SW Fish Profiles

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Chaetodon unimaculatus

Scientific Name: Chaetodon unimaculatus

Common Names: Teardrop Butterflyfish

Care Level: Moderately easy

Adult Size: 7.8in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Butterflyfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Varied diet, including both meaty foods and vegetable matter.

Tank Size For Adult: 100gal (379l)

Narrative: Not suitable for the reef aquarium. Perhaps the most destructive species of butterflyfish to house in a reef aquarium. Will eat corals, anemones, mushroom anemones, and may even pick at crustaceans. Named for a curious marking that resembles a bluish teardrop running down its side, this is a potentially large, omnivorous butterflyfish that readily accepts most foods offered in captivity. It is moderately hardy, providing that it has been handled correctly from collection onwards, otherwise there is a 50/50 chance of survival. Reports show that it does especially well if kept in a tank of filamentous algae. Can be kept with members of its own species or with other butterflyfishes in larger tanks, and is able to hold its own with more-boisterous tankmates.


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Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Chaetodon vagabundus

Scientific Name: Chaetodon vagabundus

Common Names: Vagabond Butterflyfish

Care Level: Moderately difficult

Adult Size: 9.0in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Butterflyfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Feed marine fish, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and frozen preparations.

Tank Size For Adult: 135gal (511l)

Narrative: Not suitable for the reef aquarium. Will make short work of stony corals and many soft corals species. Will also nip at the tentacles and bases of larger stinging anemones and will pick at mushroom anemones. Handsome and common on many Indo-Pacific reefs, there are mixed reports on the hardiness of this species. Some individuals may acclimate well and live for years, whereas other individuals perish within months. Can be kept in pairs or with other butterflyfish species and will hold its own with many more-aggressive tankmates once it is fully acclimated to its new home.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Chaetodon xanthurus

Scientific Name: Chaetodon xanthurus

Common Names: Yellowtail Butterflyfish (Crowned Pearlscaled Butterflyfish)

Care Level: Moderately Easy

Adult Size: 5.5in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Western Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Butterflyfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Feed marine fish, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and frozen preparations.

Tank Size For Adult: 75gal (284l)

Narrative: Can be housed in a reef aquarium with the more noxious soft corals. This is a moderately hardy aquarium fish that will usually accept a wide range of substitute foods. May refuse to feed if housed with pugnacious tankmates or in a poorly maintained aquarium. More than one individual can be kept in the same tank if both are introduced simultaneously; may also share tank space with other butterflyfishes. If individuals engage in interspecific aggression, they are more likely to do so with species of similar colouration.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Chelmon rostratus

Scientific Name: Chelmon rostratus

Common Names: Copperbanded Butterflyfish (Beaked Coralfish)

Care Level: Moderately difficult

Adult Size: 7.9in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-West-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Live foods may be required, such as live freshwater clams or black mussels that have had their shells broken open. Offer marine fish, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and frozen carnivore preparations.

Tank Size For Adult: 100gal (379l)

Narrative: Generally safe with soft corals and small-polyped stony corals. An occasional specimen may nip at large-polyped stony corals, certain soft corals, and zoanthids. Most will eat glass anemones (Aiptasia spp.) and polychaete worms. This is an appealing long-nosed species that, unfortunately, has an uneven survival record in captivity. Many aquarists have found it difficult to keep with specimens varying in their hardiness. Some settle into their new home within several days and begin eating fresh and frozen foods, while others may refuse to feed or accept only live foods. Will behave aggressively toward conspecifics unless partnered in a male-female pair.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Forcipiger flavissimus

Scientific Name: Forcipiger flavissimus

Common Names: Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish (Forceps Fish)

Care Level: Moderately easy

Adult Size: 8.7in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately aggressive

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Varied diet, including meaty foods, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and frozen preparations.

Tank Size For Adult: 100gal (379l)

Narrative: Suitable in a reef aquarium with caution. In most cases, these fish seem to ignore corals, but they have been reported to feed on stony and soft coral polyps in the wild. Will eat tubeworms and nip at sea urchin tube feet. A hardy fish that will usually begin feeding within hours of being placed in captivity. Consistently does better if kept in a peaceful community tank, but can be housed with moderately aggressive tankmates if it is acclimated to the tank first. When harassed by other fishes, it will direct its long, stout dorsal spines toward the aggressor. Keep singly as it will often behave aggressively toward members of its own species.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Forcipiger longirostris

Scientific Name: Forcipiger longirostris

Common Names: Big Longnose Butterflyfish (Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish, Long Longnose Butterflyfish)

Care Level: Intermediate

Adult Size: 8.7in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately aggressive

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Varied diet, including small meaty foods, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and frozen preparations.

