What is the name of that store ?

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I lived in MA for 10 years. I wonder about ken too. I saw he has grandkids, so maybe he just wanted to retire & get $$ out of his biz. It's funny, once I went to buy some stuff at his house & his parents were bagging fish food in the basement. OMG, the smell made my eyes & nose water like crazy! A very nice man, generous with his time & patient with any amount of questions. I talked to his wife several times at meets too.

Jake, maybe try looking on The Planted Tank or Aquatic Plant Central. Monster Fish Keepers? Tom Barr? Maybe a landscape place? The plant people often tend to like manzi skinny branchy wood these days. I was given a nice but very large "stump" from a club friend but it was 7 years before I actually used it. She had moved away but I invited her to an open house when my club came to help set up my "big girl" tank (still no fish). I also have a fairly large manzanita branch, another cross club gift. I've soaked it as best I could a couple times but it's never made it into a tank, still on the patio...

So do you want a stump or a long branched piece? I know you're moving but maybe a stream-side hike & you might find something? That's how I met a young guy in MA. My husband & I found a nice log by a reservoir & were carrying to the car when we were accosted by "I hope that's going in a fish tank!". We stopped to talk & I gave him plants later & he was on AC for a while...I forget his name...

Keep your eyes & ears open. Do you have a club in TN? Everything's been on covid hold but it's starting to get better...
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