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Feb 26, 2020
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The tank scape itself hasnt changed much, but we have lost Puff the ranchu goldfish (tank pic was taken while he was still with us. He started developing one sided bloating and attempted treatment which wasn't enough unfortunately. I believe with him being blind there is a chance he ingested too much sand when looking for food on the bottom and caused a backup in his system, and fancies already are prone to swim bladder and dropsy problems. Or simply just bad luck it happened.

We did take in a new goldfish baby though, my son picked one out, a black Moore, but with less bulgy eyes and less curved spine. So looks like a poor example of the traditional Moore, but healthier features for a fancy goldfish. Kid named him or her Hammerhead.


Eheim User
Feb 9, 2005
Medina, Ohio
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Sorry for your loss of Puff the Ranchu!

Is the new black Moor going in this same tank? If so, how does it show up with the black background?


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Feb 26, 2020
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Sorry for your loss of Puff the Ranchu!

Is the new black Moor going in this same tank? If so, how does it show up with the black background?
He will be going into this tank, yes. He's got quite a gold sheen to him, so I'm hoping we will see him well that way.
The kid wanted a black goldfish, that's what he picked lol might just have a big black fish no one can readily see right away haha

Hes in quarantine right now, store had a few ich covered fish, so erring on side of caution though so far he's been clear. End of this week he should be ready to move in if he's all clear still by then
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Apr 2, 2002
New York
? A lot of folks would not make the effort to give and old, injured or permanently handicapped fish a decent quality of life for however long that is.

However, not all of the folks in the hobby have the available and appropriate tank space in order to do this.
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Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I tend to keep fish until they finally die too...unless they seem to be in pain, it's subjective. It also depends on whether I can catch them easily...

I hope the new moor does well for your kid. He looks to me like he might show up nicely under your leds but not so much when they're off...meh, none of them do then (in my very limited led experience, lol).

Good luck, Hammerhead! I hope he gets to move up to the big tank soon. Fingers crossed for QT health!
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Feb 26, 2020
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? A lot of folks would not make the effort to give and old, injured or permanently handicapped fish a decent quality of life for however long that is.

However, not all of the folks in the hobby have the available and appropriate tank space in order to do this.
I've got a soft spot for those who need some extra love :) have a few fish ive purposely purchased because they were missing eyes or such (I've got 3 cories who are each missing one eye). As for age, well, they're a pet, they get old. I dunno, even for fish to me it feels wrong to just not care once they get old too, they deserve dignity and a good life too.

I know many see goldfish as a throw away or a fish not worth keeping even among those in the hobby, but I really enjoy them and have been happy to be able to see them enjoy a proper home. They're quite personable and interactive. As much personality as an Oscar or other monster fish but without the attitude. Not a boring fish at all.

Mind you, I'd love 500 because theyre so cute, but my limit for the tank size is 3, theyre big waste producers and I think more than 3 would start to affect their quality of life as well. 3 keeps a good interaction among them and spreads out any bickering (Neowise and Spotty left are both male and they do have little harmless headbutt type spats here and there).

I tend to keep fish until they finally die too...unless they seem to be in pain, it's subjective. It also depends on whether I can catch them easily...

I hope the new moor does well for your kid. He looks to me like he might show up nicely under your leds but not so much when they're off...meh, none of them do then (in my very limited led experience, lol).

Good luck, Hammerhead! I hope he gets to move up to the big tank soon. Fingers crossed for QT health!
Me too. Theres times clove oil is necessary. Generally if there's a good chance of living a good life, I'll let them live it out, but if obviously suffering and not likely to recover or at least recover reasonably well, then clove oil is definitely something to consider. I do believe fish feel pain of some sort at least, if not the same pain we feel to things.
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Feb 26, 2020
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They beg for food so much


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I love the begging vid. I'm sure I've mentioned teaching our "common" pleco to "wink for a tabby" (or pellet or wafer bit). More of a both eye roll. It's a fun easy game I bet your son would like too. I'm sure you've seen the many fun "goldfish games" too...maybe not for your naturalistic tank. Our lovebirds also played basketball in a way; just a fun with pets thought ;) :) I know you have "tiels", I bet they'd like games too. OK, we never had kids...How lame were we? But it was fun!

My only time trying clove oil didn't work fast enough or well enough for me. It was quite distressing. Luckily I haven't needed to go there in a long time. Euthanasia is always a hard choice but necessary at times.