Micro Pellets VS Micro Wafers

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
That's good! but many Hikari foods have the same ingredients no matter what they're called. I'm not saying they're in anyway bad but just similar. If you want to mix up your fishes' diets, pick a few different brands & types of foods. Like I said many posts ago, you don't want to encourage fussy feeding. Your fish should be very eager to eat anything you offer them at any time!

Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
It’s how I defrost them for my axolotls so I just figured do them the same way. I got some frozen brine shrimp. I’m going to defrost a cube and try splitting it up between all 3 fish


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
If a cube seems like more than your fish can eat at 1 feeding you can refrigerate some overnight. It's easier than vacuuming out leftovers & less waste too. But I wouldn't go longer than the next day. Will your axlotls eat brine shrimp? They may be too big to bother with little foods. I've never kept them so have no idea...

Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
It’s how I defrost them for my axolotls so I just figured do them the same way. Got some frozen brine shrimp and they all LOVE them!!!


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Well, the way I understand it, heat can "cook" the protein & binds it into a different form. It might be less digestible for some fish. Unlike 2tank, I don't have scientific links. Variety is always best for all species, fish or people IME.

I'm glad your fish are liking the brine shrimp! They're relatively inexpensive & available...but mix it up! Pellets & wafers may offer a more balanced diet in some ways...but maybe not in the fun food way. You can also mix frozen & pellets/wafers, just be careful not to overfeed. No picky fish, don't "spoil" them so they have limited diets. They need to eat what you offer when it's given. A day or 2 without feeding & they should be ready for anything foodwise...& that's how it should be!

Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
Well, the way I understand it, heat can "cook" the protein & binds it into a different form. It might be less digestible for some fish. Unlike 2tank, I don't have scientific links. Variety is always best for all species, fish or people IME.

I'm glad your fish are liking the brine shrimp! They're relatively inexpensive & available...but mix it up! Pellets & wafers may offer a more balanced diet in some ways...but maybe not in the fun food way. You can also mix frozen & pellets/wafers, just be careful not to overfeed. No picky fish, don't "spoil" them so they have limited diets. They need to eat what you offer when it's given. A day or 2 without feeding & they should be ready for anything foodwise...& that's how it should be!
I’m giving them everything I can find. I got lucky when I went to the aquarium store that agreed to take my giant Jack Dempsey. The brine shrimp & bloodworms were half off! Last night my axolotls didn’t finish their bloodworms so I gave them to the baby Eleanor and she slurped them down hole. I’ve started to defrost them in cool water. I’m going to have to give them only half a cube of the brine shrimp. Didn’t know they were going to be so tiny. I’ve got to talk to my mom about adding some other brands of pellets and wafers. I did read the ingredients and you’re right they’re basically the same for Hikari. Let me know if there’s any vegetables or fruits that I could try shredding up to feed them?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Look at Omega One foods & some of Kensfish pellets/wafers. Flakes of either if you fish will eat them. But read the ingredients, not all of either brand is great. Like I said before Hikari is a good food, just similar. My friend likes AlmostNatural? NearlyNatural? foods, I haven't looked at them. I can't think of the"good" level of protein 43? 45%? Don't go less by much...like goldfish & African cichlid foods, that is NOT what you want. I'm not sure of axlotls' dietary needs. There's nothing wrong with an occasional "wrong" food but not too often...Like too many carbs or desserts for people, you just need to be aware.

Corn, soy, wheat "middlings" or rice are fillers; ok in smaller amounts, NOT in the first 3 ingredients. Veggies like spirulina, spinach, carrot etc. are ok too, but again, not in the first 3 if at all possible (but better than those fillers for most fish).

How big was your "giant" Dempsey? Males easily get to 8+ inches. You may need to switch to a smaller SA/CA species. We loved our blue acaras...there are "electric" blue 1s now too.

Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
Look at Omega One foods & some of Kensfish pellets/wafers. Flakes of either if you fish will eat them. But read the ingredients, not all of either brand is great. Like I said before Hikari is a good food, just similar. My friend likes AlmostNatural? NearlyNatural? foods, I haven't looked at them. I can't think of the"good" level of protein 43? 45%? Don't go less by much...like goldfish & African cichlid foods, that is NOT what you want. I'm not sure of axlotls' dietary needs. There's nothing wrong with an occasional "wrong" food but not too often...Like too many carbs or desserts for people, you just need to be aware.

Corn, soy, wheat "middlings" or rice are fillers; ok in smaller amounts, NOT in the first 3 ingredients. Veggies like spirulina, spinach, carrot etc. are ok too, but again, not in the first 3 if at all possible (but better than those fillers for most fish).

How big was your "giant" Dempsey? Males easily get to 8+ inches. You may need to switch to a smaller SA/CA species. We loved our blue acaras...there are "electric" blue 1s now too.
My Jack Dempsey was easily 8 inches. I’m going to move the baby Eleanor to my apartment once she gets a little bigger. She’s an electric blue and at least the water at my apartment is much better quality. I just got some frozen spinach that I can naturally defrost and shred up some carrots into super small pieces. For the axolotls they just do great with the bloodworms but I’ll see if I can try giving them any other foods. Mine are full grown and live with 7 snails that help eat up any algae. My Jack Dempsey lived with mystery snails but most of them died from natural causes/ old age. Now my Jack Dempsey is in a 125 gallon tank with a few new friends that he can’t attack. Wish I could get Eleanor to let me take a photo of her but she’s camera shy.

Fishie Mama

AC Members
Jun 14, 2022
My Jack Dempsey was easily 8 inches. I’m going to move the baby Eleanor to my apartment once she gets a little bigger. She’s an electric blue and at least the water at my apartment is much better quality. I just got some frozen spinach that I can naturally defrost and shred up some carrots into super small pieces. For the axolotls they just do great with the bloodworms but I’ll see if I can try giving them any other foods. Mine are full grown and live with 7 snails that help eat up any algae. My Jack Dempsey lived with mystery snails but most of them died from natural causes/ old age. Now my Jack Dempsey is in a 125 gallon tank with a few new friends that he can’t attack. Wish I could get Eleanor to let me take a photo of her but she’s camera shy.
Eleanor finally let me take a decent photo of her!
