Using thermocol box for breeding angelfish

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Registered Member
Sep 10, 2023
I am happy to join here and I am having some questions to discuss with you friends
I am very new in breed angel fish
I am having some glass aquariums and some thermocol boxes and I am using both of them for breeding angelfish but unfortunately the fries are dying after 4 - 5 days of hatching can you please help me in this matter while i am feeding them newly hatched brine shrimps every day 3 to 4 times a day. Thanks


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I'm sorry, I don't know what a thermocol box is. Can you post a pic?

I have had angels breed a couple times with mixed success. In addition to feeding tiny foods, you need to be doing large water changes every day to remove uneaten food, poo...& dead fry. Sorry, that is going to happen. I would remove the parents after several days or a week+. Watch them closely, they both might not be good parents. Males are less good at fry care than females IME.

A sponge filter or sponge prefilter can offer fry feeding area. Last time I accidentally had angels breed the parents carefully gathered up fry & spit them into the filter intake, yikes! It was distressing to watch but I didn't want to raise fry at that time.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Have read here. This was a key for me when I had angels spawn. But I had 100s of eggs in a spawn and that was way more than I could handle and why I breed y smaller Hypancistrus now,

I did not like hatching BBS, but had to for the angels. What I did do was to ween them onto non-live foods early on. About on day 4 or 5 I began mixing in froxan cyclop-eeze. This is no longer available. Each feeding I would increase the cyclops and reduce the BBS. In about 10 days I had them eating 100% cyclops. If I were doing it again these days I would use frozen rotifers.

I would not do fish in a thermocol box. If you cannot manage a tank consider one of the Rubbermaid ones. Here is aa 665 QT. 16.5 gal one. When I want to fill one of these with water, I first wrap duct tape around the top part of the box to reinforce it to be safe ;) I use the lid, inverted to cover the box mostly. Turned right side up and using air power the bubb;es soak the top, the cured side lets te water run towards the edge of the lid and drip onto wherever yo have the box.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Oh, is it like a styrofoam cooler box? I had stored plants in not much water & after a week it had leaked all over my wood floor. A mess but no animals. I would either use a bare 10 or 20g tank or, like TTA said, a plastic tub.

I wonder if a gel food like Repashy would work for angel fry instead of the bother of BBS. That's what you feed your pleco fry isn't it TTA? I think there's a grow formula with higher protein. I didn't discover Repashy until I had auf wuchs grazing fish but there are several formulas.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Angel fry eat in the water, pleco fry eat on the bottom. Angel fry need to watch food move to go after it. Plecos have a downward facing mouth meant to hold them in place and to allow them rasp/chew stuff. The have teeth.

My trick with raising the angels and changing their diet relied on the fact that there was a feeding frenzy when I fed them. Mixing in 10 % cyclop-eeze was too little for them to see they were not live mixed in with the 90%. By slowing increasing the % of the cyclops the fish had learned to like them.

Perhaps the most important tjing anout feeding pleco fry is that they can eat a food without choking on it. So things like a small sinking stick which gets soft or Repashy, which is soft, works for fry and bigger plecos.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Well, when my fish (any) eat or even swim near Repashy there's a cloud of "food dust". Once they learn that, they learn Repashy. Did you ever try angel fry with Repashy TTA? I didn't try it until way after my angel fry days. But some angel fry did learn softened pellets, tablets etc.


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
I found when i put my baby angel in a container without glass (in my case a 5 gallon bucket) they were much more skittish than the ones i left in a glass box; i.e., being able to see what is around them made them much more at ease (less stress).

Yea i fed my frys bbs - after 2 weeks i ween them onto finely ground up flakes or powder food. One thing i found is you must clean up after them before next feeding. This means remove any uneaten food from the previous feeding as the decay from that food will produce enough ammonia to kill them.