Tank Size For Adult: 100gal (379l)

Narrative: Excellent for the reef aquarium. With an even more elongated snout than its more-common counterpart, F. flavissimus, this species presents more of a challenge to aquarists because its tiny mouth limits it so small food items. One way to provide appropriate living foods is to keep it in a reef tank or a fish only tank partially filled with live rock that supports a population of natural prey organisms, such as amphipods. Keep only one per tank, except in the case of a male-female pair. House with more-passive species. It may quarrel with some other butterflyfish species, especially F flavissimus. This species has an all brown colour morph, not uncommon in certain parts of its range, such as the Kona Coast of Hawaii.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com



Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Hemitaurichthys polyepis

Scientific Name: Hemitaurichthys polyepis

Common Names: Pyramid Butterflyfish

Care Level: Moderately easy

Adult Size: 7.0in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately aggressive

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Varied diet, including marine fish, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and frozen preparations.

Tank Size For Adult: 100gal (379l)

Narrative: Suitable for a reef aquarium. Not a threat to sessile invertebrates. Can be housed in a shallow- or deep-water reef tank if the aquarist is willing to feed it frequently. Exotic in appearance this is an easily kept aquarium fish that will accept a wide range of aquarium fare. Its optimal tank will have plenty of swimming space. Can be kept singly, in pairs, or in small groups if the aquarium is large enough. More likely to acclimate to its new home if it is not pestered by its tankmates, although once it has fully adjusted to life in captivity, moderately aggressive fishes can be introduced to its tank.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com



Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Prognathodes aculeatus

Scientific Name: Prognathodes aculeatus

Common Names: Caribbean Longnose Butterflyfish (Atlantic Longnose Butterflyfish, Rosy Butterflyfish)

Care Level: Moderately easy

Adult Size: 3.9in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Tropical Western Atlantic

Temperament/Behaviour: Moderately aggressive

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Meaty foods, including marine fish, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and frozen preparations.

Tank Size For Adult: 75gal (284l)

Narrative: Not recommended for a reef aquarium. Will eat feather duster worms and may occasionally nip at large –polyped stony corals and gorgonians. May not adapt will to intense lighting. Although Caribbean butterflyfishes are often regarded as difficult to keep, this is one of the most durable members of the family, readily accepting most foods offered. Only one of these fish should be kept per tank, as they will often display aggression toward conspecifics. However, it will not normally bother other species- with the possible exception of other butterflyfishes. When attacked by another fish, it usually does not flee, but instead directs its stout spines toward its aggressor. It is best kept in a deep-water tank.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com



Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Heniochus diphreutes

Scientific Name: Heniochus diphreutes

Common Names: Schooling Bannerfish

Care Level: Relatively Easy

Adult Size: 7.1in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Varied diet, including small meaty foods such as vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, crustacean flesh, and mysid shrimp, as well as frozen preparations for herbivores.

Tank Size For Adult: 135gal (511l)

Narrative: Suitable for the reef aquarium. This sturdy, bold species schools readily in captivity, but it should be provided with plenty of swimming space. Young individuals will do best if kept with peaceful tankmates. All individuals of a captive group should be added to the tank at the same time, and its members will form a dominance hierarchy. It will sometimes engage in cleaning behaviour with other fishes. Do not confuse this fish with the similar looking Longfin Bannerfish (H. acuminatus), which can be destructive in a reef tank. The Schooling Bannerfish has a more rounded breast, less protruding snout, and the middle black band ends at the corner of the anal fin.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com



Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
Feb 25, 2007
Telford, UK
Real Name
Heniochus acuminatus

Scientific Name: Heniochus acuminatus

Common Names: Longfin Bannerfish (Black & White Heniochus, Heniochus Butterfly)

Care Level: Relatively Easy

Adult Size: 9.8in

pH Range: 8.1 – 8.3

Temperature Range: (F/C) 77-79F/25-26C

Specific Gravity/Hardness Range: 1.023-1.026

Origin/Habitat: Indo-West Pacific

Temperament/Behaviour: Peaceful

Compatible Tank mates: Cardinalfish, Rabbitfish, Dwarf Wrasses, Anemonefish, Firefish.

Diet: Varied diet, including small meaty foods such as vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, crustacean flesh, and mysid shrimp, as well as frozen preparations for herbivores.

Tank Size For Adult: 135gal (511l)

Narrative: Not suitable for the reef aquarium, can be destructive. This sturdy, bold species schools readily in captivity, but it should be provided with plenty of swimming space. Young individuals will do best if kept with peaceful tankmates. All individuals of a captive group should be added to the tank at the same time, and its members will form a dominance hierarchy. It will sometimes engage in cleaning behaviour with other fishes.


Courtesy of WetWebMedia.com
