FW Fish Profiles

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AC Members
Feb 16, 2006
Sunderland UK
Datnioides microlepis

Scientific Name: Datnioides microlepis
Common Name: Indo Datnoid, Indo Tiger, IT.
Care Level: Moderate
Size: 18 inches
pH Range: 6.5-7.5
Temperature Range: 24-28 degrees Celsius (75-82° F)
Origin: Indonesia, plus the Kapuas basin in western Borneo and Musi basin in Sumatra.
Temperament: Can be aggressive toward others of the same species, they will usually be OK with other large fish, although this is not always the case.
Compatible Tankmates: Other large growing fish.
Diet: Carnivorous.
Tank Size for Adult: 180g.
Narrative: This species typically has 7 or 8 bars, including a curved bar through eye, three or four body bars (depending on location), and three tail stripes or bars. The first body bar typically extends through the operculum and crosses the ventral surface. Specimens from Sumatra generally have three body bars, all of which extend across the ventral surface, while specimens from Borneo generally have four body bars, which also cross the ventral surface. Partial bars are almost invariably absent. Branched dorsal rays 14-18; branched anal rays 9-11, usually 10. (Ref. Fishbase.org), (adapted by Jesse aka itchyophile)
A large tank with plenty open swimming space is required for D pulcher, although as this fish grows slowly a smaller tank can be used as a grow out. As these fish grow large a 6x2x2 tank is recommended but bigger is always better. A large amount of filtration and decent water change schedule is a must with these fish as they prefer good water quality. Feeding D pulcher when small and newly introduced to the aquarium can be a challenge and live foods may only be taken. Feeding habits can be changed, and with perseverance foods like prawn, whitebait (silversides), beef heart, earthworms and even pellets can be accepted and a varied diet is always best.


AC Members
Feb 11, 2007
Real Name
Rachel O'Leary
FW Fish Profile - Cryptoheros Sajica

Submitted by Snoopy65

Scientific Name:
Cryptoheros sajica (Archocentrus sajica)
Common Names: Sajica, T-Bar Cichlid
Care Level: Easy
Adult Size: 5"
pH Range: 7.2 - 7.8
Temperature Range: (F/C) 76 - 80F
Origin/Habitat: Costa Rica to Panama
Temperament/Behavior: Mildly Aggressive (Conspecific Aggressive)
Compatible Tank mates: Any fish less aggressive than a Jack Dempsey and won't fit in it's mouth.
Diet: Omnivore
Tank Size For Adult: 30 gal for a pair
Narrative: A relatively peaceful, smaller growing cichlid. Will do fine as an individual in community tanks, but if keeping more than one make sure they are an established pair as aggression can be an issue between Sajicas. Males will grow larger in size than the females, and become much stockier looking, by growing an impressive-looking forehead lump with dominance called a 'Nuchal' hump. A single or pair can be kept in a 30 gal (36" long) tank. Two pairs of this calmer, more peaceful cichlid can be stocked with confidence in minimum sized, four foot long aquariums. Be careful of stocking a spawning pair in community tanks! They are close cousins of the Convict Cichlid and are very protective - aggressive - parents. A six foot long tank is recommended as the minimum size for keeping this cichlid as spawning pairs, in 'mixed' species community tanks. Can be kept in semi-aggressive tanks. While these are peaceful by nature, they can hold there own with the more aggressive medium large SA/CA Cichlids so long as the tank mates are not large enough to simply swallow them. They can also be kept in a regular community tank as long as all inhabitants are large enough the Sajica can not swallow them whole.

References/Links: Cichlid Forum, Jeff Rapps.
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May 29, 2007
New Jersey
Real Name
Ember Tetra Profile


Scientific Name:
Hyphessobrycon amandae
Common Names: Ember Tetra, Fire Tetra
Care Level: Easy
Adult Size: .75 inch to 1 inch
pH Range: 6.5 – 7.3
Temperature Range: 73 – 84F
Origin/Habitat: Brazil
Temperament/Behavior: Peaceful, Shoaling
Compatible Tank mates: Small peaceful community fish
Diet: Omnivorous
Tank Size For Adult: 5 Gallon for 6

The Ember Tetra is one of the smallest fish available in the hobby, rarely reaching an inch, the males being less than one inch. (Care should be taken that these small fish do not get sucked into the filter intake, especially after lights out, and a prefilter should be installed.) They are a perfect peaceful addition to the community tank or the nano aquarium. For such a small fish they are very hardy and will settle well into a suitable aquarium after acclimation. Mature fish will become a bright orange color varying in shades from copper to orange-red. For best color the water should not be too hard or alkaline. Although their native habitat has very soft water they have adapted quite well to a wide range of water hardness (5-17 dGH).

