Kuhli loach tank size

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AC Members
Dec 6, 2015
Could kuhli loaches be happy in a planted 10g if there is pretty much no other fish? A betta, kuhli loaches, and some snails. Why does no one like black kuhli? I tried to find them here once before and the fish store owners told me no one wants the black so they always get the striped.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
A 10g is pretty small for active 3-4 inch fish. I did it for a while but felt it was too small long term. They were young, smaller loaches that liked to hang out in plants at the top. That used to scare me! It got so I could even reach in without them moving.

I had both striped & black pangios. I'd had the striped for 4 or 5 years & they were more sedate, more people friendly. Then I added black ones that were much more active especially after water changes. I thought they might calm down & they did a bit, but even after a year or 2 I worried they'd "loachy dance" right out of a 40g long rimless. The 2 species did not hang out together much except at feeding time. So I'd say, based on fish I had, I prefer striped for looks & "personality" but enjoyed both. It's interesting your lfs said striped are more popular, I was told at a big box blacks are more hardy so that's what they get but never sell very well.

I don't think I'd keep them in less than a 20g long in a group of at least 6. I saw you have several tanks, could you move them if, like I did, you find a 10g too small? There are a few very small loaches that might work better in a 10g, I have/had rosy loaches & "Vietnamese multi-striped". Neither are super common but are available (or were) online or maybe lfs can order for you.


AC Members
Dec 6, 2015
Right now I am only putting together 10gallons because I have to use bottled water, I am low on cash, and I don't have all the aquarium stands I need. I plan a river tank either in my 30g or I might get something 4', I have a 40g breeder with cork back to create a moss wall that I plan to plant for either peaceful community or orange spot sunfish, and I want a couple 20g tanks. I'm not sure what I still have sitting around in my mom's barn. There might also be a 29g but I haven't planned for an area to put it. My in process aquarium room ended up gaining some rescue cockatiels and gerbils for now.


Josh Holloway--Be mine!!!
Sep 1, 2003
Calif. SF Bay area
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Where are you that you must use bottled water? What is wrong with the water?

I too agree, a 10gal is too small for Kuhlies.


AC Members
Dec 6, 2015
Everyone always wants to try and solve my water. My tap is 4-5ppm ammonia and some nitrate. We eventually are getting a house filter. The refill water from the grocery stores all tests a little ammonia as well but it can be used at least and I've been mixing spring water with it to recover some of the natural buffer and minerals that are lost to the filtration systems. I have seachem flourish and gh and kh adding products on order to improve the quality and stability of the water I can create from the refill water. On our tap water I have used 2 different API liquid test kits numerous times, tested before and after aeration of the water and treatment with prime, cycled several tanks that never could have fish because of what the nitrates became without adding any extra ammonia source beyond the tap water itself, tried zeolite, tried floating plants, and am currently experimenting with denitrification in porous materials like lava rock or a freshwater version of a DSB (marine deep sand bed) until we get a filtration system. I have discussed with API and seachem when questioning if I could be getting any false readings.


AC Members
Mar 17, 2016
Yes, I too agree that 10 gallons is too small for kuhlis. Even if it was a 10 long tank, the minimum tank size for kuhlis is 15 gallons. Also they like to be kept in groups of 5 minimum. But I can totally understand why you want kuhlis. I love them. ( soooooo cute! ) :)


Josh Holloway--Be mine!!!
Sep 1, 2003
Calif. SF Bay area
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Wow, sorry for your water problems :(