Black Moors Sleeping


Registered Member
Feb 26, 2020
I have 2 black moors Moe & Coe (my granddaughter named them) in a 20 gallon tank and they always seem to be sleeping, however when they do swim they look healthy and seem to be eating well. I bought a filter for a 40 gallon tank to ensure maximum filtering was taking place. I treat the water with Nutrafin Waste Control to assist with the organic waste. I have not noticed any color changes on either of them. For awhile I thought they maybe mating because they seem to love to cuddle but I don’t see any eggs but I am a novice when it comes to my tank. When I feed them they prefer to eat from the bottom of the tank rather than the top and this was from the time I brought them home from the store. I purchased several different types of food for variety as many sites suggest. Is there something I could add to their water that might help but wouldn’t hurt them if that was not an issue?

every now and then they seem to get these big bursts of energy but will always retreat back to the bottom. Just like Darth Vader another ladies black moor they prefer the one back corner of the tank.
I am hoping for any suggestions someone may have
These are a couple of pictures of Moe and Coe in case it helps with some answers. I should say the temperature of their tank is usually always in the middle of the green line of the thermometer



I would look into using some floating plants Giant duckweed is one of my favorites! Goldfish are super messy so.. water changes are going to be your worst pain. I did a quick google search on a care guide. Here is a link to help you if needed.
I would look into using some floating plants Giant duckweed is one of my favorites! Goldfish are super messy so.. water changes are going to be your worst pain. I did a quick google search on a care guide. Here is a link to help you if needed.
I don't think the OP is asking for this. The problem is that they seem sluggish which I think it might be also ammonia or nitrite poisoning.
Generally this suggests that they didn't cycle the tank at all.
I wonder what is their water change schedule.
New member here. My Black Moor was doing the same and I found that my PH was off the charts high. Since correcting that he's been a lot more active.