My angels

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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
TTA, oh yes we know that phrase, I don't understand why my loach started acting like that out of nowhere, both angels were cornered in a corner without coming to eat, when that happens you know there is a problem, I want to increase the capacity of my tank , and I'm working on relocating my loaches.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I think you had 1 of each of 2 loach species...& they like to be kept in groups of 5 or 6 at least. I know they are hard for you to buy...& now I'm seeing your angels are not of the best kept of juvenile fish. I'm very sorry, Lalo.

I know you had friends with a shop...but now it's time to look at mail order fish maybe. Just look for now, you need some time to grieve your losses & see what other fish you might be able to get online. Read the reviews & wait. Not always a best option but just looking for now...You need a big time off from new fish...& a new source or 2.

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Hello fishorama, I have a kubotai loach and the other one, I don't know what species it is for sure, I posted a thread a while ago when I got it, and it's she who has become aggressive. I haven't visited my friends LFS for over a year, since they started treating me more like a client than a friend, there were a couple of details that I didn't like so I decided to distance myself. There is another LFS that is gradually displacing it with just two years of work, in fact the photograph of the Koi angelfish that I uploaded was sent by the owner. I'm analyzing how I can increase the capacity of my tank, I want more angels and more tetras, I'm thinking of installing a qt tank because I have seen several angels with red lines on the dorsal fins and on the tail, from different distributors.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Like I said Lalo, wait! to make any big decisions. You want to keep angels BUT the loaches are causing problems. So, if it were me, I would rehome the loaches before trying again with angels...but those angels look like the eyes are too big for their body size (all stunted ;(). I know you have trouble buying good quality fish where you live in Mexico.

It seems I remember you had corydoras & problems (although I don't remember just what). It can be difficult here in the US to get high quality fish but we have it much easier than you do. I'm sorry, let me & others think some more on a good way forward before you buy new fish.

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
I had problems with Corydoras loxozonus, they never adapted, they just started dying one day one by one, I tried it only a couple of times, and I haven't seen them available since then. I have no plans to add fish at this time, I only have a 25 gallon tank, maybe 27, so I have to figure out how to increase the capacity, I'm going to relocate the loaches and they will not be with my future angels and my tetras, either, I would like to hook up a large tank (very large if possible), a sump and a very large container for my loaches and maybe larger fish that are compatible, I'm taking a look at the 300 gallon Rubbermaid containers, and thinking how to connect all that is what I focus my attention on, and a separate QT tank.

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
A while ago I analyzed the idea of making a plywood tank, however I was researching and watching videos on how to do it, I abandoned the idea after seeing the sealing methods inside the tank, I have no experience with epoxy paint and even less working with fiber glass which is not for everyone, but the idea was tempting.


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
My yoyo hasn't harrassed my angles in 5 years but one of my clown loaches went after a weak angel and started eating it alive. I've noticed that even with pleco if they get weak or sick other fishes will start eating it. I currently have in my 550 5 angel fishes; 13 clown loaches; 5 yoyo and 10 zebra and they don't harrass cross species as long as the fishes are healthy. The yoyo i've had for around 4 years and are adults - even when the angels breed the loaches leave them and their eggs alone but the festum will eat the angels eggs (they used to be in a 4ftx2ft box (120) but are now in a 10ftx4ft (550) box. The angels tend to stay together in the back corner near me (my desk is a couple of feet from one end) and the festum on the other side - during the day most of the loaches stay in natural cave - basically under rocks and drift wood but at night usually the yoyo runs around and collect them so they can glass surf as a group.