I have a marineland peinguin 350. I superglued the valve so it doent suck air intill the water is below the valve. I can't open the valve now but at least i can do up to about 40% water changes each week without unpluging filter. I also got an extra valve and upper intake pieces for free from marineland, so if i sell or give away powerfilter they can use the the pieces they want. The only thing i don't like about filter now is that it seems the top of filter media get dirty while the bottom is hardly gets dirty, yet water will bypass the filter media above at this point because the filter media is slowing the water flow thru it. Part of these two issues may be because i have little foam filters behind other filter media. Well, also i get alittle splashing or dripping sound that is annoying with biowheels turing or not. The tank is full of water so dont know why i'm getting spashing or dripping sound. The motor seems quieter than a whisper of near same size or rating. My whisper works great but motor is annoying.