round green parasites?


AC Members
May 16, 2004
hey.. i saw a fish that i really wanted at the store on wednesday.. but he had little green parasites.. smaller than a pea... kinda like a pea cut in half.
what is it? easy to get rid of? there were only two of them on him. so i'm thinking about getting him and treating him in a qt tank.
this is what i found: any recommendations?
It is said that this parasite can be commonly introduced into our koi ponds by frogs and toads. It is however easy to detect with the naked eye especially against the background of fins and white skin of affected koi. Size varies from between 1mm and 5mm. Attaching themselves to the koi by suckers which damages the skin, they also inject a poison into the body of the koi which causes inflammation, bleeding and potentially secondary bacterial infection. Pale green in colour, juveniles are more transparent.

Argulus must be eradicated quickly as the parasite causes considerable physical damage to the skin which often results in subsequent ulceration of the affected areas if left untreated.

Chemical treatments recommended to eradicate these parasites are either Dimilin or Paradex. As the parasite is easy to spot with the naked eye, physical removal is suggested before chemical treatment to remove as many as possible from affected Koi.

the two bugs are probably 4mm in diameter.. and green, which makes me feel like they're juveniles.. but that was 2 days ago..
do you think the regular jungle parasite stuff will take care of any leftover/secondary issues if i pull the two bugs off?
Green? Never even saw fish lice in that color. Use dimilin powder though I suggested the use of Sera Cyprinopur when my lfs had a case of fish lice before.

Dimilin Powder
The only known method of killing this parasite, without killing the fish is DIMILIN POWDER which can be used safely at any water temperature and has an action of sterilizing the adult and larval stages of this parasite which insures that all eggs produced, after the application of Dimilin, will not hatch.

Method: Dimilin Powder at the rate of 1 gram per ton of pond water. Measure out the quantity required and mix in a plastic bucket with pond water ensuring that the powder is dissolved then add to the pond in the previous manner. A second dosage may be needed to ensure that the life cycle of the anchor worm has been halted. After this second application the dead adults, which will still be hanging from the fish, can be removed using tweezers but making sure that the hooks, as well as the tail of the anchor worm are removed and then apply a proprietary topical dressing to prevent a secondary infection.
where do i find dimlin powder?
how much time do i have?. its a little baby goldfish.. probably an inch long... they've only got so much blood.
where do i find dimlin powder?
how much time do i have?. its a little baby goldfish.. probably an inch long... they've only got so much blood.
do you think the regular jungle parasite stuff will take care of any leftover/secondary issues if i pull the two bugs off?
I don't live in US however you could try pharmacies or stores specializing livestocks. The fish lice are capable of swimming from one host to another host. Seeing as this involves a baby goldfish, removal by force with tweezers can result in big blood loss but the fish lice themselves will already contribute to it. I don't think this part is safe. The only safe way is treating the fish in the quarantine tank with a medicine. It's either Dimilin powder or Sera Cyprinopur for you. You can however use other meds afterwards to treat for secondary infections.
alright.. i think there's a pond store nearby.. i'll try to find something and if i can't, then i won't buy the fish.. thank you for your help/advice.
i wasn't able to find dimlin powder, but i'm being told that parasite clear from Jungle labs will cure them.

Active ingredients: praziquantel; N-[[(N-Chlorophenyl)amino]carbon 1]-2,6-difluorobenzamide; metronidazole; acriflavine.
i wasn't able to find dimlin powder, but i'm being told that parasite clear from Jungle labs will cure them.

Active ingredients: praziquantel; N-[[(N-Chlorophenyl)amino]carbon 1]-2,6-difluorobenzamide; metronidazole; acriflavine.
Give it a try and let us know how everything goes.:) I made another research and here are some results.

Parasite Clear Tank Buddies — Now with Praziquantel. Quickly clears external and internal parasites. Helps prevent secondary infections. Will not harm biological filtration. No need to raise the water temperature. STORE USE SIZE. Clears external and internal parasites. No need to raise the water temperature. Also helps prevent secondary infections and will not harm biological filtration. The fizz lets you know it's working! Details: Wait 48 hours between treatments. Remove activated carbon. Change 25% of the water before each new treatment. For anchor worms, repeat treatment up to three times, once a week, for three weeks. For fish lice, treat once a week for three to five weeks. DO NOT OVERDOSE. Active ingredients: praziquantel; N-[(N-Chlorophenyl)amino]carbon 1]-2,6-difluorobenzamide; metronidazole; acriflavine.

Parasite Guard — Clears External Parasites. STORE USE SIZE. A safe, effective treatment for the common external parasites that live on the skin, fins, gills and mouth cavity of fish including anchor worms, fish lice, gill and body flukes, and gill mites. Harmless to fish, plants and biological filter beds. Details: Wait six days between treatments. Remove activated carbon and change 25% of the water before each treatment. Maintain strong aeration during treatment. Remove snails and crustaceans. Use half strength on Silver Dollars, Discus, Piranhas and other members of the Characidea family.

Parasite Guard (Crystal) — Clears External Parasites. A safe, effective treatment for the common external parasites that live on the skin, fins, gills and mouth cavity of fish including anchor worms, fish lice, gill and body flukes, and gill mites. Harmless to fish, plants and biological filter beds. Details: Wait six days between treatments. Remove activated carbon and change 25% of the water before each treatment. Maintain strong aeration during treatment. Remove snails and crustaceans. Use half strength on Silver Dollars, Discus, Piranhas and other members of the Characidea family.
alright.. well i guess it's worth the shot.. the fish is being bought at a discount because he's sick and i wont be able to return him if things go wrong. so it's not a problem financially.. i'm going to give it a shot and i'll post updates. thanks a bunch, lupin for your help!