New Pond in Thailand


AC Members
May 4, 2019
Hi Guys,
I just completed my pond construction a week ago and need some ideas what fish to stock since most lists I found online focus
on hardy fish for temperate climates I was wondering what is possible for my tropical ~450 gallon / 1700 litre outdoor pond.

Air temperatures reach around 38C / 100F

Thanks in advance :)
Welcome to the forum !
It's a good question. I would certainly not put temperate or subtropical fish in there, nor fish that get too large. No koi or goldfish...
For a tropical pond you have many fish to choose from, but don't get any that grow over 1 foot (30 cm) in length.
Is it an above ground pond with viewing panel? It's kind of hard suggesting specific species without knowing what is available to you locally.
Thanks the loach :)
This is Thailand so I can get my hands on pretty much anything (No real enforcement of any conservation laws) but the guys here cannot / will not give proper advice
Either they don't know or they only want to sell (I went to one of the markets and a guy tried to sell me a bunch of red tail catfish for my pond...)

My pond is in the ground, no viewing panel.
Another way to pose the question would be what fish would you love to have in your ponds but the temperature just wont allow it,
for me for example that would be the hillstream loach I would love to have 4-5 in there but my water is just too warm.

Here is a picture of my work in progress, I put in some neon tetras, balloon mollies , fantail guppies and blackmoors
from my tank to keep the pond cycling.

What are the dimensions of the pond? It seems awfully shallow... which is never good.
For a tropical pond I would take fish that are easy to see, and get too big for aquaria. Like (pink) kissing gourami's and clown loaches for example. Some angel varieties would stand out nicely in a pond.
In general peaceful fish 10 to 30 cm ( 4 to 10") and light in color or a contrasting pattern.
But the pond needs to be deep enough or it'll get too hot.
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The deep end is around 2 feet (70 cm) with the shallowest part at around 60cm but I am planning on building it up a bit to around 85 cm or 2.7 feet.
Indeed looks very shallow from the pic but the clay "vase" is around 50 cm high.

I was also eyeing the clown loaches they are very beautiful, a bit scared the gourami will kiss my tetras to death tho lol
Those ain't neon tetras, they look like painted glassfish to me. It will be good to make it a bit deeper... also if you're planning on clownloaches you need a finer substrate.
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I just read up on the glassfish and I am shocked... another downside to buying fish here they were all in the same tank labelled "Neon fish" with neon tetras and glowfish TT
are there any other fish that I should look out for in that category of "torture for our pleasure"?

I followed your advice and built up another layer and got myself some clown loaches and complemented them with a few tiger barbs.
Its going quite well and tested my underwater camera at the same time ( a vid capture so a bit blurry sorry:)

Screen Shot 2562-05-12 at 9.41.53 PM.png
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I just read up on the glassfish and I am shocked... another downside to buying fish here they were all in the same tank labelled "Neon fish" with neon tetras and glowfish TT
are there any other fish that I should look out for in that category of "torture for our pleasure"?

Any fish labeled "balloon", fancy goldfish, all of the fish that grow over 40 cm adult length...

Looking good already !