I may be old but I am not yet foolish

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Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
I went through Navy Nuclear power training...only slide rules were allowed, 73-75.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I never really got the hang of a slide rule, more like toy we played with a few times. It may have been around I quit being good at math...it was more intuitive for me...& then I lost my math mojo ~early trig? maybe 1971 or 72.

Those are years jake, Bob's not that old yet, lol.


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
I never really got the hang of a slide rule, more like toy we played with a few times. It may have been around I quit being good at math...it was more intuitive for me...& then I lost my math mojo ~early trig? maybe 1971 or 72.

Those are years jake, Bob's not that old yet, lol.
Oh. Hum.... well he isn't exactly a new born. My guess is he will miss the great climate change of 2050 or if he doens't he will wish he did. Hum. 73-75. What happened. I think one of those years we got 14 inches of snow and missed a month of school. Built these wonderful snow forts; lots of fun. Oh I live in the south-east; 14 inches of snow is very rare. Missing a month of school was a lot of fun till they made us make it up in the spring and cancelled spring holidays.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Some of us are old jake, although 2Tank & Bob are older than I am. I don't imagine any of us are planning on 2050...

So what does the 72 mean? I thought birth year but I guess not. Can't be HS grad, mine's 1974...Number of fish? That's kind of a lot...House #?

14 inches of snow is a good amount even in the north ;) but only good for a day or so of no school. The problem is the south doesn't have much of any ways to deal with it, snow plows, sand trucks etc. Even small amounts play heck with roads & inexperienced drivers. Here in CA they freak out over rain, lol. Wet leaves & residual road oils can make it a tiny bit slippery but really? Merging into traffic is also beyond many...even on dry roads., sheesh


AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
I spent a year in CA; one need not freak out over rain or snow as they have traffic to deal with year long and that is enough.

72? I hate to destroy mysteries but 72 does not have much meaning. It was just some digits i found looking for a job. Sadly most of my internet names have little real meaning or reflection on reality. It is sad but I think the internet is both a blessing and a disaster in the making. Like most tools those who can handle it are bless with an acceleration of an extreme and those who cannot are a curse that threaten existence of the species. As both sides accelerate towards a resolution we often find that hope in itself is probably not going to be enough to reach a promising resolution.

Anyway enough of that. When i lived in the north we at times had over 30 inches of snow and a joyous day it would be. Dont' know why but snow always excited me even when i ended up having to walk in it up to my hip. Even now that i am no longer a little kid i still get that excitement to rush out and stomp upon that new snow fall. Sadly now that I am back in the south it will be rather rear for me to have those opportunities.

Anyway humans are sad. By the time they decide to actually take a positive foot forward they have already taken 10 backwards.