Also, is there another advantage to overflows other than hiding the equipment?
1) you can hide all equipment in the sump tank
2) because of #1 you dont have any wires/hoses going up behind your tank
3) extra water volume in your tank, you could easily build a sump that holds an extra 25-50 gallons of water or more.
4) you could make a refugium in the sump, you could put fry in there or snails, etc.
5) the water level in your tank will always remain full. evaporation will show in the sump tank - the water level in your sump will go down but not in your main tank
6) you can add medication, chemicals, fertilizers, whatever to the sump, without having to get into you main tank
7) you could plumb a drain line in for easy draining of you tank for water changes.
8) easier to alter the design later for your needs
9) allows you to do an open top tank without a bunch of stuff visible for those interested in open tops.
probably more, its late and I am tired.