Lalo's new freshwater project

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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Hey guys, as you can see I'm planning a new adventure in freshwater, everything moves inside my 65 gallon tank that has housed multiple projects, so now my fish room is starting to accommodate to make way for a 120 gallons saltwater tank that I hope to complete in the coming months, but to make way for that I have to dismantle the current 65 gallon tank that has saltwater. I have to move everything to other locations that will later become the sump for the 120 gallon tank, lots of work to come, I'm short on time for my tanks right now so I'm going to move slowly but surely. I have a section with two 10 gallon qt freshwater tanks and a 20 gallon qt saltwater tank as part of the fish room, which are currently not working due to the short time I have had in recent months, which I have as far as I can go, I've lost saltwater and freshwater fish due to this, life and work have kept me very busy, and I'll be updating this thread as much as possible.
Going into the new theme, this is going to be a tank similar to my previous freshwater tanks, it can be said that I'm currently just "storing freshwater fish" and not creating a more comfortable space for them, but it's my goal now with this new project, at the moment I have no idea where to place even the first rock for the tank, but if you have followed my previous threads you should know that I'm looking for low requirement plants, only this time I'm going to seek to improve the lighting in order for my plants to thrive, i'm the worst guy at keeping freshwater plants, so i'll go slow and safe, lol. Regarding storage of fish species I currently have the following:
-15x neon tetras
-Kubotai loach
-Golden zebra loach
-Copella compta ¿?

I'm not sure I'd put angelfish here, I might even think of discus fish, this may not happen as I hate these fish, so as you can see I'm at a loss for now, I can only anticipate that I love tetras and there will be some here, I decided a long time ago not to keep keeping plecos, and I'm analyzing the species of corydoras that I would like to place here, I'm not a fan of conventional fish, I love unique, rare and less seen fish in the hobby, I have had some in the past but at the moment I'm waiting to start, so good, more to come soon...


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Hey Lalo!
Maybe a smaller cute cichlid that won't eat your neons like angels.& not fussy like discus. I'm thinking laetacara, there are a few species. I've always loved them but since I've never kept them I'm guessing neons would be safe...

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Hey Lalo!
Maybe a smaller cute cichlid that won't eat your neons like angels.& not fussy like discus. I'm thinking laetacara, there are a few species. I've always loved them but since I've never kept them I'm guessing neons would be safe...
Hi fishorama, my neons are really big, these guys are about 3/4cm, I have no idea what their maximum size is in captivity but they are fed several times a day with mysis, seafood porridge, flakes and frozen brine shrimp very well, I bought 15 specimens in the lfs and I have not had any deads, they are magnificent fish and I would hate for them to become a snack for other fish. I have plans to add apistogrammas to this tank, I have never seen laetacaras or nannacaras available here in Mexico.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I'm not sure your 2 single eventual 5 inch loaches will play nice with either neons or apistos. Is that last species a "splash tetra"? I think I've only seen them a couple times over many years, never kept any.

You're going to need a bunch of caves for the loaches & cichlids...& corys too? I'm feeling doubtful...

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
My loachs haven't grown much at all in the time I've had them, they can probably do in a bigger tank. I have no idea of the common name of the genus copella, I'm not sure I have that particular species either, there is not much information about them and I find few photographs, I'm going to place a lot of decoration for the bottom fish, it's possible that I decline the opportunity to have apistogrammas, just today I found out that there were more than 12 species available by request, but I didn't like any of them, besides that some prices did not seem fair to me. I'm going to choose fish that tolerate slightly colder temperatures, that means discus fish, rams and cardinals don't fit here.


Mar 2, 2023
Semi-related question: when you want to study fish in some particular lake, do you just sit on a shore for hours with fishing rod and see what you can catch? Or do you rather ask local fishermen?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Again, I've never kept keyholes but at a bit over 4 inches (10cm) neons might be in danger at the adult size...of 1.5 inches or maybe 2.

I think neons, & some of the CA cichlids are fine with cooler temps than cardinal tetras, rams. discus or TTA's fancy pretty plecos need. Temp is a good point of compatability but not the only 1 to consider. I don't remember but there may be temp difference for apistos too. Size matters too of course...if it can fit in a fish's mouth, it probably will...