Illegal Fish Thread

Prohibited in Colorado

7. PROHIBITED SPECIES: These species and their viable eggs are detrimental to other fish and habitat in
Colorado. Unless authorized in writing by DOW for controlled and experimental purposes only, it is illegal to
export, import, transport, stock, sell, acquire and possess for release these species: piranha; trahira; gar (all
species); snakeheads or murrels; sticklebacks; walking catfish; tilapia; bowfins; rudd; zebra mussels; quagga
mussels; New Zealand mud snail; Eurasian ruffe; white perch; rusty crayfish; carp (silver, Indian, bighead,
giant barb, mrigal, largescale sliver, rohu, black and mahseers); Asian swamp eel; green frog and gobies..

Pretty short list. I work a lot with the DOW, so I'll check and see if there's a more comprehensive list. BTW, I've seen Piranha in pet stores here.
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im sad to say that here in my country. those banned fishes are still being sold. and no one really seems to care about those banned fishes. because they just keep restocking in the stores.
im doing the same thing as you for a nursing home. but it wont let me post a new thread.....
@ Buggieboy:

Freshwater Eels, Family Anguilliidae
All species except American Eel, Anguilla rostrata

Freshwater eels can't be banned because they are found in chain pet shops (ie: fire,peacock,and tiretrack eels are found in Petco and Petsmart.)
@ Buggieboy:

Freshwater eels can't be banned because they are found in chain pet shops (ie: fire,peacock,and tiretrack eels are found in Petco and Petsmart.)
The fish you mentioned are members of the family Mastacembelidae and aren't eels at all.
All specie of piranha are banned here in philippines..but there are some you can find on the black market like Pygocentrus Nattareri and Serasalmus Sanchezi and Serasalmus Rhombeus Pygocentrus Piraya is difficult to find.
Snakeheads arent banned in here:swear:
Your Parachanna obscura or Channa spp "Snakehead" Oh yeah definitely illegal!!! Hope this is what your after. The following is for Victoria other states would have simmular.

Potentially noxious species can include fish, and other aquatic plants and animals. Victoria has listed a number of species and genera as noxious under Section 75 of the Fisheries Act 1995.
By declaring a particular species as noxious, the Victorian Government applies regulations to control the use and potential spread of such animals.

Once declared as noxious, people must not bring these species into the state, nor take, hatch, keep, possess, sell, transport, put into any container or release into protected waters any declared noxious aquatic species (unless otherwise authorised by permit). A number of offences have been created relating to noxious aquatic species in Victoria.

Scientific Names Common Names

Acanthogobius flavimanus - Yellowfin goby
Acestrorhynchus microlepis - Pike characin
Alfaro cultratus -
Amia calva - Bowfin
Anabas testudineus - Climbing perch
Anaspidoglanis macrostoma - Flatnose catfish
Apeltes quadracus - Fourspine stickleback
Asterias amurensis - Northern Pacific seastar
Atractosteus spp - Alligator gar
Bagrus ubangensis - Ubangi shovelnose catfish
Belonesox belizanus - Pike minnow, pike killifish
Boulengerella maculata - Spotted pike-characin
Boulengerochromis microleps - Giant cichlid
Bryconops affinis - Orangefin tetra
Bryconops melanurus-
Catlocarpio siamensis- Giant barb
Caulerpa taxifolia - Aquarium caulerpa
Crenicichla dorsocellata- Eye-spot pike cichlid
Centrarchidae family - Bass, sunfish
Centropomus spp - Snooks
Chaca chaca - Squarehead catfish
Channa spp - Snakehead
Cherax cainii - Red claw crayfish
Cherax tenuimanus - Hairy marron
Cichlasoma urophthalmus - Mexican mojarra
Cirrhinus cirrhosus - Mrigal
Citharinidae, Ichthyborinae subfamily - African pike-characin, tubenose poacher, fin eater
Clarias spp - Walking catfish
Colossoma spp -Tambaqui
Crenicichla lacustrus-
Crenicichla lepidotai - Pike cichlid
Crenicichla notophthalmus-
Crenicichla saxatilis - Ringtail pike cichlid
Ctenopharyngodon idella - Grass carp
Ctenopoma kingsleyae - Silverbelly centopoma
Ctenopoma ocellatum - Eyespot ctenopoma
Ctenopoma weeksii - Mottled ctenopoma
Culaea inconstans - Brook stickleback
Cyprinus carpio - European carp
Dianema longibarbis - Porthole catfish
Dormitator lebretonis - Sleeper
Elassoma spp - Sunfish
Electrophorus electricus - Electric eel
Erythrinus spp - Trahira
Esox spp - Pikes
Fundulus chrysotus - Golden topminnow
Gibelion catla - Catla
Gambusia spp - Mosquitofish
Gasterosteus aculeatus - Three-spined stickleback
Gymnarchus niloticus - Aba aba
Hemichromis fasciatus -Banded jewelfish
Hepsetus odoe - African pike
Herichthys cyanoguttatus- Rio Grande cichlid
Heterandria bimaculata - Twospot livebearer
Heteropneustes fossilis - Stinging catfish
Hollandichthys multifascia-
Hoplerythrinus spp-
Hoplias spp - Trahira
Hydrocynus spp - Pike characin, Giant tigerfish
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix- Silver carp
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis - Bighead carp
Irvineia voltae - Butterfish
Knodus savannensis-
Labeo calbasu - Orange-fin labeo
Labeo rohita - Rohu
Lates microlepis - Forktail lates
Lates niloticus - Nile perch
Lebiasina bimaculata - Twospot lebiasina
Lepisosteus spp - Gar
Leptolebias aureoguttatus-
Leptolebias marmoratusi - Marbled pearlfish
Leptolebias minimus - Barredtail pearlfish
Leptolebias opalescens - Opal pearlfish
Leptolebias splendens - Splendid pearlfish
Malapterurus spp -
Microctenopoma ans

