My fish room

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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
First of all, I want to say that although this project also includes freshwater fish, mostly the topic here is saltwater, luckily I have been successful in quarantine and although I have advanced slowly with the purchase of fish I think I'm going for good track, my skills in handling QT tanks have improved and now I'm more confident, I have a lot to do in the following months, the update now is that my fish are thriving well in my main tank, a coral beauty angelfish and a blue damsel se you find there, I have a percula clownfish in QT and over time I have discarded some fish for some reasons, and finally they were not part of my project. Now I have several plans, I started last week to place things from the electrical network, quite simple but I no longer want more cables crossing in the room, I do not want extensions or hanging cables, I will put a photo of my final plan after creating a decent sketch, but my main objective is to make maintenance, water changes and ordering things easier, since no objects mix in the tanks, I currently have a 20 gallon QT tank and a 10 gallon QT tank, 65 gallon main tank and each has separate buckets and nets. I hope to move forward soon, surely with short but safe steps, and of course I will update here regularly, no matter how little or a lot of participation, the goal is to move forward and document.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
If it wasn't you Lalo, I may have skipped this, I'm not salty. I wish you good luck my friend. 2 QT is a very good idea whether salt or fresh. I've always hoped my husband would pick up the salt habit in retirement. I just want a pair of clownfish & an anemone...not yet, 8 years & waiting, lol.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (feliz navidad & feliz ano nuevo? That's just about all my Spanish, except for some food ;) I did try, lol)
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Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Hello fishorama, thanks for the good wishes, of course, I'm trying to manage the QT tanks separately for smaller fish, and a hospital tank is prepared in case anything goes wrong, fortunately it has not been the case yet and I hope it remains so. I must tell you that you should rush your husband because everything in saltwater is rapidly rising in price, both equipment and living organisms, if the prices were like when I started in the hobby I would probably already have the tank of my dreams, lol.
That is an excellent Spanish, thank you very much, Merry Christmas and I hope you have the best tonight in the company of your loved ones!


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I've been trying to "rush" him into salt for several years but not yet...

Thank you Lalo for your kind words on my very lesser Spanish, I had 1 year, maybe twice in school...with a lispy? Cuban teacher...1 of those regional things? Neither Mexican or Espana versions seems like what I learned...At least I can order food sometimes :)


Mar 29, 2005
Looking good sir!

Great job in having such great QT capabilities, and for the forethought if having seperate nets and buckets and such.

I'm not much of one for a dedicated fishroom any more, and we haven't bought fish in forever it seems. But if we were then chances are we would have a similar system in place; if we get fish now, they will likely go into an aquarium by themselves so the only reason for quarantine would be to make treatment easier

But bravo! Hopefully you get to use it on fish species you really want!

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
I've been trying to "rush" him into salt for several years but not yet...

Thank you Lalo for your kind words on my very lesser Spanish, I had 1 year, maybe twice in school...with a lispy? Cuban teacher...1 of those regional things? Neither Mexican or Espana versions seems like what I learned...At least I can order food sometimes :)
Sorry for the late reply, I'm on vacation and the family takes a lot of time, but I'm really enjoying it. I think it's time to rush your husband more, it will be fun to start such a project to help him and learn in the process.
They say that the most difficult language to learn is Spanish, so far we have Spanish classes in school, practically for several years, I think that can prove that if it's a very complicated language, lol.

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Looking good sir!

Great job in having such great QT capabilities, and for the forethought if having seperate nets and buckets and such.

I'm not much of one for a dedicated fishroom any more, and we haven't bought fish in forever it seems. But if we were then chances are we would have a similar system in place; if we get fish now, they will likely go into an aquarium by themselves so the only reason for quarantine would be to make treatment easier

But bravo! Hopefully you get to use it on fish species you really want!
Hello dougall, thank you very much for the good wishes, having a fish room has been something that I have wanted since I knew that this existed, hehe. Nothing fancy, just a space that allows me to facilitate work and order of things, roughly I plan the 3 or 4 QT tank system separately, my main 65 gallon tank and maybe a 40 gallon tank more, and a 15 gallon tank to start my adventure with corals, a lot to do but I'll take it easy. At the other end of the room (not very big) I still think about where I'm going to put my freshwater fish, I have a couple of options, they are currently in a 15 gallon tank, thank you very much again for the good wishes, more to come soon.

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Bad news on the last day of the year, my 10 gallon QT tank started leaking several days ago, I had a cortez damsel, and a percula clownfish, I passed them both to a 20 liter container while I was repairing my tank, so I did, I took the LFS and it was ready in 4 or 5 days, finally I put the fish in the tank again and added new water, but surprise !! my two fish died in less than a day, when doing the tests I found more than 0.50ppm of ammonia which does not make sense after adding new water, I must say that these fish were with Cupramine after I saw some signs of cryptocarion in my clown fish, they had been like this for 3 weeks, when they were put back in the tank the copper level had to drop considerably, the ammonia was controlled by itself, practically during the entire medication process, it just doesn't make sense to me, like this I added biological filter media to my main tank to see how much ammonia decreases in the following week, something else to consider is the still "white and cloudy" color of my water, often the water becomes like this after changes of water, but the water clears and becomes crystal clear in a few hours, this time it does not clear completely, my salinity is 1.020 and the ammonia was still 0.50 last night.

Lalo J.

AC Members
Mar 8, 2020
Good morning, happy new year to all, best wishes always and I hope you have received the year as a family and accompanied by your loved ones.
This update is about the fresh water plans, I currently have a 15 gallon tank with some corydoras and my kubotai loach (no longer seen hope it's still there) so I got 5 corydoras a couple weeks ago, 2 elegans corys, 1 paleatus cory and 2 golden lasser cory, these last two are my favorites, they have an incredible color and they are all a good size, I plan to get more freshwater fish but the space of the tank does not allow it, at least for the at the moment, I have a large container, I don't remember if it is 300 liters but somehow I could adapt it as a small pond and it would be inside the fish room, I just have no idea how to place it so that it looks good aesthetically, besides this, I'm considering adding indoor plants to this space, that means that the "pond" would be adorned with indoor plants around it, some small works with succulents and several pots with other plants, I love the gardener I was, and I'm somehow trying to incorporate all of that into this fish room.
Waiting for my vacations to end so that I can start planning everything, for now I continue to enjoy with the family, and I hope you do too, greetings.
