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AC Members
Aug 29, 2022
Hi, I've been meaning to join for about a year, hoping to reconnect with people who might remember me from another fish forum, and make new hobbyist friends!

I'm relatively new to the hobby, only set up my own first tank in 2019 after taking over caring for my dad's tank when he couldn't manage it anymore. Right now I'm juggling tanks and stocking again, upgrading tank sizes, and also adopted some fish yesterday, so QT tank is full!

My main tanks are a breeding colony of Corydoras pygmaeus, living with a group of seven otocinclus and at the moment, four pseudomugli luminatus that I traded some pygmies for, swapping with a local hobbyist. Love them, hoping to set them up in my harder water tank later and, fingers crossed, breed them!

Larger tank is a 36g that houses my cory gang - bronzes, 2 albino aeneus, six sterbai, and three juvenile black Venezuelan cories. There are also two L181 peppermint plecos, still not full size but growing, two platies, two elderly male guppies, and five elderly tetra of different species, the last remaining members of their schools from the tank I inherited. So it's a bit of a jumble, but it's moving closer towards the set ups I'd like them to be, slowly but surely! I decided the 36g was too small for the 15 cories plus the plecos I had, so I bought a 63g that's 120 by 40cm and the three Venezuelans... oops). Just cleaning it up now and repainting the back so I can get them transferred over.

Then there's the quarantine - I've been trying to sell off old tanks I don't use anymore, and spotted an ad from someone trying to sell their tank with fish, and the photo of the little cory broke my heart. Long story short, I didn't buy the tank but the stock is now in my 22g QT tank - three cories (possibly two C.leucomelas , one larger one not sure of species yet, hoping to get help IDing them!) one lonely otocinclus, a blue gourami and a six inch rainbow shark...

Before adopting them I checked that my LFS would be willing to take in the rainbow shark - I have too many small bottom dwellers to risk it. Now I'm not sure whether the blue gourami might be okay in my tank since I don't have many top dwellers, or if I'll need to take her to the store too. I *think* it's a female, but not experienced with gourami. Going to be a bit of a headache sorting them out, but I'm still glad I got them. The water they arrived in was yellow, and when I tested the nitrates the tube instantly went a deep red. Fish have coloured up a lot now they're in the QT tank and in clean water.

If anyone can ID or sex the fish in the photos, I'd really appreciate it!

I used a pen to measure, the shark is an easy six inches! I don't know whether male or female though.
C.leucomelas? A stressed and pale one, have more of an orange colour now, this photo was taken while acclimating so they were all pretty stressed out;

The one in the centre is a fair bit larger than the other two, I thought maybe a chunky female while the others were male, but a friend thought perhaps another species, suggested C. 102, and looking at the photos, the head shape does look different from the more snub-nosed smaller ones.

The blue gourami in the examination/acclimation tank so still pale, but dorsal looks short and rounded to me, any thoughts on M/F?

Sorry for photo quality, I was focusing on acclimating and settling them and I've never been much of a photographer! Hoping to get some clearer photos of them settled in the QT and looking happier!
Apr 2, 2002
New York
I recognize this name ;)

It is slower here than TFF, but there are some knowledgeable folks here.


AC Members
Aug 29, 2022
I recognize this name ;)

It is slower here than TFF, but there are some knowledgeable folks here.
I recognise your name too :D
I don't mind a slower pace! I still have so much to learn, the more people with knowledge and experience I can learn from, the better, so wanted to sign up here too. :) Really hoping to see NoodleCats NoodleCats too, I miss ya, Noodle! Hope your own cory gang are doing well! ?


AC Members
Feb 26, 2020
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My phone (Samsung 22)

I've missed you, how have you been?????

The gourami is female, and three spot gouramis appreciate groups of 6+, would suggest getting her some companions, try to keep 1-2 males and the rest female if possible. Expect some fighting the first few days as they sort out a pecking order and things will settle.

As for the cories...

The bigger one is corydoras leopardus, similar to c102 except the markings aren't as bold, thinner spots/reticulations than c102

The others aren't leucomelas though either.
The spot pattern forms a sloppy row down the lateral line of these fish, which is not consistent to leucomelas (the spotted cories are a pain in the behind), but look good for corydoras agassizii

Shark is probably Male, based off girth at that size, I've seen females at that size and they're chonkers.
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AC Members
Aug 29, 2022

I've missed you, how have you been?????

The gourami is female, and three spot gouramis appreciate groups of 6+, would suggest getting her some companions, try to keep 1-2 males and the rest female if possible. Expect some fighting the first few days as they sort out a pecking order and things will settle.

As for the cories...

The bigger one is corydoras leopardus, similar to c102 except the markings aren't as bold, thinner spots/reticulations than c102

The others aren't leucomelas though either.
The spot pattern forms a sloppy row down the lateral line of these fish, which is not consistent to leucomelas (the spotted cories are a pain in the behind), but look good for corydoras agassizii

Shark is probably Male, based off girth at that size, I've seen females at that size and they're chonkers.
GGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!! Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?? Our chats and all the help you've given me with cories and things!! My last bronze spawn was 120 odd wrigglers! Managed to get 74 to sellable size, and had to use a 57g tank as a grow out because there were so many! I've wanted to share each success and struggle with ya! But that's my bad for being so weird about joining new sites and social media, lol.

Wow, think you're right about the cories! DoubleDutch suggested the other species, but to be fair, the photos are terrible and the fish were stressed and washed out, poor loves. I'll definitely get clearer photos when I can so we (you, I have no idea!) can be sure of species. :D The person delivered them in white buckets and the water was yellow. I tested the nitrates and the tube instantly turned bright red! Haven't seen nitrates that high since I first took over dad's neglected tank.

