Can One- Hour Drips from paraguard treat fin rot?

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Jul 3, 2021
Recently, one of my guppies developed minor fin rot. I did a 20+% water change today, and I'm wondering if paraguard dips will help him get rid of the problem, along with daily water changes.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Generally the entrance for fin rot is a damaged fin. It may have been nopped or danaged another way. This can give an opening to fungal and/or, bacterial infections. My experience is bacteria is usually the start and fungus is a secondary infection. The dyying tissue goes white but if there is fungus a cottony growth may also be present.

The bacteria is the worse threat of the two. It is up to you to determine the cause of the rot and then medicate accordingly. Sometimes gungal infections respond to salt treatment. bacterial ones rarely do. You can also find medications that can treat both some bacterial infections and secondary fungal ones at the same time. Other brands may have two meds which can be used together. Fritz Mardel is an example.

Always follow the dosing directions when using meds. Rarely should one overdose meds but, for some species of fish, we may have to use a reduced dose. The directions will always tell us this.

Parafuard should help, however it needs to be dosed for 7 days or as a dip for an hour. A dip usually uses a higher dose of the medication but the a greatly shortened exposure time. A drip is not the way ro do a dip. Also, it is bad for inverts. If you have snails and/or shrimp you need to remove them or else move the fish to an H tank and treat it there.

Bacterial infection
Fins appear shredded, frayed, or decaying. Fin Rot is frequently mistaken for damage from fin-nipping fish. Contrary to the name, this is actually caused by bacteria, not fungus.

Suggested Treatment Period:
7 days or until infection clears

Special Considerations
Fin Rot is often found as a secondary infection (that’s an infection that started because the fish was already sick). Make sure to check for additional infections.


Remove all invertebrates from the tank as well as any chemical filtration. Use 5 mL (1 capful) of ParaGuard™ for every 40 L (10 US gallons). Repeat this dose daily as required as long as fish show no stress.

ParaGuard™ can also be used as a medicated dip. For 1 hour dips, use 3 mL per 4 L (1 US gallon) in a container separate from your main tank. Dips may be extended if the fish show no evidence of stress. Keep in mind that many diseases linger in the water as well as on the fish. Giving a fish a dip treatment does no good if they go right back into infected water.

This is a tank set up in order monitor and medicate new fish before they go into the main tank. ParaGuard™ is gentle enough to use prophylactically (without visible symptoms) if needed. Quarantine times vary, but we generally recommend 2 weeks of treatment with ParaGuard™ to clear out any possible external infections.

Sensitive Fish
Some fish are more sensitive to medications than others. Eels, loaches, rays, sharks, and many others are well known for their sensitivity to all kinds of medications. If you suspect that your fish may be sensitive to medications, it is just fine to start with a partial dose and build up to the full dose over several days.

Not recommended for reef aquaria.
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Apr 2, 2002
New York
I read your title which says DRIPS not DIPS. It does say dips on the text but I missed that difference, oops. Dips can work and SeaChem says so in their directions. Treating in a Q tanks also works. But the worry with anything bacterial is that it might spread. So you can start with a dip and see how it goes. You can do a Q tank for week with just the one fish. But monitor the other fish. If you start to see fin rot on other fish, you will have to treat the whole tank.

If you have inverts and need to treat the whole tank, look into API Fin & Body Cure. API says: "This product is safe for shrimps, snails and live plants."