Am new & am interested in setting up at “Multifasciatus” or "Ocellatus gold" specific tank.

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AC Members
Oct 8, 2018
Bangalore, India
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Hi Folks,
Am pretty new to this hobby, just got into this last year. As of now I have 2 tanks.
Tank 1 - Community Tank - 28 gallon long
Tank 2 - Species Specific (Betta Splenden) - 8 gallon long

Now planning to go for the 3rd tank & this too I want it to be a species-specific tank, got interested with multi’s after reading a lot of material bout them. I have quite a few questions which I think lot of hobbyist here can help me out with. With the space constraint the best I can for is a 11 gal tank (16.5” x 13” x 12”). My thought is to have

- 2 male & 4 females
- Aqua Clear 30 power filter
- Fluval pre-filter sponge
- 2 inch of aquarium sand
- 22 to 24 giant escargot shells.
- Very few plants or nothing.

I want to know if am in the right direction or not. Point out wherever I am wrong or something needs to be changes or any hobbyist have suggestions/opinions as I just want to make it right as in India, we don’t have must hobbyist who are into Multifasciatus & Ocellatus gold, getting them is quite a challenge. I have few queries mentioned below for which I would like to get some clarity on. I have discussing the same set of questions in other forums & getting a lot of insight about how it all works.

- How much water change I need to do & how frequently ?
- Is a light algae growth "OK" with the Multi's/Ocellatus ?
- How does a plant help the multifasciatus/ocellatus specific tank ?
- Is is possible/good having 24 shells are more in a 10 gallon tank where my actual floor space is only 1.48 square feet ??
- Having a rock ... how does it help in controlling the pH ?

Help/Suggestion/Opinions appreciated in advance.
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AC Members
Oct 8, 2018
Bangalore, India
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Hi Folks (if anyone following this thread)
Here is a small update on my N. multifasciatus tank. Attached are some pics of the tank, I've decided that this will be my trial tank for the next 2 months. I would like to see how the progress goes with association with a Multi's & based on that I will be going in for 3 feet (long) tank for Multi' & a couple of ocellatus gold.

If all goes well I will go with a 36 x 13 x 12 (inches) tank by Oct 2019.

At present am doing a fishless cycling for the next 4 days & then have my multi's here in this tank.

Any suggestion/opinions are welcome.

N. multifasciatus-Trial Tank (1).jpg

N. multifasciatus-Trial Tank (6).jpg

N. multifasciatus-Trial Tank (5).jpg

N. multifasciatus-Trial Tank (4).jpg

N. multifasciatus-Trial Tank (3).jpg

N. multifasciatus-Trial Tank (2).jpg


Eheim User
Feb 9, 2005
Medina, Ohio
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How are you doing a fishless cycle? Usually it takes approximately 6 weeks to fully cycle unless using filter media from a long established aquarium. Some people do have good results using a bottled bacteria product though you need to follow the product instructions exactly.

The only way to verify the tank is cycled is to use an aquarium test kit and have zero ammonia, zero nitrite and some level of nitrate over zero.


AC Members
Oct 8, 2018
Bangalore, India
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How are you doing a fish less cycle? Usually it takes approximately 6 weeks to fully cycle unless using filter media from a long established aquarium. Some people do have good results using a bottled bacteria product though you need to follow the product instructions exactly.

The only way to verify the tank is cycled is to use an aquarium test kit and have zero ammonia, zero nitrite and some level of nitrate over zero.
Hi Dudley,
I have used the filter media from my 30 gal established tank, secondly I've also used "ProdBio Start Up" already. Secondly I've also got Seachem Stability with me which I might use. Finally I will always check my water parameters (API) before getting my live stock in.
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AC Members
Oct 8, 2018
Bangalore, India
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Hello all, here is a small update on my Multi's tank. I used the media of the tank there were quarantined, & the media of one my oldest matured tank to cycle. I released a fish y'day afternoon along with 4 liters of the water from their quarantined tank & by the look of it they are doing fine.

I have few question, they are still very skittish & when I try to drop their food they just get into their shells, dropped a couple of pellets but they never seems to eat which is on the bottom & I had to remove the uneaten food. However today morning I tried feeding them and they do feed on the pellets but not completely. Any solutions ??

Secondly kindly see the pic attached I see in the same these green/black patches, I presume this algae formed in the air pockets of the sand or am I wrong ??

Any suggestion/solutions.

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-04 at 9.14.49 AM(1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-04 at 9.14.49 AM.jpeg
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AC Members
Oct 8, 2018
Bangalore, India
Real Name
I've one more question, in order to ensure hardness & maintain pH I am supposed to use Cichlid Lake salt & Lake Tanganyika buffer. I have Seachem Tanganyika buffer with me but I don't have Seachem Cichlid Lake salt. They usually suggest that I have to use buffer after preferable after the addition of Seachem Cichlid Lake salt. My question is ...

Is it a "must & should" that we need to use Seachem Cichlid Lake salt only if I've to use Lake Tanganyika buffer or can I use API Epsom salt (which I have) before & use Lake Tanganyika buffer ??


resident boozehound
Staff member
Oct 20, 2005
South Windsor, CT
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Really, you need to get a test kit to check for general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH), as well as pH level, to understand if and how you need to be adjusting your water. What hardness and pH are you starting with? That will determine how much of what you need to add.

As far as the dark spots in the sand, it may be some sort of algae or it may be some sort of impurity in the sand reacting in the water. I have seen it often before using play sand and pool filter sand.

Give the fish a few days or weeks to get accustomed to their new home...I'm sure their appetites will grow as they become more comfortable in the new environment. Avoid the temptation to keep adding food to entice them to eat, it will only cause your water quality to deteriorate. If you see uneaten food gathering on the sand, vacuum it out and feed less. A healthy fish can go up to several weeks without eating, so as long as they are getting something they are likely perfectly fine.

The tank looks good!