Adopted fish suggestions

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Registered Member
Aug 4, 2016
Centereach, NY
Hi all!

I'm a semi-newbie. For about the past year I've had a 5 gallon tank with a betta and a bristlenose pleco (temporary to eat the algae bloom, planned to get a larger tank for the pleco). That tank has a filter and heater and is fine.

I was looking for a larger tank on Craigslist and found a plea from a landlord whose previous tenants had abandoned their fish (new tenants didn't want them). I picked up the poor fish, which turned out to be a fairly large adult silver zebra angelfish and a solitary pink glofish tetra in a filthy 10 gallon tank. Previous owners don't seem to have actually done water changes, massive algae bloom, tank was sitting outdoors, and the bottom was covered in what looked like half a can of rotting tetra flakes. BLEAH.

ON THE PLUS SIDE despite the horrible conditions they were found in, both the tetra and the angelfish appear to be reasonably healthy. Angelfish does not have hole in the head disease and they are both fairly active... considering the tank size.

Right now the poor tetra seems to be trying to school with the angelfish, but the angelfish chases it off if it gets too close. I know the tetra needs at least 4-5 other tetras to school with.

I've done about 3 50% water changes since then and the water is finally clear, though the pH is still reading low. Yesterday, prior to the last water change, the tank was reading extremely high on ammonia.

I'm picking up a 29 gallon tank today for the angelfish and pleco and am wondering about a few things:

1) Assuming the tank has been up and cycling for a while (I think so) should I put the tetra and angelfish in there asap, or just the angelfish? How long should I wait?

2) Will the glofish tetra be happy schooling with other (non-glofish) tetras, or does it need more glofish?

3) How long should I keep the angelfish/tetra separate / quarantined from the pleco?

4) If I have a bristlenose pleco and an adult angelfish in the 29 gallon tank, is there room for a school of tetras, or should I just keep 5 tetras in the 10 gallon tank?

5) Would adding bacterial starter to either the 10 or 29 gallon tank be helpful at this point? I have been working on the ammonia problem with water changes.

6) Suggestions welcome regarding the 29 gallon & 10 gallon tanks.

Thanks all! I wasn't expecting these fish, but I didn't want them to be abandoned.



AC Members
Mar 17, 2016
I have some answers for you.
Question 1: You could put both in because, when a new tank is put up, you should only add 1-2 smallish fish.
Q. 2: I think you should do more glofish just to be on the safe side, he will be much happier with pals.
Q. 4 : You could put tetras in the ten gallon or leave them in the 29gal. Just try and keep six, maybe?


"With your powers combined . . ."
Sep 9, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Real Name
1) Assuming the tank has been up and cycling for a while (I think so) should I put the tetra and angelfish in there asap, or just the angelfish? How long should I wait?
- I wouldn't trust a used tank to be cycled. I would add some filter squeezings from your cycled 5 gallon to jump start the cycle on the 29 gallon. You could then move over both the angel and the tetra. But continue to monitor the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and change water accordingly. I wouldn't add new fish until the cycle establishes on this tank. You would essentially be doing a fish in cycle on the 29, but with how bad the 10 sounds you're essentially doing the same thing there as well. . . so I'd go for more space.

2) Will the glofish tetra be happy schooling with other (non-glofish) tetras, or does it need more glofish?
- Yes, they will school with other tetras, but it has to be the right species. The glo-tetra is the "black skirt" tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi).

3) How long should I keep the angelfish/tetra separate / quarantined from the pleco?
-At least two weeks should let you know if the fish have any bacterial or parasitic infections.

4) If I have a bristlenose pleco and an adult angelfish in the 29 gallon tank, is there room for a school of tetras, or should I just keep 5 tetras in the 10 gallon tank?
- The 10 will be MUCH too cramped for a school of black skirt/glo-tetras. In the 29 (IMO) the angel and the school of tetras, as well as the pleco would be fully stocked. You'll see what I mean when you have a full school of those tetras together, the really take up a lot of space and get fairly large for being a "smaller" tetra.

5) Would adding bacterial starter to either the 10 or 29 gallon tank be helpful at this point? I have been working on the ammonia problem with water changes.
- As I mentioned before, adding a filter squeezing from your established 5 gallon would give the cycle a jump start. I don't trust MOST brands of the bacterial starters, because who knows how long they've sat on the shelf and how they were handled during shipping. IMO its a waste of money. But filter squeezings are worth their weight in gold.

6) Suggestions welcome regarding the 29 gallon & 10 gallon tanks.
- Move the angel and the tetra to the 29, add filter squeezings while you do this. If its a used tank, buy all new filter media, don't trust the old one to be healthy.
Keep the 10 gallon as a quarantine tank to use while you stock the 29.
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