I hate to throw my chemist husband under the bus (he absolutely hates trying to do water chemistry as they relate to tanks, not his specialty at all). But he said, a long, long while ago, that it's likely Prime & Safe are similar but not equal. But because of Seachem's "proprietary" lack of info it's hard to say. He's retired & doesn't have any analysis abilities.
I have never used Safe but Prime is my dechlor of choice. We used to live where chlorine was the municipal water treatment. But now we have chloramines that the cheap dechlors don't "fix" (separate the chlorine from ammonia & bind them in a safer form). I have also used Prime as a cycling emergency tx. I imagine in ponds there's a different dimension by sheer volume of water...& costs of treatment. Prime is more expensive but negligible in most of our "regular folks size tanks". I buy it by the gallon & it lasts for several years.
As 2tank said, I don't want to use aloe in my tanks. Even if it doesn't kill fish outright, gunked up gills are not something I want for my fish.
I have never used Safe but Prime is my dechlor of choice. We used to live where chlorine was the municipal water treatment. But now we have chloramines that the cheap dechlors don't "fix" (separate the chlorine from ammonia & bind them in a safer form). I have also used Prime as a cycling emergency tx. I imagine in ponds there's a different dimension by sheer volume of water...& costs of treatment. Prime is more expensive but negligible in most of our "regular folks size tanks". I buy it by the gallon & it lasts for several years.
As 2tank said, I don't want to use aloe in my tanks. Even if it doesn't kill fish outright, gunked up gills are not something I want for my fish.