Aquarium Reference Guide

Link with photos:

Species Name Common Name Family Classification
Amia calva Bowfin, Grinnel, or Mudfish Amiidae Prohibited
Channa argus Northern snakehead Channidae Prohibited
Pygocentrus nattereri Red-Bellied piranha Characidae Prohibited
Rooseveltiella nattereri Red piranha Characidae Prohibited
Serrasalmus rhombeus Black piranha Characidae Prohibited
Clarias batrachus Walking catfish Clariidae Prohibited
Clarias meladerma Blackskin catfish Clariidae Prohibited
Pimephales promelas Fathead minnow Cyprinidae Prohibited
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Bighead carp Cyprinidae Prohibited
Mylopharyngodon piceus Black carp Cyprinidae Prohibited
Ctenopharyngodon idella Grass carp Cyprinidae Prohibited
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Silver carp Cyprinidae Prohibited
Leuciscus idus - Golden Golden Orfe Cyprinidae Prohibited
Leuciscus idus - Silver Silver Orfe Cyprinidae Prohibited
Scardinius erythropthalmus Rudd Cyprinidae Prohibited
Neogobius melanostomus Round goby Gobiidae Prohibited
Esox lucius Northern pike Escocidae Prohibited
Lepisosteus osseus Longnose Gar Lepisosteidae Prohibited
Atractosteus spatula Alligator Gar Lepisosteidae Prohibited

Species Name Common Name Family Classification
Cercopagis pengoi Fishhook waterflea Cercopagidae Prohibited
Bythotrephes cederstroemi Spiny waterflea Cercopagidae Prohibited
Eriocheir sinensis Chinese mitten crab Grapsidae Prohibited
Procambarus clarkii Red swamp crawfish Cambaridae Prohibited
Orconectes rusticus Rusty crayfish Cambaridae Prohibited
Euastacus armatus Murray crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Euastacus bispinosis Glenelg crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Euastacus kershawi Gippsland crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Euastacus setosus Spiny crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Euastacus spinifer Spiny crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Euastacus sulcatus Lamington Spiny crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Euastacus valentulus Spiny crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Euastacus woriwuru Spiny crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Euastacus yarraensis Yarra crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Astacopis gouldi Giant Tasmanian crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Astacopis tricornus Spiny crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus affinis Land Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus australis Lilly Pilly Crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus cisternarius Land Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus cunicularius Land Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus fosser Land Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus mairener Land Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus martigener Furneaux Burrowing crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus orramkunna Mt. Arthur Burrowing crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus quadrimanus Mernda Land Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus spinicaudatus Scottsdale Burrowing crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus victoriensis Croydon Burrowing crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Engaeus yabbimunna Burnie Burrowing crayfish Parastacidae Prohibited
Geocharax falcata Land Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Parastacoides tasmanicus tasmanicus Land Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Cherax albidus Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Cherax depressus Orange fingered Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Cherax destructor Orange fingered Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Cherax preissii Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Cherax quadricarinatus Redclaw Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Cherax rotundus setotus Yabby Parastacidae Prohibited
Carcinus maenas European Green crab Portunidae Prohibited
Sphaeroma quoyanum Burrowing isopod Spheromatidae Prohibited
Gammarella berringar Melitidae Regulated
Tetraclitella purpurascens Tetraclitidae Regulated
Cyclograpsus granulosus Rough Shore crab Grapsidae Regulated
Petrocheles australiensis Australian Porcelain crab Porcellanidae Regulated
Biffarius arenosus Sand Ghost shrimp Callianassidae Regulated
Paguristes frontalis Common Hermit crab Diogenidae Regulated
Mesanthura astelia Patterned Anthurid Anthuridae Regulated
Jasus novaehollandiae Southern Rock lobster Panuliridae Regulated
Alpheus euphrosyne Green Snapping shrimp Alpheidae Regulated
Nebalia sp Sea flea Leptostraca Regulated

updated link