Sciaenochromis fryeri

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Dec 8, 2020
I just turned 53, but I invested well and made a killing on one investment in particular. Thank God, actually. I didn't plan on this, I wanted to go until 62. But I've had no luck with finding a job, and even applied for several jobs just for insurance and was told I was over-qualified. This is actually a very bad age to get layed off. The reality is I'm too young to retire but too old to start a new career, and everybody knows it. On one hand I've been told I'm under-qualified, for stupid reasons, for jobs I'd have been hired for in a heartbeat ten years ago. On the other hand, I'm over-qualified for other jobs and won't find the job challenging, and therefore I need to find a job that is closer to my qualifications. Age isn't supposed to play a factor, you know, but when people see 29 years in my last job and all my experience, they can do the math and put me at least in my 50s. And nobody wants that guy unless they need that guy for a very specific reason. Not many folks looking for me as that specific guy.

Sorry, whined a bit. LOL. I hope you guys can get vaccinated before you have to mess with it. It is scary stuff. There's no rhyme or reason as to how bad it hits people. My wife and I are a perfect sample of that. I should have been the one who got really sick, not her.

LOL not whining, stating facts. I used to be in upper fast food management for 20 years. It was good money but long , not family friendly hours. So when my wife’s career took off, we decided that I should take something easier so I can be with the fam without constantly getting calls or having to solve a problem at all hours. So at first whenever I applied somewhere, they got big ideas about moving me up and saying no really meant no to the job I applied for. So I started understating my experience and that helped. I enjoy the gig work and it pays decent and best of all, I work for myself.
Ya that’s the scary part is there’s no knowing how it’s gonna effect any one person. I’ve had moments over the last year where I felt like taking my chances, but was smart enough not to act on it. We should be able to get our shot in the next month or so, hopefully. Never thought I would miss normal so much
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