In light of having to tear down one of my setups, I've been working on the redo for the new setup.
Making a photo journal for this setup.
Planning to have it stronger flow and set up warmer than my other tanks.
Temperature 78F
pH 7
GH 5°
KH 3°
It's gonna sit for a little while before I move fish into it, but planning:
L240 pleco
Ancistrus bodenhameri plecos
Sterbai corydoras
Emperor tetras
I plan to spawn my older group of emperors and raise the fry in the 55 before moving everyone else over. Let the older tetras stay in my other setup and keep the young ones in this tank as the upper level fish
I shall have to see how that endeavor goes.
Fluval Fx4 Canister Filter
SunSun JVP-110 528GPH WaveMaker
HiTop 638 PTEF 300w heater
Nicrew SkyLED Plus x2
Echinodorus "ozelot green"
Echinodorus bleheri
Heternanthera Zostifolia
Sagittaria subulata
Vallisneria sp
Making a photo journal for this setup.
Planning to have it stronger flow and set up warmer than my other tanks.
Temperature 78F
pH 7
GH 5°
KH 3°
It's gonna sit for a little while before I move fish into it, but planning:
L240 pleco
Ancistrus bodenhameri plecos
Sterbai corydoras
Emperor tetras
I plan to spawn my older group of emperors and raise the fry in the 55 before moving everyone else over. Let the older tetras stay in my other setup and keep the young ones in this tank as the upper level fish
I shall have to see how that endeavor goes.
Fluval Fx4 Canister Filter
SunSun JVP-110 528GPH WaveMaker
HiTop 638 PTEF 300w heater
Nicrew SkyLED Plus x2
Echinodorus "ozelot green"
Echinodorus bleheri
Heternanthera Zostifolia
Sagittaria subulata
Vallisneria sp