White Top Hara's

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Norman Fenske

Registered Member
Mar 20, 2017
I use to have nothing but Tangs but it just seems as interesting as they are the colors are not as nice as those from Malawi. I have a 37gallon tank with 10-12 White Top Hara's bought them about a year ago and they are doing great the dominant males are starting to show their true colors. Now the question I would like to add more to this tank but I also want something different meaning most pet stores carry zebra's, labs, basic mbuna species I like the stuff you very rarely find. I have a 40 breeder with a dozen orange top cobue the males depending on their mood can look pretty amazing. I also have some yellow labs ( yes most places carry labs and I have some just do not want anymore ) My largest tank is a 75 with dragon blood peacocks, ruby red peacocks ( at least that is what I bought mine look more yellow then red. ) and some red top Hongi's. So any thoughts on what to get to mix with the white top hara's?