Do Ghost Shrimp Eat Snails????

My shrimp were 10 for a dollar. When I said I wanted 5, he started netting out a whole bunch... He thought I meant $5 worth.
The ones we have here are a wild type of Neocaridina denticulata sinensis, now known as Neocaridina heteropoda. They have invaded most of Oahu's local streams and are out-competing the local low-order Mountain Opae.

In case you are curious, a plain old Neocaridina has a lovely tan/yellow stripe down the middle of the back on large females, and a freckled skirt, dark dark green saddle and green eggs. Males are mostly transparent and small. Their hobbies include eating algae and reproducing explosively, even faster than regular cherry or yellow vars. Without that trademark red/yellow color, you'd probably call them "ghost shrimp" just like the guys at the LFS. Occasionally though you'll see a couple of the local opae mixed in there, and it just makes me sad. Anyhoo, rambling sorry.
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Ahhhh... that would explain why some people say ghost shrimp will cross breed with Red Cherry.

If some places sell neocaridina AS ghost shrimp- they would cross breed!!!!
:( Guess I can't have any ghost shrimp in with snails and other small things like otos.

would red cherry shrimp kill snails/small fish?
:( Guess I can't have any ghost shrimp in with snails and other small things like otos.

would red cherry shrimp kill snails/small fish?

IME, only if they're dying anyway. I'm pretty sure they took out a dying Japanese Trapdoor Snail in my tank.
i have a RCS tank with some ramshorns in a 10 gal that i cant seem to get rid of. i dropped a few new assassin snails in and the adult RCS swarmed over and started picking at the assassins. needless to say im still going to pluck out the larger snails from time to time.
I've never had a problem with ghost shrimp and oto's. I think when they say 'small fish' they mean REALLY small, like only small fry.
I have my "ghost shrimp" in with about 36 briggs, RCS, uncountable MTS and ramshorns, and an oto, and have yet to have had a casualty. I think an oto would be fine.

Incidentally bringing this back up:

I think something is eating my smaller snails (not MTS) and I don't have any snailer-fish in my tank.

Danios, Cherry Barbs, Bulldog Pleco, Ramshorns, Bladders, MTS... and the ghost shrimp.

I've not seen a bladder snail smaller than 5mm in days. Sure they grow quick, but there arn't many large ones either. It used to be I could look just about anywhere in the tank and see a small snail without searching too hard.

My little golden ramshorn seems to be gone too... Haven't seen him in days. Big Ramshorn seems fine- still seeing as many MTS of all sorts of sizes.

Something is eating or killing off the smaller snails- either that or increased competition from a population of shrimp (and a potentially growing population of MTS) is starving the bladders.

I've not witnessed it yet- but I bet my ghost shrimp ARE eating the very smallest of the bladder snails... it appears I do very well might have snail eating ghosts...

... although, when I first got the Danios they did investigate all the tiny snails in their endless pursuit of food... none of them actually seemed to eat them.

It really seems only the bladder snail population that has crashed. Still have a few small rams and the big ram (although I'd love to know what happened to goldie) MTS population seems fine too.
Have we figured out what type of "ghost" shrimp the red banded ones are, just yet?
I have one I call Mr. S that has managed to survive for a bit over a year, while all the rest of died/been killed. I just noticed the other day, I did a water change and sucked up a few snails while vacuuming my gravel, so I dropped them back in the tank as I usually do and he was instantly on it. Didn't think anything of it at first, just assumed he thought it a wafer, but I noticed today he was carrying a shell around and munching. Had to watch for a few minutes before determining whether the shell had anything in it, which it did. So I came to Google and found this forum.
Seems it's just the "red banded ghosts" that are eating the snail population, so I'm curious about their actual species and whether I need to worry about my fry, etc.

The snails are bladder snails, which we're overpopulated anyway, so I'm not overly concerned, but this is all good to know for when my Gold Inca lays, as I'm trying to raise as many as I'm able.

Thanks in advance!!