Stocking my tank help

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AC Members
Jul 10, 2017
My tank is 48 inches long, 12.5 inches deep, and 18 inches tall.

I posted another thread asking about how many gallons it was, and got the answer 50 and 46 gallons from two different people at the moment.

What would be good stocking options?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
What fish do you like? A bunch of smaller fish of just a few species (my vote) or just a couple larger? Semi-aggressive or a mellow community? You have a nice size tank for many different fish.
It won't make a ton of difference if it's a slightly vague size, surface area & bottom space (footprint) matter more that exact gallons. Those are "nominal" sizes, not really how much water they hold. Even without allowing for substrate & décor, it will hold less, maybe 15% less with décor. The inch of fish/gallon of water "rule" is not at all accurate.

You probably have at least 1 or 2 types that really interest you, then build around that. Say you like angelfish OR neons OR gouramis, or what? We can help with choices once you have an idea or 2. Personally I love bottom feeders like loaches & catfish best & always have live plants.
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AC Members
Sep 11, 2011
Another thing to consider is what kind of filtration and water flow you want to have on the tank. Size does determine what you can stock but so does your filtration and selected temperature for the tank etc. But it really does all come back to the kinds of fish you want to see swimming around.
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AC Members
Jul 10, 2017
Do you think a Penguin 350 filterwould work?

I'll try to get the footprint.

I'm thinking schooling fish, but I'm unsure of the types and I'm doing research.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
The footprint is 48 x 12.5, from your first post, same as the surface area.

Do you already have a filter that may have come with your tank? I like Aqua Clear filters & I also like 2 on most tanks (eventually for you but not right away). I would get an AC 70.

Substrate: very small gravel (like peppercorn size) or large sand (like pool filter sand not play sand) or maybe Oil-Dri if you want more plant choices eventually (some don't need substrate at all). All those are inexpensive options, the are many others. I prefer a dark color, white is hard to keep clean looking.

You wise to look at fish options BEFORE buying any. You also need to read up on cycling your tank, it's much easier on fish to do ammonia cycling ahead of getting any fish but it's hard to be patient. There's a "sticky" at the top of the newbie forum that explains cycling, read it!

For an easy coolish water tank (you may not need a heater) look at roseline sharks, say 5 or 6 (p. dennisonii), while cloud mountain minnows (10 or 12) & corydoras catfish (8-12) all the same species. In general schooling or shoaling fish are best in groups of at least 6.

Another warmer temp group of fish might be an Asian tank of harlequin rasboras (12-15), honey gourami (1 male & 1-3 females) & 8-12 kuhli loaches OR dwarf chain loaches (a. sidthimunki).

These are just suggestions, if you fall in love with cardinal tetras, dwarf cichlids or whatever, you have lots of options. Keep looking & researching...& asking us. It's best to keep fish with similar requirements, although there's room for some variation in temp or pH. Also look at adult sizes not the juveniles usually offered for sale. In 6 months or so most will get to adult size with good food & weekly 40-50% water changes.
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AC Members
Jul 10, 2017
Yep! Starting to cycle my tank with the fishless method.

I would prefer tropical fish, any suggestions for stocking?

I have a filter that comes with my tank, a Penguin 350.

I also have a heater, air pump, and some fake plants.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Give us a hint on 1 or 2 species you like, lol. You're being too vague.

Congrats on the fishless cycling! That will allow you to pretty much stock your tank all at once or at least mostly...

I have not used a Penguin but it should be fine. I think it has a "bio-wheel", yes? The air pump & stone aren't really needed unless you like the bubbles. But they are nice with a sponge set up a quarantine tank or your next tank (hah!)

Please plan to at least try a couple live plants soon-ish. They add so much to tank & fish health & asthetics. What kind of light, size & wattage do you have? There are some plants that can grow under almost any light. Java fern, anubias & cryptocorynes, check 'em out. Ok, I belong to a plant club, but those are almost always easy for everyone! & you can add them during cycling when you just want to do something! other than test water parameters, lol.
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