Borneo sucker, China sucker, Butterfly pleco, Stingray pleco, Hong Kong pleco
Care Level: easy
Size: 2.5 inches
pH range: 6.5-7.5
Temperature range: 18-24 degrees Celsius (68-76 degrees Fahrenheit)
Origin: Borneo, Sumatra
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates: Available in this link.

Tankmates should be able to tolerate very low temperatures and fast flowing currents. White cloud mountain minnows and several species of danios and devarios make suitable tankmates along with peaceful Schistura species and other hillstream loach species.
Diet consists mostly of algae and aufwuches which harbor the algae. This, in short, makes us think hillstream loaches are indeed omnivores. They have been fed so far with bloodworms, mosquito larva, shrimps and plenty other foods. Small artificial foods will also be appreciated by this fish.

Tip: In order to ensure the continuous supply of algae, the use of sunlight, fertilizers/fish food and dechlorinated tap water in a bucket/spare aquarium (not the main river aquarium!) are very important and will be sufficient enough to grow algae in a few days. Simply place a few rocks inside the bucket of water. Put a pinch of fish food or dose it with fertilizer designed for aquarium plants. Once you are done with the above, place the bucket under direct sunlight. Wait patiently for a few days and you should expect green algal growth among the rocks. Alternately use the rocks by placing a few ones at a time in the main aquarium for the hillstream loaches to feed. Return the rocks to the bucket and use the others thus ensuring you will not run out of the supply of algae which is very important to the well being of the fish.
Tank Size for Adult: 20g minimum for a group of 8-10.
There are several species of hillstream loaches available all around Asia, however, details will be posted for specifics. They are easily distinguished from Gastromyzons by their smaller mouth shape and wider body appearance. A lot of these species can reach to 2-3 inches maximum size although smaller in captivity.

This fish has long been called in several other names including Borneo Sucker, Stingray Pleco, Butterfly Pleco and China Sucker. While they do closely resemble the plecos, the truth is they are neither plecos nor can they be considered as catfish. They are loaches thus falling under the cyprinids category.

Hillstream loaches inhabit fast-flowing streams with boulders and this must be replicated in captivity to satisfy their needs. In short, a tank with substrate and smooth rocks coated with algae make a suitable environment for them. Keep them at a temperature ranging 65-76 degrees Fahrenheit. Higher than that can result in inactivity and reduction of oxygen supply. Plants may be recommended as well to ensure excellent water quality as this fish actually prefers very clean water as evident in their habitat. Provide powerful currents and surface movements to ensure very high oxygen supply and continuing comfort in their home. They will not last long enough if the oxygen is greatly depleted or if any of their requirements are not met at all.

Sexing is not easy and may actually vary depending on the species. As far as breeding, some species have been successfully bred. One species worth mentioning is Sewella lineolata, one of the species well known for its beautiful reticulated patterns.

On tank maintenance, doing 20-30% water change on daily basis is recommended. Small frequent water changes are far more safer for this fish than big water changes at different time intervals as they will not be happy with the tremendous changes in water conditions.

Lastly, it has been acknowledged so far that hillstream loaches can last as long as five years provided they are not deprived of the requirements that will allow them to thrive in your tank happily.
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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii)

Pangio kuhlii
Common name: Kuhli loach, Eel loach
Care Level: easy
Size: 4 inches
pH range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature range: 24-28 degrees Celsius (76-82 degrees Fahrenheit)
Origin: Indonesia (varies with most species)
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates: Available in this link.

Small peaceful tankmates such as Microrasbora erythromicron and Danio margaritatus are very suitable with kuhli loaches.
These fish do not eat snails contrary to other people's belief. The shape of their mouth is not designed for such task at all and would be less effective when compared to the botiine loaches. As these fish have a rather small mouth, make sure to feed them tiny morsels. It is advisable to feed them mainly at night as these fish are rather nocturnal.
Tank Size for Adult: 20g minimum for a group of 8-10.
Pangio spp. have a rather serpentine body shape and grow up to four inches in length. They are quite suitable for community setups and as these are rather sociable fish, do not keep them in less than five in number or you will never be able to see them. They prefer a tank with plenty of hiding places, soft substrate and subdued lighting. They are also quite adept at avoiding being caught due to the fact they can bury themselves under substrate and can even slip behind decorations with ease and inside filter intakes so make sure all filter intakes have been blocked. Do not use rough and sharp objects for the tank containing Pangios as these are prone to injuring themselves in their dash.
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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Orange-Finned Loach (Yasuhikotakia modesta)

