Let's hear your ideas for a very casual wedding

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The Dancing Banana
Jul 14, 2005
Charlotte, NC
what about a pig pickin'? fun, casual, and delicious.


The Dancing Banana
Jul 14, 2005
Charlotte, NC
1. don't invite ex's :eek3:
lol, i worked at a restaurant where someone had their wedding reception. it was snowing that day and no one else came in except for the wedding party and a couple of guys who came in at the same time, but sat on the completely opposite side of the restaurant. turned out it was the bride's ex-husband and his friend who were just 'hanging out', waiting for the party to be over so he could take their daughter and the newlyweds could go off to theri honeymoon. very creepy.


I'm in love!
Jul 15, 2006
SJ Bay Area
Real Name
Congratulations!!!! I wish you lots of love and happiness! If I were going to do a casual wedding instead of the big formal one I had, I'd go costume party! The pictures would be great, and evryone would be sure to remember the day. If I wanted low stress, I'd have ti catered. If you want BBQ, Armadillo Willy's has a great spread, and everyone can enjoy the day without worrying about the kitchen. Whatever you guys decide, I want to see pics of your day! Love, Brandy


Normal people scare me
Apr 5, 2007
Palm Springs
Congrats to you and Steve, Kat....and a BBQ sounds just divine, and I think what Pete suggested is great...have a Hawaiin bbq...

but Congrats and live long and happy and keep getting stronger (as I know you will)....
Great big hugs Kim - and thanks for the congrats!!! :headbang2: :headbang2:


Normal people scare me
Apr 5, 2007
Palm Springs
To SA, kim, ken, madcrawdad, brandy, w.chicken and all the rest of you - thank you!!! We will post a pic thread after the wedding (don't expect honeymoon pics though :lipssealedsmilie: )

BTW - when I married my late husband, his (grown) kids threw such a fit that I had to invite his ex... :eek: I was royally ticked off about that one. No danger of Steve's ex wanting to come. she is not even talking to him anymore - not since he proposed to me. (almost 2 years ago) Kinda nice, but in a way a shame. It made his son's wedding very awkward.

How about Ideas for music?
We've already thought of, and discarded :grinyes: Lawyers, Guns and Money, Blaze of Glory, and Truckin' :grinyes:
Hmmmm, former hippie and former biker - are some of or all of the people you are inviting to share your day of the same genre? If so, maybe a retro theme back to the 60's - everything, music, wouldn't need much for decorations - the biker's bikes and lots of wild flowers would probably do the trick, lots of fresh raw veggies, brown rice, salads and for the bikers roast a whole pig in a pit in the ground. Forget cooking, if you live in the desert who wants to cook in that heat? As for drinks, there are lots of good "virgin" drink mixes of the regular drinks, google them by their regular name and put the word virgin either at the beginning or at the end. I know there's a Mai Tai one that is super good - I used to have the receipt. Also, don't forget the cake! Either that or stick with a desert theme and colors. If you're more comfortable in jeans and t's go for it. Remember, it's your day, do whatever your heart wants to do and enjoy yourselves. Congrats!


Jun 14, 2007
Washington, DC
We're just having my fiancee's brother DJ with an MP3 player (either a portable unit or his laptop, depending on how we want to give him the music to play,) ASCAP fees be, and I'm going to use an absolutely ridiculous word since I'm pretty sure some perfectly polite words get picked up by the filter, 'darned'. I'm not sure why I'm fixing their socks, but I suppose it will have to do. We're having an indoor reception so we're just going to use a decent set of computer speakers, but I would imagine that would work fine outdoors as well.

We're going, eh, semi-casual with our wedding. No ceremony beyond a quick trip to the courthouse. We're skipping a professional photographer since they charge an arm and a leg around here; we'll have plenty of pictures of the day taken by friends and family anyways. We're not going terribly casual with our clothes, but we're avoiding most of the annoying parts. I'll be wearing a suit (I might get a new one, I might not. I bought a nice one for job interviews so there's no real need to get a new one.) and she's wearing, of all things, a prom dress that she bought at Hot Topic.