Like other small tetras, these are shoaling fish so must be kept in a group of at least 6 to promote schooling and feel secure and comfortable. Ideally, they should be provided with some dense, live planted areas with some open water space for shoal swimming. These fish swim at the middle level of the aquarium. The Ember Tetra is a very peaceful species that won’t compete well with much larger tankmates. Larger fish like angelfish, discus or large gouramis would make a snack of these tiny fish. Ideally they can be kept with other quiet South American fish such as small tetras, pencil fish, Apistogramma dwarf cichlids, corydoras, otocinclus, small plecos, and some smaller cyprinids.

These fish are very greedy eaters but prefer to take the food as it starts sinking. Feed them with quality flake, shrimp pellets, microworms, shaved frozen blood worm, brine shrimp, and live white worms.

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May 29, 2007
New Jersey
Real Name
Danio margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)


Scientific Name:
Celestichthys margaritatus or Danio margaritatus (previous scientific name: Microrasbora Galaxy)
Common Names:Celestial Pearl Danio, Galaxy Rasbora, Fireworks Rasbora
Care Level: Easy
Adult Size: .75” – 1”
pH Range: 6.0 – 8.0
Temperature Range: 72-82F
Origin/Habitat: Myanmar
Temperament/Behavior: Peaceful community fish
Compatible Tank mates: Small peaceful community fish like other danios, white clouds, small tetras, cory cats, plecos, otos and rasboras
Diet: Omnivorous
Tank Size For Adult: 10 gallons for a group of 8

Celestial Pearl Danio’s (CPD’s) are considered to be a miniature species of danio, rarely exceeding 1” when full grown. They are very peaceful towards other species of fish but should be kept as a small shoal in a species only tank of its own so that it does not become a snack for larger fish. CPD’s do best in heavily planted tanks which include a lot of moss, some Malaysian driftwood and rocks for refuge. They prefer subdued lighting and a very gentle water flow. They are an extremely shy fish and are much less apt to be stressed when hiding places have been provided. CPD’s are best kept in groups and will exhibit schooling behavior occasionally, although they are not considered to be a true schooling species. Males can be observed sparring and flaring with each other from time to time, which may result in some minor damage or fraying of their fins. A well planted 10G tank is recommended if you intend to keep more than 1 male, and can easily support a group of 8 adults.

The water in their native habitat is reported to be moderately hard and slightly alkaline with a ph above 7.0 and temperatures in the mid 70’s. It appears the CPD’s are very adaptable and have been successfully kept and bred in both low ph (4.5-5.8) blackwater type tanks as well as higher ph (7.0-8.0) tanks with harder, more alkaline water.

CPD’s are not picky eaters but they do have very small stomachs and small mouths. Care should be taken not to overfeed them or feed them large foods. They are omnivores that will eat just about anything. Their diet should consist of some quality flakes (crushed), microworms, brine shrimp, micro pellets and they absolutely love frozen treats such as daphnia and shaved bloodworms.

Crushed flake food, brine shrimp, daphnia, tubiflex worms

Photo imported from aquariumwiki.com image gallery, Photo from Dyrego Zoo

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AC Members
Feb 11, 2007
Real Name
Rachel O'Leary
Glossolepis incisus

Submitted by BoCoMo
Scientific Name: Glossolepis incisus
Common Names:
Red Rainbowfish, Irian Jaya Rainbowfish, Salmon Red Rainbowfish
Care Level:
Adult Size:
4.5” to 5.0” (12cm +/-)
pH Range:
7.0 to 8.0
Temperature Range: (F/C)
Iran Jaya (Indonesia)
Peaceful/Schooling & Diurnal
Compatible Tank mates:
Other rainbows and peaceful to semi-aggressive fish
Omnivore – Flake food, insect larvae, bloodworms, shrimp
Tank Size For Adult:
30 gallon / 120 liter
This fish can be somewhat sensitive to water conditions but can even be a good fish for beginners. This fish really thrives in groups of five or more and is a beautiful addition to a community tank. Males are bright red to copper in color occasionally having a silver coloration towards the top. Females are silver to a yellowish-brown color. These fish also enjoy a planted tank with a large swimming area.


