Marineland HOT Magnum 250 for a 30 gallon?

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STL 350Z

AC Members
Jan 23, 2011
First off I'm new and been lurking around and signed up to ask a question about a filter. I am looking at the Marineland H.O.T Magnum 250 canister and I was wondering if this would be a good filter by itself for a 30 gallon fancy gold fish tank. Currently my 2 fancy's (black moor and an orange ryukin) that I've had for a year reside in a 15 gallon tank with 40 gallons of filtration (2 aqua tech 20gal filters) and the time has come for more room as they are getting big and need the room to swim. I have a new AquaClear 50 sitting around as a back up that was given to me but I have been wondering if I should bite the bullet and get a canister since my local fish store has the HOT canisters on every in house tank (I think they use the exact one I'm looking at) and their water looks invisible!

So currently I am just waiting to decide on a filter and decor as the 30 gallon tank and stand is sitting in my room waiting to be setup, cycled, tested and for its new roomies to move in.

Any and all opinions are welcome. :1zhelp:

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AC Members
Jun 2, 2009
The HOT magnum is an awesome filter. It does have a good bit of flow though. As long as the fish can deal with the flow...and you can play around with the nozzle to find a good position....Ithink it would be very good for a 30 goldfish tank!!

Couple of other things...I don't know much about goldfish except they aremess makers.But, I had an aquaclear 50 on my fairly heavily stocked 30 community and it did a good job. I ama fan of using what you have if it can do the job.Take everything out a put just sponges in it and I think you will be happy.

If you decide to buy the HOT...lookonline, even with shipping I almost guarantee you will come out better on price.

Also you could use some of your old substrate for a quicker cycle. I PUt large amounts into panty hose. Drop themin the new tank. Helps quickly establish your bacteria colony. I've done that or used cycled media from an existing filter and actually never had to wait for a tank to cycle.
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STL 350Z

AC Members
Jan 23, 2011
Sounds great! The two fancys I have don't really make much of a mess surprisingly, every now and then I do have to take a disposable cup and scoop out a string of floaty poo lol. I am going to keep my aqua clear as my backup cause you never know when a filter is gonna go Chernobyl on you. I've been reading reviews all over and I think I have decided to go with the marineland hot 250.

Does anyone know if you can run the filter with carbon, micro polishing filter and the media sleeve all together or is the polishing filter only able to be ran by itself?


AC Members
Jul 8, 2004
Yeadon, Pennsylvania USA
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Jeffrey Smith
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Olympus FE-370; Sony HDR-CX580
I am partial towards the AquaClear's, Fluval's, which are in the price range of the Magnums. Now if you have the funds get an Eheim 2217. A can not go wrong product. But if you are sold on the Magnum Then I would go with the bigger units.

STL 350Z

AC Members
Jan 23, 2011
Kinda on a budget right now and it seems like the 250 would do what I'm wanting it to do. I was looking at the Eheiem as well...

STL 350Z

AC Members
Jan 23, 2011
Looking at that as well BUT I got into it with PayPal not log ago about unauthorized access to my PayPal account where someone tried to scam me out of a dell computer. So I'm very scared to use PayPal now and would much rather buy from an online store.


I like fish
Jan 29, 2009
Tucson, AZ
ebay is usually no problem at all, especially if you buy from the buyer everyone here does. I think the sellers name is kool goods but I'm sure someone will verify.


USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
The MAG 250 for its size puts out allot of flow and only uses 8 Watts. The MAG 250 is great niche filter in that its great as a polisher when supporting a very high endurance/performance canister filter. Alone using polishing cartridges its not very enduring. But you can set it for for resonable polishing and good endurance which will out perform and run circles around any other HOB power-filter. See my MAG 250 mod here: