after winning tank of the year. you better update! lol

Thank you to one and all for choosing my tank as the TOTY. I was very surprised when I recevied the email from an admin.
Due to traveling for business for the last year. The tank has gone idle... would be the best way to put it. The Mrs.'s has been feeding and doing weekly water changes. Co2 has been discontinued to slow down the plant growth. While some plants have suffered others have flurished. Pellia is now the dominant plant. Without Co2 riccia has slowed way down, other than two 150 watt metal halide bulbs I guess the tank has gone low tech, there's no fertz added, the lights are 2' off the top of the tank, Co2 discontinued. Water changes of 30% and fish are fed maybe once every two or three days. Yes I'd prefer if they were fed more but the Mrs.'s has done a fine job for the last year, I can't really complain. I have found there's now small amano shrimp in the tank, I guess they bred. And now I have two striped pelco's where I only bought one and those two seem to have bred as there's a 1" striped pelco I've found drifting across the glass, pretty cool.
The upper section of the tank is doing equaly as well and in just the last month we noticed the birds were trying to pull down the vining pants and were making a nest. So I broke down and bought them a nest after reading that finches prefer to scavange someone else's hard work for their own nest. Well, just this morning I took a small mirror and took a look inside and sure enough there's four eggs. Now this is going to be a problem with the open tank, I doubt babies will do well to avoid drowning. Well here's the pics of how she looks today. Wish I had more time at home to concentrate on her but that's life.
Thank you for all your praise.

TOTY-09-7.jpg TOTY-09-10.jpg TOTY-09-11.jpg TOTY-09-16.jpg TOTY-09-23.jpg TOTY-09-25.jpg TOTY-09-28.jpg TOTY-09-30.jpg
Is that really a bird?
awesome looking tank
Is that really a bird?
awesome looking tank
Living breathing SH-----g BIRD YUP two of them and about to become 6 possibly. As the pic shows momma bird is sitting on the nest and I think I saw four eggs. But i know i can't have the open top to the tank with babies. not sure if I'm going to try and cover the water or remove the birds all together to a breeding cage. And et there waste and there mess and there seed all ends up in the tank. But i look at it as fertilizer not waste.