What’s on my windelov fern

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Ah yes, the snail grow out tank, or jar in your case. We did it for our loaches & mostly ramshorn snails but pond snails too. We thought of them as "loach candy", you may think of them as what? Assassin appetizers?

Hard to guess size, but maybe a Barterii anubias? Do you feed the jar a tiny speck of food & change some water sometimes? I don't see any filtration or even bubbles so be kinda careful. Not that both anubias & snails aren't sturdy but there can be a cumulative effects. Your water looks nice & clean... but it's hard to tell by looking...you know, test once in a while to be sure, even if it's likely fine...


AC Members
Jul 31, 2022
Yeah each week when I do tests for my tank I check the jar too. Since my parameters are nice in my tank I use the old tank water to change 50% of the jar. So far so good. All parameters perfectly match the tank. I’m not sure if the snails can provide enough bioload to hold the cycle or if the seeded water is helping it along. I’m going to get an empty 10 gal from a friend this weekend that I’m gonna fill about 1/2 way for them. Mainly because it has a light. Right now the jar is on my kid’s bookshelf to use the reading light. Every time someone gets a book I have a mini panic attack envisioning snails and water everywhere. I already have a sponge filter So i just need to get a splitter for my air pump. Had one but it seems to have disappeared. I’ve been rotating some veggies and high protein flake. Got quite a big culture of infusoria started in there. Will grown fish eat that or just fry? I want to add some of the snails for my assassin but I’m scared to decrease the population yet. I have about 50 little speck snails just born. Figure it’s gonna take a bit of time still. 3E367E01-0E99-4A13-9E72-25751CE74120.jpegI’m pretty sure they are so small he must have ate the shell too. He rolled on his back and pulled it completely inside his shell. After a while he was done and went on about his business. Never saw the bladder snail shell again