Will my female Krib accept a new mate...?

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Well, it's pretty much like I said for your "first pair", if she seems to get injured, separate them. You could try a different male, your first 1 might be better, very defined fins...but I think not your second krib...I still think it's a different species.

I couldn't see your vid very well, too tiny for old eyes. Do you have a couple smooth flat-ish rocks for them to chose to lay eggs on? Vertical surfaces are lesser IME...but they'll make do if both are ready.


AC Members
Sep 27, 2020
Thanks for that, it's so hard to tell. But been going on for about four days now... might be time to try a new guy! One of her eyes is bulging and looks like it has a couple of little white sacs behind it so I'll have to do some googling on that...

When you say smooth flat-ish rocks for them to lay eggs on, do you mean to put inside the terracotta pot?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Rocks can be under cover or not, give them a few choices...

If the female seems to have been injured, remove the male & let her heal with lots of clean water changes. She will have the most of fry care; he may wimp out...Get her healthy before trying again.

I'm not sure what "white sacs" behind her eye may mean, she needs some time to get better. Bulging eye can be from injury (often)...or something else...(look up "pop eye"...).

If you remove the male, rearrange the "boy" tank so there won't be too much fighting. Lots of hiding places, plants, etc.

I forget, what are your water parameters for nitrate, etc.? "pop eye" can be from high nitrate, injury, or bacteria...hard to say...


AC Members
Sep 27, 2020
Thanks, there are lots of rocks in the tank. I did look up the bulging eye and my guess is it's popeye from injury, but I would also guess that the 'white sacs' are infection, he might have bashed her there. I'm getting a new smaller fry tank and will start it as a quarantine tank and move her in there as soon as I can, give her some respite, some salts and treatment if required. I'll start it with all water from her tank so hopefully it doesn't go and NTS on her...

I'm keeping a close eye on everyone else in the tank to make sure they don't develop the same symptoms...! ?

oh, and I haven't yet - but I'll def check my tank parameters...! I should have checked before I did water change earlier today...


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Can you post a pic of the "white sacs"?

Use half the media from her "nuptual tank", that should be enough to help jump start her QT...& keep her water very clean!


AC Members
Sep 27, 2020
You won't believe it... Tiger has been hanging around Truffles breeding net, even though she's still be going him through the net we decided to let her out tonight and see what happens - and, she starts doing the vibrating dance to him - they're swimming off together, gently nudging each other and no longer any aggression! So looks like my 'original' pair have finally paired and they are male and female after all...! We promptly shifted them to the sand bottomed tank and have moved Mr Big into the breeding net, safely away from Miss Cutie (who still will not leave him alone despite all the aggression). I'm very happy with this set-up as Tiger and Truffle will be in a good spot and Miss Cutie and Mr Big are safely separated and somewhere I can treat her.

Looks like my impatience might have paid off with two 'breeding' pairs... which is more than I bargained for LOL


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Cool! So which 1 is female of your first 2? The pale second 1 or the longer finned 1? For all I know there may be long finned kribs these days...

Did you ever look at the "other" krib species or regional variations of p.pulcher? The plain tail & dorsal are still confusing me...


AC Members
Sep 27, 2020
the long-finned one - my biggest one that I initially assumed was female but starting to doubt myself...!

As for the paler one yes I have looked up varieties, he still looks closest to pulcher that I can find... but who knows!