They take better pics than I can

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Apr 2, 2002
New York
I had a couple of buyers fly in from CO over the weekend to get some of my fish, they are both very accomplished photographers, one shoots pics for AMazonas, and the did some shots of my fish and tanks. I have seen a few and can reproduce them. They got a really nice shot of one of my super white L236.



Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
Great pic!


AC Members
Feb 26, 2020
Real Name
Camera Used
My phone (Samsung 22)
Very nice
Apr 2, 2002
New York
I tend to agree re female. I see not odontile growth along the flanks or by the gill plate. The tank is in spawning mode with one dad on eggs and the other on almost free swimmers. There are a bunch of recent fry as well.

Female Hypans, among others, will shelter in caves but rarely claim them the way males do.

One other comment re the above pic. They shot all the pics they took with their smart phones. One shot and the other shone a light.

My point and shoot can go manual. But the one feature I got was a hot flash that could fire a remote light. I never got the remote light set-up. (I do not want nor own a smart phone.)

They also took a pic of all three of us. They prominsed not to post it online for public viewing. I have access to a private gallery which is where the SW pic was.

I will make a confession. The older I get the harder i find it to master new technology. I have done just fine since I got my first PC in 1987 owning just a single device. This has finally changed. I now own a mac i thought I would migrate to instead of Windows 10. Do not like the Apple system at all and now it is mostly a paper weight. I upgraded to a new win 10 box this year. But I still have my old Win 7 box which is not connected to the net any more. So I have 3 devices but basically only use 1.

I cannot find new picture editing basic enough for my needs. They are all overly featured and this means so many icons i cannot figure things out. I have one I can use on the old Win 7 PC. I basically need to crop, sharpen, change the brightness and,or contrast and size/cropping of things, Sometimes I may rotate a pic. Pretty much anything after that is bloatware for me.

For this reason 99% of the best pictures and 100% of the vids of my fish or tanks were not taken by me :(


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
You know I'm with you in the lack of all things "techy" (at least I have W-10, lol)...but I'm not trying to sell expensive fish either...maybe your bro can help? Or a club /other friend? I've seen some of your pics, they're not bad in any way, except as you said, they could be better...for the breeding groups especially; the fry not as much. Can you set up a light on some kind of adjustable stand?

Tick, tick, tick...