1 Goldfish in a 15 Gallon Tank

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AC Members
Apr 17, 2011
I just recently set up a 15 gallon tank that is currently in the process of a fishless cycle. My question is when it is done cycling, I would like to add a goldfish, but I'm not sure if I will be able to. I know that goldfish are social fish and usually like more than one, but I have read that you can have 1 goldfish in a 15-20 gallon tank. I currently have the tank set up so that there is plenty of swimming room and I have an AC 30 filter on there (I can add another filter if needed). So would it be possible to put a goldfish in this tank? And if so, which type of goldfish would be best? (For example, I know Orandas grow the largest, so I won't be getting 1 of those) Thanks!


AC Members
Aug 7, 2010
Far Northern WI
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Sorry but I wouldn't do it. Goldies are HUGE waste makers, and they really are social fish that thrive with buddies. Even non-oranda fancies will get too big for a 15gal and would probably be quickly stunted if you tried it. Honestly, after my own positive and negative experiences over the years, I will never put a goldfish in anything smaller than a 55gal. Though they can survive in smaller, once you see them swimming around a larger tank, you realize that's what they need to really thrive. They are visibly more active and colorful and it's fun to see several of them interact. It's just not fair for the goldfish to stick them in so small a tank. You have tons of other stocking options, though, and I'm sure you can make it a tank you will love. Perhaps consider a school of smaller fish for visual impact, or a brightly colored betta.


AC Members
Jul 3, 2010
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It's best to keep a school of them as that's how they are happiest. Imagine if you were to spend the rest
Of your life never being around another person.... Not much fun! Elinore is right, get a small schooling type of fish. Let us know what you decide to do :eek:)


AC Members
Sep 19, 2009
New Zealand
15 gal is smaller than ideal, and personally I would go with some smaller fish, BUT a fancy goldfish would survive in that size tank, probably for it's full normal lifespan. It might not grow to it's full size, but it wouldn't be stunted enough to cause it any serious harm either. Also it's going to take a year or two to grow to adult size, giving you plenty of time to upgrade. But one goldfish alone in a small tank isn't that exciting, for you OR the fish.

If you don't have a heater, White Cloud Minnows are a great small coldwater fish, you could keep a decent school of them, and they will probably even breed for you.



AC Members
Feb 24, 2010
Raleigh, NC
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Risigan Logendran
It is POSSIBLE, but not a good idea. It is kinda like keeping an oscar in a 55g instead of a 75g.


Mar 31, 2008
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The Silver Slanket
Under ideal conditions, goldfish breeders aim for about 1" of growth per month for the first few months of rearing. Young of the year fish topping out at 6 or 7" is not unheard of. Granted, that sort of growth requires the genetic potential as well as excellent care, but it gives you an idea of what these fish are capable of. A single adult goldfish in a 15 gallon is sketchily doable, but you'd probably get to the point where numerous water changes a week would be required to keep params in ranges that would be amenable to the goldfish. Remember that as water quality deteriorates, goldfish become susceptible to a variety of problems, and it can be very difficult to prevent fish kept in subpar conditions from developing "sbd" issues. Honestly, instead of trying to push to see how many you can keep properly and for how long, it'd be easier just to pick actually suitable fish for your setup from the outset.


AC Members
Apr 17, 2011
Well if thats the case, I do have a heater that I can use, so I will just make this tank into a tropical community of some sort or maybe a betta with a cory school or something. I appreciate all the quick responses and the help :) thanks!


AC Members
Aug 7, 2010
Far Northern WI
Real Name
Well if thats the case, I do have a heater that I can use, so I will just make this tank into a tropical community of some sort or maybe a betta with a cory school or something. I appreciate all the quick responses and the help :) thanks!
Great plan! Sounds like you are ready and willing to do the responsible thing and that's wonderful and rare. I'm sure we'd all love to hear what you end up doing! Best of luck :)


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
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I wouldn't keep a single fancy goldfish in anything under a 29 gallon tank, and single fancy goldfish just aren't much fun. They are social fish, who prefer to be in groups or at least have another goldfish to interact with. 55 gallons for two would be best, of course you could go larger (this would be ideal) but this would be the minimum for a duo. I have two black moors in a 55 and I wouldn't dream of giving them any less space ;) Ease of maintenance plays a big part in this also.

A 15 gallon tank is perfect for many tropical fish, I'm sure you can find something that would be pleasing to your eye :) I've got 6 rummynose and 6 glowlight tetras, plus 2 Briggs (mystery) snails in a 20 gallon long, and I really enjoy them!