feeling sad, fish death

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Feb 8, 2009
Victoria, B.C. Canada
Thank-you all for your in-put, and sympathy. I quite lost my heart to that fish! I will research more, and try again at some point. In the meantime I have to try to find out what went wrong with poor "Beauregard". (Yah, silly me, I named him)

The trip from the lfs took about 10 minutes. I drip acclimized him. He was actually more active than I thought he would be. I had purchased what is called a ghost house for him. He backed into it, moved on, and staked out an aquarium "root" decoration. When I came home Tuesday I had some dark purple paper that I was going to stick on his side of the tank, then cover that with foil so he could have a dark corner during the day in his new house. His tank companions were 5 rasboa harlequins, 5 lemon tetras, and 11 neons. Too many fish? I had 3 serpae in there as well. When I caught one nipping at his tail I evicted them. They are now in reform school!