Oscars pairing up

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Registered Member
Jan 7, 2022
Hi I had a 9 inch tiger oscar in a 120 gallon tank and decided to get him a tank mate. When I went to the LFS they only had a breeding pair of 7 inch tiger oscars so I decided to get the pair. There was a little aggression to begin with but they all seem to get along after a week or so.
Now I have had them for about 2 months and my original 9 inch Oscar and one of the 7 inch Oscars seem to have paired up and are attacking biting and chasing one of the others. This one is always hiding now and only coming out to eat. Even though I cannot see any visible damage yet im worried it might get killed in the long run.
My question is do I rehome the one thats getting bullied or keep the original pair i bought and rehome the 9 inch Oscar and hope the remaining two pair up again like before?
Another option im thinking about is getting some dither fish and keep all three Oscars and upgrade to a bigger tank. This may cause some distraction for the two bullies but not sure if this will work.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Rehome the one being bullied. It is amazing how some fish choose their mates. I would think the gal decided a bigger man was better choice so she switched. But they are still a pair and the old boyfriend is now a threat to them.

Most fish see eggs and fry as on the menu. The oscars will not care who it is, they will see other inhabitants who come near as a threat.
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
You need to rehome 1 male Oscar, either 1 ASAP. Is 1 prettier in some way, nicer colors? She's liked both, she'll like either. But I agree with 2tank, the bullied fish would be better to rehomed soon. The pair are making his life intolerable & it will get worse when they breed. They may even kill him.

Do you have a plan for any fry? It'll take another tank to raise them to a sellable or even gift size. Like 2tank said, eggs & fry are food especially as the pair decides to spawn again. That can be every 4 weeks or more often. Cichlids are fun to watch breed & care for fry...until they're ready again...You can just leave any fry as adult snacks but even so, a fry or 3 might survive...& then what?
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Registered Member
Jan 7, 2022
Thank you for the replies I will rehome the one getting bullied and keep the two that have paired up. The 9 inch Oscar is a lot more colourful than the smaller one so maybe thats what attracted her to him. I have kept and bred African cichlids for many years but recently changed over to Americans so will be interested if they do start spawning.


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Jan 11, 2013
West Falls NY
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Oscars are for sure unpredictable in groups of their own. Other than that, they're wimps when challenged. You never know what's going to make them cower or pout. In your situation, you're only reliable solution other than putting them in a sprawling 1000gal tank is to follow the excellent advice above.

Fellow oscar keeper here. I've kept a tiger O and a green severum together in a 75gal for about 9yrs now. Too small a tank, but I've made it work. The severum is by far the tougher, meaner and feistier fish.
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