I do like the blue gourami, but the plan for that tank was for the cory gang, plecs, and two schools of pseudomugli... couldn't keep the pseudos with a blue gourami, let alone several of them, so I think blue gourami girl will be going to the store with the rainbow shark I'm afraid. I just don't want to put my tank plans on hold for years while this fish might only be a couple of years old! The shop that's willing to take them is excellent though. Never seen a dead or diseased fish, beautiful healthy tanks, helpful and accurate advice - so I'm confident they'll find them both good homes! I've said that I'll keep them quarantined for a couple of weeks, get them used to good water, feed them up, let them de-stress before they have to move again, you know. I just want my small, peaceful fish in large school numbers ? but I really wanted to take in the cories and the solitary oto, thinking he can join my seven! Quite a big sub-species of oto too. Same size as the smaller cories.

Also, check out the black Venezuelans I got recently!

Third one wouldn't pose, lol. Staff in the store and I think i have two males and one female, they're still very young though and small, maybe 3-4 months old. I love them!


AC Members
Feb 26, 2020
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My phone (Samsung 22)
GGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!! Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?? Our chats and all the help you've given me with cories and things!! My last bronze spawn was 120 odd wrigglers! Managed to get 74 to sellable size, and had to use a 57g tank as a grow out because there were so many! I've wanted to share each success and struggle with ya! But that's my bad for being so weird about joining new sites and social media, lol.

Wow, think you're right about the cories! DoubleDutch suggested the other species, but to be fair, the photos are terrible and the fish were stressed and washed out, poor loves. I'll definitely get clearer photos when I can so we (you, I have no idea!) can be sure of species. :D The person delivered them in white buckets and the water was yellow. I tested the nitrates and the tube instantly turned bright red! Haven't seen nitrates that high since I first took over dad's neglected tank.

I do like the blue gourami, but the plan for that tank was for the cory gang, plecs, and two schools of pseudomugli... couldn't keep the pseudos with a blue gourami, let alone several of them, so I think blue gourami girl will be going to the store with the rainbow shark I'm afraid. I just don't want to put my tank plans on hold for years while this fish might only be a couple of years old! The shop that's willing to take them is excellent though. Never seen a dead or diseased fish, beautiful healthy tanks, helpful and accurate advice - so I'm confident they'll find them both good homes! I've said that I'll keep them quarantined for a couple of weeks, get them used to good water, feed them up, let them de-stress before they have to move again, you know. I just want my small, peaceful fish in large school numbers ? but I really wanted to take in the cories and the solitary oto, thinking he can join my seven! Quite a big sub-species of oto too. Same size as the smaller cories.

Also, check out the black Venezuelans I got recently!
View attachment 231595View attachment 231596

Third one wouldn't pose, lol. Staff in the store and I think i have two males and one female, they're still very young though and small, maybe 3-4 months old. I love them!
I love the black schultzei cories, they're almost velvety in appearance. Yours in the pic seem like a male and female, so fingers crossed. Keep in mind that these guys can and will hybridized with aeneus (bronze).

I'm not super confident on the agassizii identity, but based off those photos those would be my first guess, but definitely not leucomelas.

The leopardus, unless it colours up and all of those markings come out thicker, and the dorsal blotch gets larger, it's not c102. But both are beautiful (I've got a c102 myself, he's a very handsome cory)

Here is my c102 boy, Pingu

And my leucomelas, can see the spots are more random in pattern, they do not form a line. Nor does the dorsal patch match.

Here's my ambiacus, a lookalike for agassizii... except ambiacus the dorsal blotch doesn't extend the full fin length. Note the spots on the body form a disorganized line
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Dec 30, 2005
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Mr. Normal
Welcome to AC!
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Eheim User
Feb 9, 2005
Medina, Ohio
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Welcome to AC A Adorabelle !


AC Members
Aug 29, 2022
I love the black schultzei cories, they're almost velvety in appearance. Yours in the pic seem like a male and female, so fingers crossed. Keep in mind that these guys can and will hybridized with aeneus (bronze).

I'm not super confident on the agassizii identity, but based off those photos those would be my first guess, but definitely not leucomelas.

The leopardus, unless it colours up and all of those markings come out thicker, and the dorsal blotch gets larger, it's not c102. But both are beautiful (I've got a c102 myself, he's a very handsome cory)

Here is my c102 boy, Pingu
View attachment 231597

And my leucomelas, can see the spots are more random in pattern, they do not form a line. Nor does the dorsal patch match.
View attachment 231598

Here's my ambiacus, a lookalike for agassizii... except ambiacus the dorsal blotch doesn't extend the full fin length. Note the spots on the body form a disorganized line
View attachment 231599
You take such amazing photos!! Have missed seeing them, and the cory gang! Do you have a thread here that's up to date with your tanks and stocking? I need t check it out! Plus then I won't feel so weird that I have a group of 18 cories right now, soon to be 21 ?

I'm torn about the Venezuelan's potentially breeding with the aeneus - Seriously Fish is still classifying them as a colour morph of aeneus basically. At the moment they're still far too young to spawn, so would rather keep them with the others.. have thought that once they're mature I'll likely move the three black cories to a breeding tank to try to spawn them among themselves, and likely won't save the eggs if the bronzes spawn again, so no potential hybrids entering the hobby, you know? After the last huge bronze batch which I only finished rehoming a couple of weeks ago, I'm a bit burned out on raising cory fry at the moment! I'd like to spawn the psuedomugli luminatus next, if I can. ?

Then I might try to spawn the Steba's! They still haven't spawned for me, hmmpff! But, I haven't specifically tried to spawn them either. ?
See? You're right, the spotty ones are tricky, and I wouldn't have a clue if you weren't letting me know what they are! lol
Welcome to AC!
Welcome to AC A Adorabelle !
Thank you both so much! ☺