Using prime and water changes


AC Members
Jan 20, 2007
I read that prime works within 24-48 hrs to detoxify ammonia how often should you do water changes after adding the prime. I am using it in a 5 gallon freshwater tank.
Prime will temporarily bind the ammonia for 24-48 hours when used as directed.

You should dose Prime for the volume of water you are changing if using a bucket or container and can then add it directly to the aquarium.
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OK but as far as water changes go should I do another water change after the 24-48 hrs & dose again with prime? I read that for a 5 gallon tank I should use 0.5ml of prime. I did a water change today and removed 1/2 of the tank water. This was a cycled tank has been for quite some time but I got an ammonia spike just a water change did nothing to lower the ammonia so I wanted to try using the prime they say you will get false positive readings so how do you know the prime is working and how long to use it?
platytf, I had typed a diffent answer until I realized who your are & how long you've been on AC.

Yes, Prime can be used in an emergency to remove (or "detoxify") ammonia . In a small tank I do 2 drops Prime/gal of water. You really need to pay attention to tests. I'm a big fan of water changes!

So what happened to your tank that this sudden drama happened? We've all done some lesser stuff that can lead to bad things...or just general neglect? Fess up, you know we'll try to help as best we can ;)
platytf, I had typed a diffent answer until I realized who your are & how long you've been on AC.

Yes, Prime can be used in an emergency to remove (or "detoxify") ammonia . In a small tank I do 2 drops Prime/gal of water. You really need to pay attention to tests. I'm a big fan of water changes!

So what happened to your tank that this sudden drama happened? We've all done some lesser stuff that can lead to bad things...or just general neglect? Fess up, you know we'll try to help as best we can ;)
I was doing water changes every 1-2 weeks but due to illness I hadn't been able to do water changes and had let it go 3-4 weeks I know not good. All I really was asking was information regarding the use of prime I know that water changes are important and I do check my tanks with the ammonia test drops. I usually do take good care of my tanks and appreciate your help.

It binds it to make it non-toxic FOR 24-48 hours...not within 24-48 hours. The binding period keeps fish safe, until your established bacteria can consume it. You can dose for just the amount of water you are adding by dosing that new water, or dose for the tank size if dosing to the tank. There shouldn't be a need to water change after the WC with Prime. If worried, test and re-evaluate another WC with prime.

It binds it to make it non-toxic FOR 24-48 hours...not within 24-48 hours. The binding period keeps fish safe, until your established bacteria can consume it. You can dose for just the amount of water you are adding by dosing that new water, or dose for the tank size if dosing to the tank. There shouldn't be a need to water change after the WC with Prime. If worried, test and re-evaluate another WC with prime.
Thank you appreciate the advise.
Really, I don't think it's ammonia you need to worry about in a cycled tank. The beneficial bacteria can double every 24 hours or so. It should keep up with ammonia & nitrite of normal amounts. (not like some dead fish or a major! overfeeding)

It's nitrate that builds up without water changes. Not deadly until very high. You should be ok getting back to regular WCs. Even "old tank syndrome" takes a long time of neglect to happen (many months or years)

I hope your feeling better!