My loach jumped out

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AC Members
Apr 18, 2019
My loach jumped out today and I didn’t notice. I thought he was hiding. After cleaning and changing my filter media I spilt some water behind my dresser so I moved it to clean it up. When I moved it I saw my loaches body there. I picked him up to decide what to do when he twitched. At this point he was pretty dry but I put him back into the water anyways. Sure enough after about 15 minutes he was holding himself upright and after about 45 he was swimming around. Now it’s been about 6 hours and he’s gotten his speed back. His breathing became less rapid and he’s finding his hiding spots again. Is there anything more I should do to help care for him? And how did he make it? Also he is a golden zebra loach


Josh Holloway--Be mine!!!
Sep 1, 2003
Calif. SF Bay area
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Loaches do not have scales, so easier for them to get fungus from wounds. Do not do anything yet, but I would keep an eye on him.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Wow! Cool! Lazarus should be "his" name, lol. Some loaches can produce a heavy slime coat to protect them for a short time.

Did it stink in an almost vomit inducing way? I've only smelled that with a dead clown loach, once.

I would do large water changes every couple days or as often as you can to get rid of any remaining slime, smell or bacteria.

How long had you kept it? Do you have other conspecific loaches (same species)? Many loaches need a "group" of 5 or 6 as a minimum.


AC Members
Apr 18, 2019
Wow! Cool! Lazarus should be "his" name, lol. Some loaches can produce a heavy slime coat to protect them for a short time.

Did it stink in an almost vomit inducing way? I've only smelled that with a dead clown loach, once.

I would do large water changes every couple days or as often as you can to get rid of any remaining slime, smell or bacteria.

How long had you kept it? Do you have other conspecific loaches (same species)? Many loaches need a "group" of 5 or 6 as a minimum.
He did have the heavy slime coat then that dried by the time I grabbed him while he was still a little weary I tried to gently rub the dust off of him. I guess you could say it was his first bath :D. He didn’t start stinking when I found him I didn’t even know I was looking for him. I thought he had just found a good hiding spot.
He lives in a community style tank with panda Cory’s but I don’t know if they really school up.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Many loaches have an "eye spine" in a channel below their eyes. When distressed they may flex them out. I've only seen that once or twice, ever. But it's not anything to be worry much about.

Keep up your water quality & we'll all hope for the best!

Good luck & keep us posted on it's recovery.