What type of algae is this and how do I get rid of it? I have 2.5 W/gal of PC lighting (55W AHsupply kit) and pressurized CO2 at about 3 bps. The tank is filtered by a Penn Plax 700 canister and the anubias is almost in direct flow of the spray bar. I follow the Seachem liquid fertililzer dosing chart weekly but I do about a 45% water change every 7 days. The tank is slightly overstocked with 6 cardinal tetras, 7 harleys, 7 cherry barbs, 2 corys, 1 bolivian ram, about 12 cherry shrimp, and lots of MTS.
Any suggestions on how to get rid of the algae? Should I just cut the leaves off the anubias or spot treat them with excel?
Any suggestions on how to get rid of the algae? Should I just cut the leaves off the anubias or spot treat them with excel?