Mugshots 3.0 Discussion Thread--Bump For 2015

Wowza DD!
Ems... :p
I cant see the attachment but i assume its the same as your avatar, Ems. Gorgeous :)

This morning I go to sit in the park and relax on the bench.
The cops pull up in a truck and pull out a box. From the box
pops out a kid in a leprechaun outfit an starts breakdancing
with his mask on. The other cop's walking around shaking a
tin cup with his mask on. DOUGH NATIONS! DOUGH NATIONS!
They're watching me.
He's to small and I really can't do anything.
I don't want to be labeled as a bully. Neither
am I shy. I have the kids sporting needs in
the car and told the judge they're not allowed
here for a specific reason and can be better
understood if looked into. The issue being
neglected and now falls in the containment
category and neither do I have a degree in salsa
dancing and for that reason not looking to do
someone else's job. To make a long story short.

He's telling us what to do.

I've cold turkey'd bigger women pulling a geese in
the local bordel.
terrot machine - Vincent the chin - flea bay

DHL drops off a case of wine at my house. I see the box outside
the door and bring it in. Later on the recipient who lives in the house
walks in and see's it there. They see there name on the box and it
just happens to be a gift from another relative. They open the box
and inside on the bottom is another box. With out looking opens
up the other box and finds over $4,000 of designer silk shirts.
After checks the label on the box and it's a botched delivery that
was supposed to be packed with a different box of wine that was
to be shipped to the local court house. You now have no choice
but to contact the sender. It's only over $4,000.00