Guppy Grass???

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Here fishy fishy.....
Jul 3, 2006
Northern Virginia
Real Name
I went into a mom and pops fish store today and looked around. I was interested in acquiring plants for my freshwater tank. I heard that guppy grass was easy to take care of and that it would grow fast. I didn't see any signs for it in the store. So when I asked for some, this is what he gave me. Then charged me $10 for the bunch!!!!! Wow, I thought, expensive... What do you think? Is this guppy grass and was I charged correctly for it? I'm in the DC area if that makes a difference. I am also a very, very noobie in case you didn't know :)


Mar 29, 2005
I would say not guppy grass but hornwort.

Price really depends on the actual amount. If you don't have any other LFSs around,it not going to be comparable to too much.. it's probably about average for around here if you buy retail.

Local clubs can often be a cheap source.. you can frequently get clippings for free or a low price or they have auctions where you can get a bargain.

I spent about $16 at one of my local clubs this past weekend for 3 or 4 species of rare or undescribed plant.

Having a look through the AGA's links of aquarists and clubs might point you to something local to you.


Here fishy fishy.....
Jul 3, 2006
Northern Virginia
Real Name
I would say not guppy grass but hornwort.

Price really depends on the actual amount. If you don't have any other LFSs around,it not going to be comparable to too much.. it's probably about average for around here if you buy retail.

Local clubs can often be a cheap source.. you can frequently get clippings for free or a low price or they have auctions where you can get a bargain.

I spent about $16 at one of my local clubs this past weekend for 3 or 4 species of rare or undescribed plant.

Having a look through the AGA's links of aquarists and clubs might point you to something local to you.
Great! Thank you! The only other stores we have is Petsmart and Petco and they don't carry guppy grass. I'll have to order online smh...


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Ah, I see dougall has posted while I was slowly typing, lol. My updates:

Well, I belong to a plant club (as does dougall) & never pay anything for most plants. But even if you have to buy plants, that seems very expensive. Guppy grass is very (too) easy to grow. But, I'm not sure, but your plant looks more like hornwort (agreeing w/ dougall). Still probably should not cost $10. (I may be out of touch on market prices, I'm spoiled by my club, lol. dougall too, we love our clubs!)

There are probably fish clubs close to where you live. You might want to check into some. Most clubs have an auction at meets. You don't need to be a member to buy, only to sell. It can be fun to meet new fish nuts too. (Don't be shy! Ask what type of tank, fish & plants they keep. Most folks like to tell & probably show phone pics) I give away plants when I have extras...but I don't ship them. You don't have to go to every meet but it can be a fun day trip once in a while. You can also check out different restaurants nearby! Fish, plants & food! I'm in!

Tell us about your tank (size, light, etc) & we can likely advise you as to what plants might work for you. Some are very easy almost anyone can grow them. You can have a very nice looking tank with easy plants. & we can warn you off the difficult 1s.

Let us help you!


Here fishy fishy.....
Jul 3, 2006
Northern Virginia
Real Name
Ah, I see dougall has posted while I was slowly typing, lol. My updates:

Well, I belong to a plant club (as does dougall) & never pay anything for most plants. But even if you have to buy plants, that seems very expensive. Guppy grass is very (too) easy to grow. But, I'm not sure, but your plant looks more like hornwort (agreeing w/ dougall). Still probably should not cost $10. (I may be out of touch on market prices, I'm spoiled by my club, lol. dougall too, we love our clubs!)

There are probably fish clubs close to where you live. You might want to check into some. Most clubs have an auction at meets. You don't need to be a member to buy, only to sell. It can be fun to meet new fish nuts too. (Don't be shy! Ask what type of tank, fish & plants they keep. Most folks like to tell & probably show phone pics) I give away plants when I have extras...but I don't ship them. You don't have to go to every meet but it can be a fun day trip once in a while. You can also check out different restaurants nearby! Fish, plants & food! I'm in!

Tell us about your tank (size, light, etc) & we can likely advise you as to what plants might work for you. Some are very easy almost anyone can grow them. You can have a very nice looking tank with easy plants. & we can warn you off the difficult 1s.

Let us help you!
Thank you so much! Joining a local club sounds like a white lotta fun! Ok, well I'm just starting out again. In my 36g bowfront (is been running over 1 year), I have guppies, Swordtails, endlers, mystery snails, a Pleco, a male Betta, and 1 lost MTS. In there is a very bad, melting sword plant (I think Amazon?), and the "Hornwort". HOB TopFin filter, heater (78F), bubbler, LED lights that came with it and a cover. Gravel rocks and some decor.