Yasuhikotakia modesta

Common name: Red-finned loach, Orange-finned loach, Yellow-finned loach
Care Level: easy
Size: 10 inches
pH range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature range: 24-28 degrees Celsius (76-82 degrees Fahrenheit)
Origin: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand
Temperament: extremely aggressive
Compatible Tankmates: Available in this link. Usually feisty tankmates that can handle their aggression are recommended as tankmates with this fish such as tiger barbs, arulius barbs and garras.

Due to their attitude, they may be best kept in a tank with Yasuhikotakia morleti, Yasuhikotakia eos, Syncrossus spp and other large and aggressive loaches.
Diet: Meaty foods such as bloodworms, earthworms, snails, mussels and shrimps are appreciated greatly.
Tank Size for Adult: Due to their slow growth rate, a 75g can handle 6-8 of these fish. An upgrade in tank size will be needed once they reach six inches in length as they tend to cover large areas as they clash to settle territorial disputes.
Yasuhikotakia modesta is another popular loach although second only to the Chromobotia macracanthus. They are extremely aggressive so it is unwise to try them in community setups where they will inflict physical damage on their fellow tankmates. A large tank should be in order due to their potential size and as they are rather feisty, they need a very spacious tank where they can mark their boundaries and establish social hierarchy.

These have long been confused with Yasuhikotakia lecontei. They are quite discernable due to the fact Yasuhikotakia lecontei has a more slender body shape and are almost silvery in color compared to the Yasuhikotakia modesta who has a more compact body shape appearance. Several morphs are available often with orange to yellow fins and a few times, some have rather pink body.

Be careful when attempting to catch them because like all other botiine loaches, they have a spine found under each eye as a means of defense mechanism.

Lastly, there have been dyed specimens circulating around. Why they were dyed despite their natural coloration is not understood. These fish do not need improvement in their natural coloration. There is no reason to condone such act of cruelty. These are quite easily distinguished by splotches of color around the body which is quite different from the ones that are not dyed.
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Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Skunk Loach (Yasuhikotakia morleti)

Scientific Name: Yasuhikotakia morleti
Common name: Skunk loach
Care Level: easy
Size: 4 inches
pH range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature range: 24-28 degrees Celsius (76-82 degrees Fahrenheit)
Origin: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand
Temperament: extremely aggressive
Compatible Tankmates:
Usually feisty tankmates that can handle their aggression are recommended as tankmates with this fish such as tiger barbs, arulius barbs and garras.

Due to their attitude, they may be best kept in a tank with Yasuhikotakia modesta, Yasuhikotakia eos, Syncrossus spp and other large and aggressive loaches.
Diet: Meaty foods such as bloodworms, earthworms, snails, mussels and shrimps are appreciated greatly.
Tank Size for Adult: 55g minimum for over 15 skunk loaches with several hiding places for them to establish territories.
Do not let this fish's diminutive size and cute appearance deceived you. They are, by far, one of the nastiest loaches you can ever see despite their size. Due to their attitude, they do not make good community fish at all and will inflict physical damage if care is not taken in selecting their tankmates properly.

Like all other loaches, they form a social hierarchy enjoyed by most hobbyists. In a large aquarium with plenty of hiding places provided, they will forever clash against each other often making loud clicking noises. They can be kept with larger aggressive loaches such as the Yasuhikotakia modesta, Yasuhikotakia eos and Syncrossus spp.

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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Yoyo Loach (Botia almorhae)

Scientific Name: Botia almorhae
Common name: Yoyo loach, Pakistani loach
Care Level: easy
Size: 6 inches
pH range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature range: 24-28 degrees Celsius (76-82 degrees Fahrenheit)
Origin: Bangladesh, India, Nepal
Temperament: peaceful to slightly aggressive
Compatible Tankmates:
Slow moving and long finned specimens will not be able to handle the feisty nature of these loaches so keeping them with barbs, danios, rasboras and other fast moving species is hugely recommended.
Diet: Meaty foods such as bloodworms, earthworms, snails, mussels and shrimps are appreciated greatly.
Tank Size for Adult: 40g minimum for a group of 3-5.
Botia almorhae is one of the most commonly available loaches in the hobby. It is very fortunate that they grow no more than six inches which makes them quite suitable for smaller aquarium setups (although it should be no smaller than 40 gallons). They are one of the most boisterous loaches. They are not as nocturnal as the other loaches and will often be seen interacting a lot with each other most of the day. They are also recorded to be one of the fastest growing loaches.

