betta disease

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  1. H

    Betta Fish Death Diagnostic

    Betta Fish Death Hello, I would love some information on what the cause of my betta dying may have been. I had owned him for 3.5 years. and he was at least a year old when I bought him. I had him in a 15 gallon, filtered, heated tank. I exchanged about 24 cups of treated tap water a month...
  2. T

    Is my betta healthy?

    Hi! I am a new bett owner and this is the fish that i got just yesterday. I keep him in a 1.3 gallon bowl with a live plant, a heater, and a lid. I just want to make sure my new pet is healthy. I noticed that the tip of one of his fins is curled and it almost looks like there's a little knot there.
  3. C


    I have been reading and reading and reading, each and every person has something different to say. My betta has a bit of a tail biting issue there for it looks as though he is getting a bit of fin rot on this tail. I have asked several people on Facebook and I am getting all different answers. I...
  4. R

    Male betta fish with silver/ cloudy white looking jaw

    I adopted a red male betta fish from a cheap side road shop this year and he has gone through some tough times due too my lack of experience. He has jumped out of a bowl while I changed his tank and suffered a damaged fin. It has healed and he seems fine but about six months later, after leaving...
  5. PattyCakes81

    What is wrong with my betta, Merric? :'(

    Hi guys, :'( My betta fish Merric is not doing good. Dont know what is wrong with him. Suddenly today he started hanging out behind the intake tube. He's bloated, was more grayish and brown, tilting to the side, he's eyes were also popping out a little bit. Here's video Any help greatly...
  6. A

    Lazy Betta

    my betta fish is hanging around at the corner of the tank not moving. it started about 1 month ago and he will only move if i wobble the tank. he's hardly eating and his colours don't look as bright as they used to. please help! :(
  7. N

    Betta kept in terrible conditions: How can I get him better?

    I rescued a Betta today and when we took it out of the tank it was hiding in an ornament and we actually thought it was dead as it had apparently been in there since yesterday without moving. When I put it into a bucket it just laid there like nothing happened. When we got it home and put it in...
  8. S

    Emergency! Columnaris and Dropsy!

    So I posted about my betta awhile ago, and I didn't really get any useful information back...I had no idea what was wrong with him other than fin rot. I didn't think the white crust on his fin was columnaris because it wasn't fuzzy. It didn't look like the pictures. I treated him for fungus...