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  1. M

    Hair Algae!

    Hello!! for the past few months, I’ve been having lots of trouble with hair algae growing all over my tank. It mostly grows on my plants, however does grow on my dragon stone as well. It grows really quick, the algae in the picture below is what grew back after I manually removed it yesterday...
  2. A

    Algae, help

    I have had this tank set up for almost a year, and within the last 2-3 months it has seen a major algae bloom. Does anyone know what type of algae this is and how to treat it? And is it deadly to other fish/animals? I am looking to add shrimp to the tank.
  3. R


    Hello everyone!, I’ve got a major issue I need help with. I recently scaped a 55 gallon and started some ground cover from seeds. Everything went well and had an awesome carpet going in 10 days. But the 11th day, I noticed a “spot” of something or other. Super hard to explain. I decided to fill...
  4. T

    Cloudy Water

    New to the aquarium scene for about a month and a half. I do regular partial water changes and this happened suddenly. Not sure if it’s algae or bacterial bloom. Any suggestions?
  5. HugoFish

    H2O2 has a problem!!

    BBA was getting a bit out of control so i decidet to try H2O2 for the first time in my tank.Removed all the fishes and applyed 15ml or 4 teaspoons for my 10gallon tank.The problem is that i waited 20 min and nothing happend , no bubbles nothing... Think that the problem must be the hydrogen...
  6. HugoFish

    Destroy BBA!

    Hi guys, the BBA is destroying my tank. it is all over my plants and I don't know how to stop it. I have reduced the lighting to 8 h per day but they still keep growing. I have watched videos that they mix H2O2 with seachem , but the problem is that I live in Albania, a place where you can only...
  7. F

    Algae removal

    Hello, I have a freshly cycled tank, it’s a 50 gal and planned for livebearers. It’s planted but is having a pretty rough algae problem with both diatomic algae and green thread algae. Since the tank is freshly cycled and I want plenty of room for the livebearers I’m looking for either a single...
  8. J

    Hair alagae on Java moss in upper tank

    Hi, I have a Nano with a nicrew led light which offers a medium light level. I've been having a problem with hair algae growing in my Java moss which is bound to a piece of driftwood which extends into the upper portion of the tank (to give a tree effect). The hair alage is pretty much only in...
  9. B

    Algae explosion from filter

    Hi all, I'm a first-time poster here. I had a small 20 gallon tank with a handful of fish several years ago, but am just now getting into the hobby with both feet. This weekend, I purchased a used 75 gallon system locally. Everything is in excellent condition, except the previous owner had...
  10. Spesh1969

    What kind of algae is this?

    I have a very new 5 gallon set up. I was able to get some filter media from a friends cycled tank and things are looking good from a cycling perspective. I'm at 0 for ammonia and nitrite and 5ppm for nitrate. I did a small water change yesterday and will test again today. I recently noticed...
  11. Its_my_puppys_tank

    Help Sexing giant albino suckered!

    I bought this tank off a friend just over a month ago because her brother did not want it anymore (yay for me)! Anyways part of the tank was a couple fish and one of them is this giant albino sucker... I think it is 5 years old or something. Anyways today I would like your help figuring out...
  12. H

    Newbie needs help!

    Hey all! First time posting, hope I do this okay and please forgive my complete cluelessness on the topic. :( Was not the plan to inherit this tank, but trying to do right by it and need assistance! I recently inherited a 10gal planted tank that doesn't seem to be doing so well. I've done some...
  13. chub04

    Feeding Hillstream Loaches with Goldfish

    Any suggestions on what I should be feeding my Hillstream Loaches that I have in my Goldfish tank? I've been feeding them Yams, I put a couple about half inch slices in there. For the most part the Goldfish leave the yams alone, only nipping at it every once in awhile, but I'm looking for more...
  14. F

    [URGENT] Algae problem

    Today I came home and found my pictus eating algae, he was flipped over and trying to get to the surface I think to breathe. I don't know what to do so for now we put him in a different tank (isolated) and it's very small. we try to keep him 1/2 in the water and 1/2 the time out. what should I...
  15. apastuszak

    Having a very odd Purigen problem with Algae

    Ok, 55 gallon freshwater tank with a Fluval 305 Canister Filter on it. In the filter I only use ceramic noodles for bioloigical filtration and purigen. I have 4 bags of Purigen. I have 2 in the filter and 2 on standby. The Purigen has been regenerated 3 times. So, here's the odd issue... I...