No two fish have similar markings. As they grow, you will notice that the patterns between the two loaches tend to differ. Some may eventually develop reticulated patterns branching out from what seemed simple yoyo patterns.

No successful captive breeding has ever been reported despite several female specimens found to be filled with roe. Males usually are identified by the redness found around their mouths.

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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Gold Severum (Heros efasciatus)

Heros efasciatus

Common name: Gold Severum
Care Level: easy
Size: 8-10 inches
pH range: 6.0-7.0
Temperature range: 23-27 degrees Celsius (74-80 degrees Fahrenheit)
Origin: Amazon basin, South America
Temperament: peaceful to slightly aggressive
Compatible Tankmates:
Severums are fairly peaceful for cichlids. They should, however, be kept with similar-sized fish, as they may pick on smaller, slower moving fish. Ideal tankmates would be similar-sized South American cichlids, plecos and possibly large tetras. The tankmates should nevertheless be big enough not to be regarded as treats. Giant danios, plecos, synodontis, other cichlids, loaches and Mastacembelus often make fine tankmates.
Severums are not fussy eaters and will consume almost everything provided. As these are omnivores, they will eat plant matter and meaty foods. Please do make sure the rest of the fish can get their fair share of foods as these severums do tend to outstrip their competition for food.
Tank Size for Adult:
Due to their fast growth rate which eventually slows down the moment they reach six inches, it is recommended that a 40g be provided as a start for one severum. A 55g will accommodate a pair of severums.
Severums originated from Amazon River basin in South America where water is soft and acidic although captive-bred severums can adapt well to different water conditions when acclimated properly.

Heros efasciatus are often confused with the Heros severus. The difference is H. efasciatus are substrate spawners whereas as H. severus are mouthbrooders.

They are often sold as juveniles in pet stores and are not as expensive as the adults are. It will be worth your while buying them as juveniles and raise them to adulthood. This species can grow 8-10 inches and this must be considered before you purchase them. Growth rate eventually slows down the moment they reach 5-6 inches.

The tank must be large enough with 40 gallons as the minimum when keeping one. A tank should be furnished with plenty of driftwoods, substrate and plastic plants. Ideally, Java ferns and anubias may work. Several live plants will not last a long time as the severums will eventually shred them to pieces.

Males and females are very difficult to distinguish although females do have shorter anal and dorsal fins. Females are also reported to have slightly lighter coloration than males with few or even no squiggle marks on their faces.

During spawning season, like all other cichlids, males should have ovipositors with the tip shaped rather pointed and positioned almost forward whereas females will have a round tip and positioned backwards. These are open water breeders and will lay eggs reaching 500 and more. They tend for their fry afterwards.
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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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Striped Raphael Catfish (Platydoras costatus)

Platydoras costatus
Common Name: Striped Raphael Catfish
Care Level: easy
Size: 8 inches
pH range: 6.5-7.5
Temperature Range: 24-28 degrees Celsius (76-82 degrees Fahrenheit)
Widely distributed around Brazil particularly the Amazon basin, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay.
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tankmates:
They are suitable with plenty of community fish although care must be taken not to mix them with fish that may appear tempting for them to eat. They, like other fish, can be opportunistic and may try to gorge fish that will fit their mouths.
These fish will appreciate all aquarium foods given.
Tank Size for Adult: 40g
Striped Raphael catfish are relatively easy to keep. Care must be taken when handling this fish as it has sharp pectoral fins which can cause serious damage to the fish nets and even the hands if not handled properly.

They are not fussy with water conditions at all and will appreciate a tank with plenty of hiding places. Take note that it is always advisable to provide plenty of hiding places for these fish to avoid long-term stress which can be detrimental to their health. At first, these fish are shy and will often not show up for a few weeks, even months. Later on, they will eventually show up parading almost in front of the tank looking for foods, if not during feeding time.

These fish tend to gorge anything you give them so feed them sparingly or you will see them appear to have eaten a golf ball.

Sexing and breeding are not known so far.
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