AC Members
Feb 11, 2007
Real Name
Rachel O'Leary
Chilatherina bleheri

Submitted by BoCoMo

Scientific Name: Chilatherina bleheri
Common Names:
Bleher's Rainbowfish
Care Level:
Adult Size:
4.5” to 5.0” (12cm +/-)
pH Range:
7.0 to 8.0
Temperature Range: (F/C)
Australia, Indonesia.
Peaceful/Schooling & Diurnal
Compatible Tank mates:
Other rainbows and peaceful to semi-aggressive fish
Carnivore but will accept omnivore type foods
Tank Size For Adult:
55 gallon / 200 liter (because of need of larger schools and swimming area)
. This is a fairly recently discovered and very attractive rainbow. This fish has bi-coloration similar to the more widely known Melanotaenia boesemani (Boseman’s Rainbowfish.) The back half of the fish is usually orange, pink or red in coloration with a front half that is usually a yellowish gold to a greenish blue.


Staff member
Dec 30, 2005
Real Name
Mr. Normal
Bedotia geayi

Submitted by BoCoMo

Scientific Name: Bedotia geayi
Common Names:
Zona, Madagascar Rainbowfish, Red Tailed Silverside
Care Level:
Adult Size:
4.5” to 5.2” (14cm +/-)
pH Range:
7.0 to 7.5
Temperature Range: (F/C)
Eastern Madagascar (Africa)
Peaceful/Schooling & Diurnal
Compatible Tank mates:
Other rainbows and peaceful to semi-aggressive fish
Omnivore – Flake food, small floating pellets, insects
Tank Size For Adult:
40 gallon / 150 liter
This fish can be somewhat sensitive to water conditions. Bedotia geayi can be a little nippy, both to smaller and top dwelling fish as well as to plants in the aquarium. This fish really thrives in groups of five or more and is a beautiful addition to a community tank. Males have bright red to orange fins. Females are less colorful and usually darker and smaller in size. These fish also enjoy a planted tank with a large swimming area.


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Dority’s Rainbowfish (Glossolepis dorityi)

Scientific Name: Glossolepis dorityi
Common Names: Dority’s Rainbowfish, Zig-Zag Rainbowfish
Care Level: Easy
Adult Size: 3.5” to 4.0” (10cm +/-)
pH Range: 6.5 to 7.8
Temperature Range: (F/C) 75-81F/24-27C
Origin/Habitat: Australia
Temperament/Behavior: Peaceful & Diurnal
Compatible Tank mates: Other peaceful fish
Diet: Omnivore – This fish feeds on mostly insects in the wild, but will gladly accept almost all prepared foods.
Tank Size For Adult: 30 gallon / 120 liter
Narrative: This fish has a densely planted natural habitat and will benefit from a heavily planted tank. Males are silver with multiple red zig-zag stripes running horizontally through their bodies. Females are mostly silver, and lack the males signature red colored stripes.

Submitted by BoCoMo.


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Lake Wanam Rainbowfish (Glossolepis wanamensis)

Scientific Name: Glossolepis wanamensis
Common Names: Lake Wanam Rainbowfish, Wanam Rainbowfish
Care Level: Easy
Adult Size: 4”+/- (10 cm +/-)
pH Range: 6.5 to 7.8
Temperature Range: (F/C) 75-81F/24-27C
Origin/Habitat: Australia / Lake
Temperament/Behavior: Peaceful / Diurnal
Compatible Tank mates: Other peaceful fish
Diet: Omnivore – This fish feeds on mostly insects in the wild, but will gladly accept almost all prepared foods.
Tank Size For Adult: 40 gallon / 150 liter
Narrative: Males have a very deep and beautiful green-blue metallic coloration and may have some reddish orange lines below the lateral lines. Females are less intense and more silvery in hue.

Submitted by BoCoMo.​


Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
Real Name
Threadfin Rainbowfish (Iriatherina werneri)

Scientific Name: Iriatherina werneri
Common Names: Featherfin Rainbowfish, Threadfin Rainbowfish
Care Level: Easy
Adult Size: 1.5” +/- (4 cm +/-)
pH Range: 6.0 to 8.0
Temperature Range: (F/C) 79-86F/26-30C
Origin/Habitat: Australia/River
Temperament/Behavior: Peaceful / Diurnal
Compatible Tank mates: Other peaceful fish
Diet: Carnivore - This fish will accept dry foods, but live foods are recommended. This fish has a smaller throat than it appears, care should be taken to ensure food pieces are small enough to be consumed.
Tank Size For Adult: 20 gallon / 80 liter
Narrative: While this fish can live in a wide pH range it prefers water that is slightly acidic and soft. This fish should also be kept in schools, preferably in a well planted tank. Males have thread like extensions on their second dorsal fins, caudal fin, and anal fin. These threads get longer as the fish gets older. Mature males may develop deep red coloration in these threads. Males are silvery iridescent in color, females are more dull in color and lack the males trademark fin extensions.

Submitted by BoCoMo.
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