Calling the loach specialists

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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
I found this beautiful Loach with my friends from the LFS, supposedly known as Geto Loach, but I'm not sure. I looked for information about this fish and I can't find anything in particular, although if you ask me, it is very similar to a Botia kubotai, so what do we have here? I know these fish do better in groups but there was only one available and I brought it with me, can one of you provide more information about this fish?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
They are often in mixed with b. kubotai, yoyo, histrionica shipments the last several years. So study the differences in those species at different ages. Just 1 alone might be aggressive & at up to 8 inches might cause trouble with smallish fish...Maybe even similar loaches would help with that...or he may just beat up the other loaches since he'll likely be always larger...hard to say...he will know he's different if you try that...

To me, looking at your pics, I'd focus on the yellow/gold body color (yoyos & histys are more creamy whitish) & the pattern of 2 rows of small dots with connecting lines. Kubotai (I think) have only 1 line of connecting along the lateral line as they grow & are also less yellow-y. Yoyos always (almost anyway) have a Y-dot (or circle) repeated pattern. It'll depend on the size of your fish & any similar loaches your lfs may get. I know you have friends with a lfs, maybe they can help. Histys (the only 1 of those species I've kept) are kind of in between all those at some sizes. More of a Y by the dosal fin but with a few lines instead dots or circles as in yoyos & no connecting lines as in kubs & rostratas.

I have seen botia "geto" refer to b. dario but that's definately NOT your fish. (gold & dark stripes only & much smaller with a different head shape)

A bit more info, but not pics Botia rostrata (Botia dayi) — Seriously Fish

What site is your preferred for loach ID? There's always loachfanatics FB page (run by mad duff formerly of lol). is pretty much dead these days :( , But Charles Koenig? still comes by once in a great while, he's very knowledgeable, I'm not sure he does FB...

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Wow, thanks fishorama, this is excellent information, you definitely have a lot of knowledge on loaches. My LFS does not have any similar specimen, the closest thing is a yoyo loach, besides that they have clown loaches and they only got three 'geto' loaches, I took the last one available, and since I saw it I knew that there was a special specimen here . I don't have any favorite sites for identifying loaches, but seriouslyfish is pretty good and always has great information. About my fish, his behavior makes me think that he feels quite comfortable, he rests in the holes in the logs and is fascinated by the sand, he is like a child playing in the mud, in the LFS he rested in an aquarium with gravel of granulometry huge, and I was quite nervous. Here I leave a photograph that I took a few minutes ago, the details of this beautiful specimen can be better appreciated.
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Well, Lalo, your last pic looks almost kubotai-like...BUT your fish has 2 lines of "connect the lines"...kubs eventually can get that's why I asked about the size of your loach...You might join the loachfanatics FB site & ask there. There are some more knowledgeable people there but be sure to mention your loach's size (2.5 or 3 inches?...this last pic looks more kubotai than your first...I'm no need more opinions
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Apr 2, 2002
New York
There is a great loach resource. it helps one identify species. Go here

The ID section is here

The reason I have a 150 gal with 12 clown loaches. the 4 largets are 10+ inches and the smalles are in the 3.5 to 4 inch range (sizes are TL). I started with my first clowns about 18 years ago. You can see the picture here

I think fishorama got it right from what I can see.

If you visit the site you should visit the clown loach page. They have some great pictures in cluding marge the clown loach who was known the world over. If you do visit. at the bottom of the clown page is a link to 4 pages of clown pictures. The one to which I lined above is just one of them. The person whose picture it is has a huge clown named Basil.