In my 2.5g Hex (is been running for about a week. I used the 36g tank water to jump start), I have a female Betta and guppies, the Hornwort and some clover looking floating plants. Heater, 2 filters, bubbler and a cover.

Thank you for any and all help! It's much appreciated :)


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Can you post a pic? I'm fairly new to LEDs but some plants can handle even pretty low lights. Anubias, java fern or bucephalandra (several types of each) aren't even planted in the bottom but attached to wood or rocks with sewing thread or gel super glue. Cryptocorynes are 1 of my favs. They are planted in the substrate but would like a root tab fertilizer nearby. There are fewer stem plants & less ground covers that are easy...but there are a few...

What kind of pleco do you have? Some get big & will mow over lots of plants. Again, a pic can help us help you. Can you give us your bowfront dimensions? Some of will know it, I will not, not a tank shape I've kept.

Just me, but I don't like mosses much. They tend to attach to everything! & while fairly slow growing they need more "tending" than I want to give.


Mar 29, 2005
Your profile says VA.. I don't know if the DC area is travellable for you but there are 3 decent clubs there that might interest you.

CCA - Capital Cichlid Association (primarily cichlids)
PVAS - Potomac Valley Aquarium Society (all types of aquariums)
GWAPA - Greater Washington Aquarium Society (primarily plants)

I know there's one in Richmond, VA
JRAS - James River Aquarium Society - also general aquariums.

I'm not sure about anything further west in the state, but hopefully you can find something; it's often a lot more interesting to meet folks in person and they can give suggestions for local places to go/shop.

I'm personally a member of GWAPA, but there's lots of crossover between the 3 DC clubs and the folks down there are all great people.

And for ID purposes -

Hornwort - Ceratophyllum demersum -

Guppy grass - Najas guadalupensis -

My experience was that hornwort didn't do too well in soft water, and shed all it's needles and died off within 2-4 weeks in my aquarium if the pH was low.

But your experience may vary.

As for the sword, they are heavy root feeders and if it's a new aquarium it likely needs some sort of fertilization at its roots. Root tabs/capsules are the most common,you can DIY or buy from a store, just make sure they are complete and contain micro and macro nutrients and put a couple in the substrate by the roots of the sword (I would avoid the center right below the crown of the plant and try not to touch the roots if posdible)

But the best of luck with plants and all the fish.


Here fishy fishy.....
Jul 3, 2006
Northern Virginia
Real Name
Thank you for all your help. I'm half asleep right now but here's a pic of the 36g tank about 3 weeks ago. I just started the plants. I will take some more pics tomorrow of the plants and the 2.5g. Oops! Forgot, the bridge there is supposed to be moss covered coconut but I've had that for about 4 months and no growth 🤷‍♀️, oops, also I believe he's a clown Pleco... I've had him since the beginning and he's still small...
Last edited:


Here fishy fishy.....
Jul 3, 2006
Northern Virginia
Real Name
Your profile says VA.. I don't know if the DC area is travellable for you but there are 3 decent clubs there that might interest you.

CCA - Capital Cichlid Association (primarily cichlids)
PVAS - Potomac Valley Aquarium Society (all types of aquariums)
GWAPA - Greater Washington Aquarium Society (primarily plants)

I know there's one in Richmond, VA
JRAS - James River Aquarium Society - also general aquariums.

I'm not sure about anything further west in the state, but hopefully you can find something; it's often a lot more interesting to meet folks in person and they can give suggestions for local places to go/shop.

I'm personally a member of GWAPA, but there's lots of crossover between the 3 DC clubs and the folks down there are all great people.

And for ID purposes -

Hornwort - Ceratophyllum demersum -

Guppy grass - Najas guadalupensis -

My experience was that hornwort didn't do too well in soft water, and shed all it's needles and died off within 2-4 weeks in my aquarium if the pH was low.

But your experience may vary.

As for the sword, they are heavy root feeders and if it's a new aquarium it likely needs some sort of fertilization at its roots. Root tabs/capsules are the most common,you can DIY or buy from a store, just make sure they are complete and contain micro and macro nutrients and put a couple in the substrate by the roots of the sword (I would avoid the center right below the crown of the plant and try not to touch the roots if posdible)

But the best of luck with plants and all the fish.
Omg! Ok, so maybe not sword but java fern? O.M.G. I'll send pics tomorrow. I'm close to Quantico so the travel to Fairfax is okay for once a month :) Sounds like soooooo much fun! And you were spot on! Hornwort! Hopefully, mine will stay, it's close to 7.8 now, the PH. I have cuttlebone in the filter for the snails... Will definitely not do DIY, else EVERYTHING will perish...