Show us YOUR goldfish! (A photo thread)

What types of goldfish do you keep?

  • Common/feeder

    Votes: 85 29.4%
  • Comet

    Votes: 88 30.4%
  • Shubunkin

    Votes: 56 19.4%
  • Oranda

    Votes: 94 32.5%
  • Moor/telescope

    Votes: 75 26.0%
  • Ranchu

    Votes: 29 10.0%
  • Ryukin

    Votes: 70 24.2%
  • Fantail

    Votes: 98 33.9%
  • Bubble-eye

    Votes: 15 5.2%
  • Celestial

    Votes: 8 2.8%
  • Wakin

    Votes: 7 2.4%
  • Watonai

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • Pearlscale

    Votes: 29 10.0%
  • Jikin

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Tosakin

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 27 9.3%

  • Total voters

I had a nice pic of Gloop put up here the other day, now for the rest of my little guys!
There is, of course, Augustus Gloop, the red and white oranda
Then there's Chancho, the bronze oranda.
And then there's my two comets-The one with the 'N' on his side is Neil and the black tipped tail is Dipper.

Here's my newest goldie, Punch! I shoulda named her Snail, cause that's what we went to the pet store for.
My boyfriend and I were gazing into tanks and pointed out this one with a black eye and said it looked like it'd been beat up with all those black and blue and pink markings.
I said I'd name it Punch if it was mine.
His reply? 'Punch is kind of growing on me.'
And then he bought her for me!
Thanks, love, you're the best!
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Sounds awesome. The Comet I've had for nearly a year is only 3-3.5" at this point. He went from a carnival fish (Ugh..) to a 2.5g bowl for two weeks or so with daily fin-level WCs, then to a 20L and now a 29g. A lot of reading you do on goldfish like comets, commons, etc, leads you to believe they grow like an Oscar. I feed mine quality flake-food, pellets and freeze-dried tubifex. My 29g barely shows any nitrates between weekly 50% WCs at this point with the comet and fancy in it. Water temp is basically room temp, which can range from the low 60F range to 80F in the summer. My point is, yours might take quite a while to outgrow your indoor setup!
It's weird. I have had a few goldfish, all commons, comets or shubunkins. Some grow fast, some not at all. I've had half inch fish hit 10" in a year, and I had 3 year old common who wasn't even 4". I think some of them have something wrong with them that keeps them from growing. The fancies are never supposed to get big, but last week someone on Craigslist not far from me was selling a pair o foot long bubble eyes. It is all very unpredictable.
It's weird. I have had a few goldfish, all commons, comets or shubunkins. Some grow fast, some not at all. I've had half inch fish hit 10" in a year, and I had 3 year old common who wasn't even 4". I think some of them have something wrong with them that keeps them from growing. The fancies are never supposed to get big, but last week someone on Craigslist not far from me was selling a pair o foot long bubble eyes. It is all very unpredictable.

Indeed it is! It's been about 2yrs now, but the comet I mentioned above has been in a 55g for this long and it's body is about 6" long. Probably a good 8-9" including fins. I've had various rescued fancies in with it, but lost 2 of 3. The fancy that remains has gotten quite big in 1.5yrs or so. So basically in this unheated, room temp 55g, I have one large comet, one fancy and 3 platys that have been in there about a year. Still no issues with nitrates between weekly 70-80% WCs, but I do have some pothos plant growing out of this tank to help a little with that.
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